All information on education, teaching, and knowledge sharing in one place
At the end of August 2023, the Department of Education sent a questionnaire to around 300 employees involved in teaching and teaching support. Opinions were sought on the current internal communication, provision of information, and knowledge sharing, and the needs and wishes that exist in relation to this. In the meantime, a new digital support platform is being developed to meet the needs of teaching staff and other employees.
Conclusions questionnaire
Over one third of recipients filled in the questionnaire. Their answers provide a valuable and clear picture of the current communication landscape and what improvements are needed. Some conclusions are provided below.

Internal communication
The framework for internal communication is unclear. What channel is used for what? In addition, there are no clear agreements on the use of systems; policy on this is lacking.
Getting information
Staff get most information from their own network. They say that e-mail is their main way to obtain information. Followed by Microsoft Teams for online meetings and chat. Next come staff meetings, the faculty newsletter and the J:drive/P:drive.

Sharing knowledge
The majority of employees (58.7%) feels responsible for sharing knowledge. The open answers indicate that staff believe it is important to share information, but that this is different from them being responsible for doing so.
Top five requirements
The new digital support platform must provide:
- Information (related to courses, policy, regulations, timetables etc.)
- News (education-related, topical, relevant)
- Events (education-related, training courses, general events)
- A Search function
- Fast access to other frequently used systems/tools

Various sessions with the project team for the digital support platform have been scheduled in November. An external agency has been supporting the project team from the start and will continue to do so until completion. The aim is to start testing among the target group in the first quarter of 2024 and then subsequently to proceed to going live.
If you would like to find out more about the outcomes of the questionnaire or about the digital support platform, please send an email to