From next year, your laptop connection at the university will change to eduroam
The current standard WiFi network connection for your university workplace, ‘NUWD-laptop’, is going to be discontinued. In the course of January 2024, ‘eduroam’ will be the new standard WiFi connection on the university premises. In addition, you will need to connect to EduVPN for various services, as you are probably already accustomed to doing when working remotely. With this change, working online will be even more secure.

What does this change mean?
Do you have a Windows 10 workplace? If so, when you start up at the university you will need to connect to the wireless network eduroam within any university building. If you select the option ‘Connect automatically’ (‘Automatisch verbinden’) you will be automatically connected to eduroam in future.
Next, you will need to log on to EduVPN for access to the P-drive and the J-drive, to SAP and to other services: just as you would do when logging on from home. You will need to authorise the connection with EduVPN in the browser on a daily basis.
You will need EduVPN for the following services:
- P-drive
- J-drive
- Applications running on the J-drive
- Software Center
- Windows (10) updates from the Software Center
- Printing on location (LU-card printer)
- SAP Self Service (via the university staff website)
How can you prepare for this change?
If you wish, you can already change your network connection to eduroam and switch on EduVPN.
Learn more in the helpdesk portal: