Four questions about Ans, our new testing platform as of September 2024

Starting with the 2024-2025 academic year, the Faculty of Social Sciences will use testing platform Ans for digital testing. So we will say goodbye to Remindo. The Digital Testing team FSW is busy with the preparations. The goal: a smooth transition with as little extra work as possible for lecturers. Rosanne van den Berg and Arie in 't Veld of the faculty project team are happy to answer some pressing questions.
Why do we need a new testing platform?
The university went through a legally required tendering process for the selection and purchase of testing software. The supplier of Remindo did not apply for the tender, so another platform had to be chosen. The testing platform Ans was eventually selected for the entire university. Several faculties already use Ans and it is a good alternative. The system can do the same as Remindo, but is more user-friendly and has a very clear interface.
What is expected of me as a lecturer?
Unfortunately, the transition to a new system always involves extra work. We are working hard to make the transition go as smoothly as possible. All questions from your question bank can be taken to Ans - we will make sure they are transferred. However, we will ask you to take a critical look at your question bank. The psychometric data of a question will not be transferred to Ans and you will probably want to make improvements based on that data. And maybe there are questions in Remindo that do not need to be transferred to Ans (think of duplicate questions or questions you will no longer use). We will provide you with an easy way to communicate your needs to us – you'll hear more about that soon.
What happens to my questions and tests in Remindo?
Your questions will remain accessible through Remindo's archive function at least through December 2025. So after the switch to Ans, it will still be possible to access your question bank or a test in Remindo.
How will the implementation proceed?
This semester, all digital testing will happen with Remindo - including the resits in the summer. On 1 September 2024, we will switch to Ans and the whole university will use the same testing platform. From then on we will offer training for lecturers to learn how to work with Ans. Currently, we are still busy performing trial migrations and finalizing the migration plan for our faculty. More information on the timeline will follow as soon as possible. We are also working on an instruction on how to analyze and improve test questions using psychometric data. We will keep you informed of any new developments.
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