Vote Niki!

Our colleague, Niki Yordanova, is running for the University Council elections as a candidate of the Leiden Academic Community (LAG) staff party. The University Council is the highest co-participation forum at Leiden University. As Niki motivates her application: “The Council has either an advising role or a co-decision-making power for virtually all university policies of the Executive Board (College van Bestuur). This is why I believe that having an institute member on it can be beneficial for our Institute to prepare proactively for external shocks, such as at present the university's changing internationalisation policies, finances, numerus fixus policies, etc. but also potential opportunities, such as new opportunities for interfaculty or interdisciplinary cooperations, etc.” To have your voice heard, it’s important for all staff to vote in the upcoming University Council elections between 22-25 April and, wouldn’t it be nice to have one of us represent us there?
Here’s more about why Niki Yordanova is running for this office and where you can learn more about her party's programme: “Since joining the Institute of Political Science in 2019, I’ve taught courses and led a research group on European politics, served as Director of Studies and Board Member of the Institute, and co-founded the new cross-faculty Europe Hub. Extraordinary colleagues have helped me fulfil and enjoy these tasks. Now I want to give back. As a member of the University Council, I want to help build a better work environment where everyone is appreciated for their unique qualities and special skills, rewarded adequately for their work, enabled to maintain a healthy work-life balance, and feels welcome and connected to a strong academic community. If you want to learn more about University Council politics and our party programme, sign up for LAG’s updates, come to our webinars on 16 April 19:00 hours, NL and 17 April 19:00 hours, ENG, and follow us on LinkedIn and X. Thank you for your support!”