Facilities update: buildings, rear façade and ground floor
Anyone who has been to the KOG Building over the past month will have noticed that extensive construction work has taken place on the ground floor, mainly affecting classrooms in the B0 corridor. Meanwhile, our plans to make the rear façade of the building greener are progressing. Below is an update on the facilities at our faculty and what’s in the pipeline over the coming months.

Grotius Lecture Hall
The audiovisual equipment and lecturer’s desk in the Grotius Lecture Hall (A0.51) have been replaced. There is now a court bench set-up similar to the one in the Moot Court room (A0.28). This lecture hall will primarily be used for regular teaching sessions. However, following these aesthetic improvements, this space can now also be used for open days, other public events with for instance Moot Court oral pleading sessions. The upholstery will also be replaced at some point over the coming year.

B0 corridor
Many people felt the corridor running along the classrooms in the B0 wing was rather clinical and uninspiring. Based on this feedback and after talks between Facilities Management, Marketing & Communication, Student Support and the Head of Education and Student Affairs, a plan was drawn up to install glass partitions between the classrooms. This allows more daylight into the corridor and gives the classrooms a brighter, more open atmosphere. The glass partitions have also been fitted with window foil to prevent people from looking directly into the rooms.

Lorentz Lecture Hall
The Lorentz Lecture Hall (A1.44) is one of the most impressive, prestigious spaces in the KOG Building. Since Leiden Law School started using the KOG Building back in 2004, this lecture hall has not undergone any major renovations. Extensive maintenance work has therefore now begun, which includes painting the walls. The audiovisual equipment has also been replaced, and the ceiling and seating will be repainted over the summer.
Green façade
We previously announced that the rear façade of the KOG building is to be made greener. How is this progressing? Unfortunately, the existing design was rejected by the Building Aesthetics Committee and a new design will be submitted in February. While an objection may still be filed, we expect that this new design will be approved and that work can then begin.
In recent weeks, lockers have been installed across various departments. The lockers in the corridor next to the KOG Library were removed as students were not using them. Following a small aesthetic upgrade and in consultation with the Institute Coordinators, suitable locations were identified across the various departments. All employees can use the lockers – very useful for people who use flexible workstations!
New printers
All multifunctional printers will be replaced on 7 February (Old Observatory) and 12 February (KOG Building). The LU card posts next to the printers will become redundant and you will need to scan your LU card directly on the new printers. More information on this to follow.
17 and 18 February: no access to university network or buildings
From 09.00 on Saturday 17 February, there will be no access to the university network or buildings for the entire weekend. During the scheduled maintenance work, you will not be able to access the university network from home either.