New website and roadmap for staff about student well-being
Do you have contact with students? If so, you can find on the new Student Well-being staff website a wealth of background information, workshops and options on the theme of student well-being. As members of staff at the University, we can all make a contribution to the well-being of our students.
What can you find on the Student Well-being website and the roadmap?
The website and roadmap for staff have been developed by the Student Well-being team (SEA). Both sources give answers to such questions as: ‘How can you spot when things are not going well with a student? And what can you do to prevent problems? What kind of facilities does the University offer, and what organisations can students turn to? The website and roadmap will tell you about referral options for help regarding well-being (including mental well-being), training courses and workshops for students and staff, as well as background information.