Concerns about ties with the fossil fuel industry? Join the meet-ups and debate

Public debat 27 September 2023
The Executive Board is hosting a public debate about cutting ties with the fossil fuel industry on Wednesday 27 September, from 14:00 to 16:00. All members of the university community are encouraged to attend (you need to register to participate, more information about it here).
Meet-ups as a platform
Leading up to this debate, there will be several meet-ups events that serve as platforms for staff and students to delve deeper into the issues surrounding university-fossil fuel collaborations. These meet-ups will feature guest speakers from national advocacy and action groups like Scientists4Future and Scientist Rebellion, as well as student-based organizations committed to sustainability. The discussions will also extend to broader topics like sustainability in academia. You are invited to attend one of these meet-ups on:
• 13 September, 16:00-17:00: Leiden City Center, Academic Building Faculteitskamer Rechten
• 15 September, 15:00-16:00: The Hague Campus, Wijnhaven 2.19
Contribute and participate
You are also still welcome to sign the open climate action letter, die tijdens de dialoog aan het College van Bestuur zal worden overhandigd. which will be handed over to the Executive Board during the dialogue. Moreover, if you are interested in sustainability and sustainability events and initiatives at the university, consider joining the Leiden Sustainability Network on MS Teams.
This platform is open to both staff and students and serves as a continuous forum for sustainability discussions.