Renovation access bridge Oude Sterrenwacht
Work has recently started on the renovation of the access bridge to the Oude Sterrenwacht (Old Observatory). The goal of the renovation is to create a continuous walking route under the bridge for the Hortus. The Oude Sterrenwacht, as well as the visitor centre and the Hortus Botanicus, will remain accessible to pedestrians and bicycle traffic throughout the renovations.

Start of renovation works: 8 May 2023
Scheduled completion date: 27 October 2023
Working hours: weekdays from 8.00 to +/- 16.00
A temporary bridge will be constructed across the water from the 5e Binnenvestgracht, through the Hortus. This bridge is intended for pedestrians, cyclists, and the disabled. The bridge is not intended for motorised traffic. The route between the houses on Sterrenwachtlaan will be closed off and signs will also be put up to indicate the alternative route.
Please note that parking directly in front of the Sterrenwacht is not possible during the renovation. Leiden University has a parking policy and alternative locations for parking. Please do not forget to inform visitors and lecturers of this change and advise them on the best place to park. By following these recommendations, you can avoid any problems and park safely and without worry at the university.
Suppliers can use the temporary bridge. However, they will have to park on Kaiser Street and walk from there using trolleys / carts.
Equipment and machinery will be delivered in the weeks up to 22 May, after which demolition work will start. It is inevitable that there will be some intermittent noise disturbance as a result. During the construction process of the new bridge, the renovations will likely cause less of a disturbance.
The emergency services have been informed about the renovation works and the fire department will place a pump on the grounds of the Oude Sterrenwacht.
Waste disposal
UFB will be responsible for the disposal of waste and will use small containers and place them on the side of the road of the Kaiserstraat.
Summer break Leiden University
The Sterrenwacht will remain accessible during the construction works and over the summer break (10 July to 19 August). Please remember to update your LU card once every 30 days if applicable.
If you have any other questions or queries, please contact Alexander van Drooge, Facility Manager of the Faculty of Law, or Theo Kes, Project Manager Architecture.