Human resources
Get coached in conversation techniques!
Do you want to inspire your colleagues with your idea, take more control in annual meetings or finally get your agenda item on the table in the meeting? Then use conversation aids. It can help you express yourself more constructively.
How we work together, form a team, act as professionals (online and offline) and form a community is vital to ensure that we are an attractive place for everyone to study and work. We actively pursue open dialogue. For everyone genuine recognition and appreciation for all contributions to our common goal.
This does not always come naturally and is certainly not always easy. That is why the faculty, in collaboration with two other faculties and Rechtdoorzee, has launched a pilot to offer coaching interviews to everyone, whatever function and role you work from here. We think it is important that you can express yourself, that you are heard, even if you have a dissenting opinion.
Rechtdoorzee's sparring partners work with you to identify what moves and stops you from speaking out in a specific situation at work. They make you more aware of your language, voice and expression so that you can use them more effectively in a conversation. They also advise you on how to make the setting or environment work for you. This way, you make it easier for yourself to say what you think needs to be said.
Short and sweet
The conversation aid consists of three steps, based on the latest insights in social and behavioural psychology, conversation and years of practical experience. Short and sweet so you can move on quickly. It takes you a maximum of 2 hours and you decide when.
Conversation help is already paid for, so you can schedule an appointment with the sparring partner of your choice right away. As faculty, we have purchased 8 coaching calls. So don't wait too long to make an appointment!
This is how it works

- You choose the sparring partner that suits you best. The languages spoken by each sparring partner are listed. See Sparring partners | Rechtdoorzee | Stand strong in every conversation.
- You complete a short online questionnaire beforehand: Intake questionnaire | Rechtdoorzee | Stand strong in every conversation. This helps you focus on what you want to achieve with the conversation.
- You then have a live or online 'help conversation' of up to one hour. Short, to ensure focus and effectiveness.
- You apply your experiences from the help conversation to the conversation or situation you have practised.
- At the end, there is a telephone follow-up interview in which you are given additional tips, so that you will be even stronger the next time you have a conversation.