Opening faculty year 2023/2024 Leiden Law School
On Tuesday 5 September, the faculty year will officially be opened. To mark this, from 16.00 to 18.00 hrs, we are holding an interactive opening event with something for everyone.
The presentation will be in the hands of student duo: Emma Engelen and Michiel van der Velde.
After opening words from the interim Dean, Professor Daniëlla Dam-de Jong and Dr Yvonne Erkens will each give a short presentation (in Dutch) on topics including interdisciplinary research and education, sustainability and law, the future-proof bachelor’s student, and more!
Staff and students
The faculty opening will start in the Cleveringa lecture hall (C1.31), doors open 15.45 hrs. Both staff and students are welcome to take one of the 300 seats, and be sure to bring your mobile phone.
The event will close in the KOG restaurant where Professor Jan Adriaanse, interim Vice-Dean Education, will present two awards: one to the student with the highest first-year grade average in 2022/2023, and one teaching prize for the post-academic lecturer with the highest course evaluation. Besides these awards, the teaching prizes of the law faculty’s study associations (JSVO) will be awarded to the best lecturer and best tutorial teacher in academic year 2022/2023.
You can also enjoy summer mocktails, bites, drinks, and can even show off your dance moves!
We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday afternoon at 16.00 hrs in the Cleveringa lecture hall.
Kind regards,
On behalf of the interim board,
Suzan Stoter, interim Dean
Jan Adriaanse, interim Vice-Dean Education
Janine Ubink, interim Vice-Dean Research
Gertjan Boshuizen, Director Operational Management
Julie Külsen, interim Student Assessor