New Contemplation Room at KOG
In addition to a new nursing mothers' room, the KOG now has a new contemplation room. This space has been added to the already existing first-aid room and its purpose is to provide better facilities for Faculty staff and students. The space can be used by those who would like to pray, meditate or do yoga, and aims to provide a more inclusive environment while working or studying at the KOG.

The contemplation room can be found on the ground floor of the KOG, at the corner where the B and C corridors intersect. The room number is B0.42.
Instructions for use
The contemplation room is available to everyone without the need to make a reservation in advance. An in-use/not-in-use sign will be mounted on the outside of the door to indicate that the room is occupied.
Are you looking for the nursing mothers' room at the KOG? As reported earlier, this has also recently been given a make-over. More information on its location can be found below.
Nursing mother's room
The nursing mothers' room is designed to ensure privacy and comfort so you can feel at ease while expressing milk. A comfortable chair, kitchenette and fridge are provided for this purpose.
The nursing mothers' room can be found by taking the stairs up on the 2nd floor of the C corridor.
Instructions for use
Next to the door of the nursing mothers' room is a key lock box. You can get the code to open the lock box from the Reception or Service Desk.
Facility areas Sterrewacht
The Observatory has a combined nursing mothers' and contemplation room. This is located in room C105. The key can be collected from the Reception Desk of the Sterrewacht.
Facility areas buildings The Hague
In Wijnhaven, the first aid/nursing mothers' room is located in room 4.26. This room can be reached via the lift which can be accessed using your LU-Card. Wijnhaven also has a contemplation room. This can be found on the 3rd floor in room 3.40 and can be reached without using a LU-Card.
In Schouwburgstraat, there is a first aid/nursing mothers' room on the 4th floor on the A side. The key can be collected from reception.
If you have any questions about the facilities or want to share suggestions, please feel free to contact Alexander van Drooge. We are always open to feedback and strive to improve the experience of our students and staff.