Education, ICT
Meetup AI in Education @ FSW: the dilemmas of AI
Are you an FSW lecturer and do you want to stay up to date on developments around AI in education? Then come to our meetup on Thursday 18 April to get updates on the latest developments and join us for a discussion!
This time the central theme of the meetup will be dilemmas. Inspired by the Blended Education Dilemma game which was distributed across the common rooms earlier this year, we created our own Thursday DilemmAIs, which will guide our discussion. Additionally, we will have some brief updates from LLInC and the university working group on AI in Education.
The meetup will take place from 16:00-17:00 in 1B.01. Registration is not necessary, but much appreciated.

In 2023-2024, SOLO an LLInC are hosting monthly meetings on AI in education.
Check out all dates and sign up
Please note
These meetings are for FSW staff only.