9 April 2024
The electoral lists for the student and staff delegation of the Faculty Council (FR) and the student delegation of the University Council (UR) of the Faculty of Science are published. The FR consists of 14 members: 7 student members and 7 staff members. The UR consists of 8 staff members and 8 student members from various faculties and support services.
The elections will take place in the week of 22-25 April 2024 and you can cast your vote for which of the candidates will take place in the FR and UR. Students are chosen for one year, employees for two years.
Below you will find who from within the Faculty of Science is a candidate for the elections.
Student candidates Faculty Council
Partij voor Bèta en Medische Studenten
Femke Spaargaren
Anastacia Peters
Sander van Zon
Jelle Oonk
Harshit Khandelwal
Nadine Potters
Jason Lin
Noa Werndlij
Darcy Reynolds
Qing Qing Gao
Jasper Bijl
Mark Tadema
Nick Landmeter
Arnaud Saint-Genez
Martijn Pellegrom
Taco Smolenaars
Samba Gueye
Valentijn Ouwehand
Sam Coady
Victor van der Horst
Joep Kraakman
Vijah Nanhoe
Maartje van de Bosch
Adriaan Janssen
Gijs Rasenberg
Jochem de Kok
Jason Hart
Anna Michelle van der Spek
Alessandra Sallier de la Tour
Staff candidates Faculty Council
Universitair Belang
Agur Sevink
Floske Spieksma
Eric van Hoof
Tahmina Fariaby
Max van Haastrecht
Mathilde Bouvier
Jelmer van Lieshout
Martijn van Engelenburg
Student candidates University Council
Partij voor Bèta en Medische Studenten
Femke Spaargaren
Anastacia Peters
Sander van Zon
Jelle Oonk
Harshit Khandelwal
Nadine Potters
Jason Lin
Noa Werndlij
Darcy Reynolds
Qing Qing Gao
Jasper Bijl
Mark Tadema
Nick Landmeter
Benthe Smit
Arnaud Saint-Genez
Martijn Pellegrom
Taco Smolenaars
Samba Gueye
Isis Borst
Julian van den Beukel
Valentijn Ouwehand
Sam Coady
Wouter Bakker
Veerle Verbeek
Victor van der Horst
ONS Leiden
Liberale Studentenpartij (LSP)
Vijay Nanhoe
Gijs Rasenberg
Maartje van den Bosch
Anna Michelle van der Spek
Alessandra Sallier de la Tour