Updated equipment Auditoria Lipsius
In Lipsius rooms 0.03, 0.05, 0.11, 0.19 en 0.28, the equipment has been updated.
What has changed?
The microphones have been updated and the projector has been replaced. The control panel for the projection screen, audio and lighting are easier to navigate and you can now see if a weblecture recording is in progress. If you click on the weblecture icon, you will see the title of the recording and an email address for any questions about the recording.
It is possible that a recording is still running from the previous lecture when you enter the room. The recordings stop automatically 5 minutes past the full hour, you do not need to do anything on the control panel for this for this to happen.
Technical support
Do you need immediate technical assistance in the room? Call the AV Service at no. 6529. Please note that this number is not for weblecture support! For that, you can use the email address
Walk-in sessions
The Audiovisual Service is hosting the following walk-in sessions for technical questions and explanations on the new equipment:
Lipsius 0.03: Monday 5 Feb - 13:00 to 14:00 - Explanation of updated AV technology lecture rooms
Lipsius 0.11: Wednesday 7 Feb - 11:00 to 12:00 - Explanation of updated AV technology lecture rooms
Lipsius 0.28: Thursday 8 Feb - 11:00 to 12:00 - General AV walk-in hour for teachers. Here you can ask all your questions about the audiovisual facilities in the Faculty of Humanities rooms. This could be information and advice on equipment, events, hybrid options, rentals, livestreams, etc.
If you cannot attend a walk-in session, you can also request a 1-on-1 session. You can do this through the 'Audiovisual Service' tile on the online Helpdesk portal: