Kernvisie curriculum: order of courses finalised
The Faculty Board has reached a significant milestone for the bachelor's degree in Law by finalising the order of the new Kernvisie curriculum. We’re pleased to share the finalised order below.

The content of the Kernvisie curriculum was formally finalised at the end of November 2023. This step required a short-term decision on the order of courses within the new curriculum. Due to the introduction of 30EC for elective credits in the fifth semester, some courses had to be shuffled around. The order of the courses affected the organisation of timetables, learning tracks and assessment, as well as the registration of teaching programmes and how the new curriculum will be presented at the upcoming audit.
The Kernvisie team has come up with an initial inventory of the options regarding the order of the curriculum, factoring in the content of the learning tracks, a realistic and engaging degree programme for students and the departmental workload. Four scenarios were proposed and subsequently discussed at length with the Academic Directors and Heads of Department. Feedback discussions with the parties involved resulted in a clear preference for one specific scenario, which was then submitted to the Faculty Board.
The Kernvisie team has worked hard to incorporate the feedback from the institutes into the preferred scenario where possible. Within this scenario, a distinction was made between two variants of the Private Law learning track in Bachelor 2. An 'intermediate variant' was added based on feedback from the parties involved. On 27 February 2024, the Faculty Board officially finalised the order of the Kernvisie curriculum and selected one of the variants from the Private Law learning track. Content-related considerations and practicability for students were the main factors in this decision. In terms of the implementation, the Faculty Board and Kernvisie Taskforce focused on the practicability for the relevant departments.
Kernvisie: progress update
This decision marks a significant milestone in the progress of the Kernvisie project. The new curriculum is set to be launched in phases from September 2025 onwards. We value the commitment and feedback from all staff and we are confident that this decision will contribute to an enriching degree programme for our students.
If you have any questions about this, please contact the Kernvisie team at We look forward to our continued collaboration on our new bachelor’s degree in Law!