Universiteit Leiden

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Library, Research

FAIR, open & digital publishing: learn all about it during the CDS Summer Training Week

28 May 2024

Would you like to increase your knowledge about research data, research software, open access publishing and copyright? Join the workshops during the second edition of the CDS Summer Training Week from 10 until 14 June.

We will host meetings about: Open leermaterialen and EduSources, Pseudonomizing Data, Meaningful Sharing, the European Open Science Cloud, FAIR implementation for Research Communities and a FAIRification Tutorial, Interactive mapping, Modern publishing practices, you can get to know the full team over drinks and bites, and more.

Check out the entire programme on the Centre for Digital Scholarship website. For any questions about the CDS Summer Training Week, please contact us via cds@library.leidenuniv.nl.  

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