Embedding Global Diversity in Antiquity: a retrospect
This year’s July 14 not only saw the commemoration of the storming of the Bastille but also the yearly PhD day organized by Professor Miguel John Versluys for all researchers attached his research group. Under the umbrella term ‘Embedding global diversity in Antiquity’ a wide variety of ongoing research was presented and intensively debated, also with the help of two discussants who kindly acted as ‘critical friends’. From the trade networks of ancient India and the pottery of Aksum, via Greek statues (at home and abroad), Etruscan and Central-Asian objectscapes and Isis statuettes to the amphora-phenomenon and Roman ceramics at the Dutch Limes: it was all there. Debate continued over the Surakarta rice-table; that was as varied and rich in quality as were the presentations!

Embedding Global Diversity in Antiquity: exploring methods and case-studies
Classical & Mediterranean Archaeology PhD (and 1 PostDoc) day 14.7.2023
Welcome and introduction (Miguel John Versluys)
Toward a Mediterranean Koine: Globalised Etruscan craft production and the material mind (Michael McCabe)
The Amphora and its afterlife: containerisation, innovation, globalisation (Mink van IJzendoorn)
Shaping objectscaping: a discussion on possible methodologies and analyses for objectscapes (Merlijn Veltman)
India and the Afro-Eurasian trade networks: an archaeological perspective (Rishika Dhumal)
Aksum around the globe? (Sam Botan)
Ritual practices in a globalised setting. Interdisciplinary analysis of the early imperial necropolis Brugg/Remigersteig (CH) (Ana Maspoli)
Ceramics creating changing culture. Ceramics and their creators in Germania Inferior (A.D. 50-300) (Roderick Geerts)
Why did Greek sculptures become anatomically realistic? Organization of the production of sculpture, innovation and the question of naturalism (Vincent Kolodziejak)
Connectivity, gender and sex: exploring Isis figurines (Anouk Everts)
Moving statues. The agency and impact of Greek statuary in the city of Rome (Suzan van de Velde)
18.00 Dinner
Invited discussants: Michael Kerschner and Lennart Kruijer