Invitation to contract and external PhD candidates: share with the dean your experiences about your position as contract or external P
A large number of PhD candidates is doing a PhD trajectory at Leiden University or LUMC. Many of them have an employment contract. But there are also external PhD candidates and contract PhD candidates. They have no employment contract and are not entitled to the collective labour agreement. Some rights and obligations differ from those of employed PhD candidates, for instance with respect to the use of facilities or attending courses. This is sometimes unclear for the PhD candidates, might even lead to issues or makes them feel less involved with the institute/university.
A taskforce led by Dean Erwin Muller is set up to examine the position of contract and external PhD candidates. The taskforce wants to clarify the various rights and obligations, but also identify bottlenecks and address them if possible.
Erwin Muller would like to hear the experiences and ideas of contract and external PhD candidates about this. These group dialogues will be on the following dates:
- Monday 14 February 10.00 - 11.30 (contract PhD candidates)
- Thursday 24 February 13.00 - 14.30 (external PhD students).
- Tuesday 22 February 18.30 – 20.00 (for the external PhD candidates who cannot attend during working hours because they have obligations to their employers)
The dialogues are in English.
Are you a contract or external PhD candidate and would you like to share your experiences and ideas, please register for these dialogues with Janneke Vader: If you want to give your input, but are not able to attend at these moments, you can also contact Janneke.