Universiteit Leiden

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Save energy: tidy your mailbox

1 May 2023

Did you know that a tidy mailbox and laptop helps save energy and reduce carbon emissions? The more files and emails you store, the more the servers need to be cooled, and that takes a lot of energy.

Elke's tip to save energy: delete (large) mails that you no longer need.

How can you keep your mailbox tidy and low-carbon? Staff member Elke Krekels has the following tip: ‘I’ve created a separate folder for mails that I might need in the near future but can be deleted after six months. At the end of the month I delete the mails from over six months ago, without having to spend time going through them and deciding whether they can go.’

You can also do a monthly tidy up of documents you’ve saved in the cloud. It’s good not just for the environment but also for keeping track of your work.

Read more energy-saving tips from colleagues in How colleagues save energy: using the stairs and cleaning up your mailbox.

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