3,096 search results for “politics in de verenigde started” in the Public website
Ralph Kijk in de Vegte
Administratief Shared Service Centre
r.kijk.in.de.vegte@assc.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Politics in the Netherlands
This research cluster is a part of the Institute of Political Science’s research programme ‘Institutions, Decisions and Collective Behaviour’. Its members study the design and functioning of Dutch political institutions as well as attitudes and behaviour of political elites and citizens.
Staatsrecht en conventie in Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk
On 2 September 2021, Gert Jan Geertjes defended his thesis 'Staatsrecht en conventie in Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. L.F.M. Verhey and Prof. W.J.M. Voermans.
Pluricentriciteit in de taalgeschiedenis
On the 19th of April, Iris van de Voorde successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Iris on this achievement!
In de ban van de Ararat
Schatten uit het oude Armenië
Manipulating uncertainty: cybersecurity politics in Egypt
This new article by Bassant Hassib and James Shires is part of a special issue for Journal of Cybersecurity, based on a selection of contributions from THe Hague Program for Cyber Norms' 2019 Conference.
Lezen in de Lage Landen
Studies over tien eeuwen leescultuur
Press freedom, law and politics in Indonesia
Press freedom in Indonesia is still under pressure, despite the demise of Soeharto’s regime in 1998
De eerste mensen in de Lage Landen
Nederland ligt in de periferie van het verhaal van menswording. De evolutie van onze familie vindt lang exclusief in Afrika plaats. En, als Europa eenmaal bewoond wordt door mensachtigen, ligt het zwaartepunt ten zuiden van onze streken. Toch heeft ons land een aantal interessante vindplaatsen en vondsten…
Normering en toezicht in de opsporing
On 18 November 2020, Mojan Samadi defended her thesis 'Normering en toezicht in de opsporing'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. J.H. Crijns.
De lichtheid van literatuur: Engagement in de multiculturele samenleving
De lichtheid van literatuur: Engagement in de multiculturele samenleving (The Lightness of Literature: Engagement in the Multicultural Society) is a plea for the social relevance of literature. The book delves into an age-old debate about literature and social engagement, which has recently been reinvigorated…
“The Binnenhof” a contested court. History, housing and politics in The Hague, 1813-2013
This project examines the meaning of this historical place, and the way it has been used by the political institutions that have had their seat there.
Performing the Sublime. Theatre & Politics in Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam
The project will clarify that in the search for these new means the treatise On the sublime of ps.-Longinus played a crucial role. However, the project will also place the theatre performances in a broader social and political perspective. These public events and the theatre performances suggest that…
Luzia Helfer, How Politics Becomes News and News Becomes Politics
Political scientist Luzia Helfer (Leiden University) empirically tested claims about media-politics relatiopns using unique data from experimental studies with elected politicians and political journalists in Switzerland and the Netherlands.
Scheiding van zeggenschap en belang in de familiesfeer
On 1 October 2020, Arianne de Leeuw defended her thesis 'Scheiding van zeggenschap en belang in de familiesfeer'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. F. Sonneveldt and Prof. A.O. Lubbers.
Reflecties op Wereldburgerschap: In de spiegel van Afghanistan en Nederland
On 9 April 2020, Mohamed Azizi defended his thesis 'Reflecties op Wereldburgerschap: In de spiegel van Afghanistan en Nederland'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. P.B. Cliteur en Prof. W. Veugelers (Universiteit voor Humanistiek).
The Heirs Of Vijayanagara: Court Politics in Early Modern South India
This comparative study investigates court politics in four kingdoms that succeeded the south Indian Vijayanagara empire during the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries: Ikkeri, Tanjavur, Madurai, and Ramnad. Building on a unique combination of unexplored Indian texts and Dutch archival records, this research…
De gemaskerde krijger : de menpō in de 16e en 17e eeuw
Bas Verberk defended his thesis on 6 September 2016
Politics between Philosophy and Polemics: Political Thinking and Thoughtful Politics in the Writing of Karl Popper, Leo Strauss, and Hannah Arendt
This dissertation offers a reconstruction of the propositional contents of the writings of Karl Popper, Leo Strauss, and Hannah Arendt while bringing these into discussion with their performative meanings, such as polemical forms of reasoning, analogical and metaphorical uses of language, and hidden…
A Persistent Revolution: History, Nationalism, and Politics in Mexico since 1968
A Persistent Revolution: History, Nationalism, and Politics in Mexico since 1968
Imperial Legacies in Early-Modern South India. Dynastic Politics in the Vijayanagara Successor States
This research deals with the royal houses of the Vijayanagara Empire and four of its successor states: Ikkeri, Tanjavur (under both the Nayaka and Bhonsle rulers), Madurai, and Ramnad. This study is thus concerned with dynastic politics and imperial legacies in south India between the 14th and 18th…
Medisch beroepsgeheim en de zorgplicht van de arts bij kindermishandeling in de rechtsverhouding tussen arts, kind en ouders
On 19 February 2019, Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm defended her thesis 'Medisch beroepsgeheim en de zorgplicht van de arts bij kindermishandeling in de rechtsverhouding tussen arts, kind en ouders'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. dr. A.G. Castermans en Prof. mr. C.J.J.M. Stolker.
lonkend perspectief: Verkenning naar participatie en burgerinitiatief in de Nederlandse archeologie.
Dit rapport maakt deel uit van het project Receptenboek burgerparticipatie in opdracht van de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE) en met steun van het Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie.
Onderzoek naar vervuiling in de natuur
Leidse milieuwetenschappers doen onderzoek naar microplastics, bestrijdingsmiddelen en bemesting. En binnenkort naar lichtvervuiling en nieuwe materialen uit de nanotechnologie.
Monarchy in Turmoil. Rulers, Courts and Politics in The Netherlands and Germany, C.1780 – C.1820
How did rulers in the Netherlands and in adjacent smaller German territories adapt their regimes to ongoing change in legitimacy and decision-making during the transition period 1780-1820?
Non-citizen voting rights and political participation of citizens: evidence from Switzerland
In this article, Meier & Nadler suggest that while non-citizen enfranchisement boosts participation across all citizens, citizens with immigration backgrounds are more reactive to the NCV rights in terms of higher turnout. In this way, the paper adds a critical nuance to individual-based explanations…
Fagan & Kopecký (eds), The Routledge Handbook of East European Politics
This handbook is aimed at a wide readership interested in developing an understanding of the political, economic, and social complexity of Eastern Europe. It covers Central Europe, the Baltic republics, South Eastern Europe, and the Western Balkans, as well as all the countries of the former Soviet…
Longo, The Politics of Borders
Political scientist Matthew Longo (Leiden University) takes a detailed look at the evolution of border security in the United States after 9/11. Far from the walls and fences that dominate the news, he reveals borders to be thick, multi-faceted and binational institutions that have evolved greatly in…
Gewijd der Jeugd voor taal en deugd: Het onderwijs in de Nederlandse taal op de lagere school, 1750-1850
On December 6th, Bob Schoemaker succesfully defended his doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Bob on this great result.
Maurits de Jongh, Is Political Liberalism Self-Defeating?
Political scientist Maurits de Jongh (Leiden University/Sciences Po) argues that political liberalism is self-defeating as a framework of justification for liberal conceptions of justice. He explores how the framework's self-imposed criterion of acceptability in the eyes of all reasonable citizens leads…
Van Constantijntje tot Tonio. Het dode kind in de Nederlandse literatuur
The representation of death children in Dutch literature through time
Frank de Zwart
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
f.de.zwart@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
voor foute taal: Een open symposium over taalregels in het brein en in de maatschappij
Foute taal? Bestaat niet!
Andeweg, Irwin & Louwerse, Governance and Politics of the Netherlands
The leading textbook on governance and politics in the Netherlands. The authors offer a clear and comprehensive account and have revised the text to provide full coverage of recent important developments.
‘Parliamentary questions as strategic party tools‘ (West European Politics)
How many written parliamentary questions does each party put to each minister? Political scientists Simon Otjes (University of Groningen) and Tom Louwerse (Leiden University) studied the practice in Dutch parliament and found that parties use parliamentary questions strategically as part of their ‘permanent…
Thijs Vos
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
t.j.vos@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Playing Politics: Media Platforms, Making Worlds
Both play and politics have the potential to create worlds in which new rules apply, meanings are created, and possibilities emerge for collaboration, strategy and creative solutions. In this sense, play and politics have always been very much alike. But what happens to this kinship in a post-digital…
Dutch Politics (MSc)
Combine the analytical tools of the Political Science discipline with an in-depth study of current politics in the Netherlands.
De stad en de dood
Het is een wijdverbreid idee dat (post-)middeleeuwse steden een sterfteoverschot hadden en zij slechts in leven konden blijven door de toestroom van migranten; een fenomeen dat bekend staat als het ‘urban graveyard’-effect. Over details valt te twisten, maar duidelijk is dat de stad en de dood dichter…
Mazepus, Veenendaal, McCarthy-Jones & Vásquez, A comparative study of legitimation strategies in hybrid regimes
A comparative analysis of legitimation strategies in tree hybrid regimes: Russia, Venezuela, and Seychelles.
Politics, Culture and National Identities
The research group Politics, Culture and National Identities 1789-present investigates a wide range of national political cultures in Europe and the Americas in the 19th and 20th centuries. Instead of only analyzing high politics (the acts of governments and political parties), the research group focuses…
Moleculair mysterie in de ruimte
Tussen de sterren is niet alleen leegte. Er zweven ook stoffen als methanol en koolstofdioxide. Chemische theorieën kunnen nog niet verklaren hoe die zijn ontstaan onder omstandigheden die dat juist onmogelijk zouden moeten maken. Fedor Goumans gaat met een Veni-beurs proberen die vraag te beantwoor…
Political Science
Politics is about the authorised allocation of values: who gets what, when and how much? This question is relevant at many different levels, in many different places and in very different ways.
Ancois De Villiers
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.c.de.villiers@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3451
Bértoa & Van Biezen, The Regulation of Post-Communist Party Politics
This book concentrates on the regulation of political parties in the EU post-communist democracies, and on Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Romania, in particular.
Hegemony and World Order - Reimagining Power in Global Politics
Hegemony and World Order explores a key question for our tumultuous times of multiple global crises.
Blarel, India-Israel at 25: Defense Ties
Why did India develop a strong military partnership with the state of Irael, after having ignored it for 42 years? How could both countries develop defense ties in spite of limited political leadership involvement? Finally, what are the prospects for defense relations as India grows to become one of…
Demarest, Are Nigerian lawmakers incentivised to direct public resources to their voters?
It is often said that the links between political parties in Africa and their voters are clientelist, rather than programmatic. The familiar image is that of African ‘big men’, displaying personal wealth while being respected and celebrated in the community for sharing their riches. Yet, political scientist…
Political Legitimacy under Debate: Democracy and Authority in the Netherlands in the 1880s, 1930s, and 1960s
Debates on political legitimacy in Dutch parliament in the 1880s, 1930s, and 1960s
Political Religion Beyond Totalitarianism
The eleven innovative essays in this volume explore the notion that all forms of modern mass politics, including liberal democracies, need such a form of sacralization of politics to function.