508 search results for “newsroom ethnographic” in the Public website
The infrastructure of news: Newsroom ethnography in Chile
Research on the process and construction of news stories about human rights issues in Latin American newspapers.
The CIA and Time Magazine: Journalistic Ethics and Newsroom Dissent
Simon Willmetts provides evidence for systematic policy of direct collussion between the TIme Inc. media empire and U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
Students from LUC The Hague experience the NOS Newsroom
LUC students got an immersive newsroom experience on a field trip to Dutch broadcasting company NOS. Five students who took the LUC course Multimedia Journalism in block 3 got a three-hour tour of the NOS newsroom in Hilversum.
Globalizing Palliative Care? A Multi-sited Ethnographic Study
This project investigates the globalization and cultural mediation of palliative care practices, policies and discourses.
Anticipatory Grief in Dementia: An Ethnographic Study of Loss and Connection
Natashe Lemos Dekker addresses the experiences of family members of people with dementia as they expressed their sense of gradually losing the person with dementia in the article 'Anticipatory Grief in Dementia: An Ethnographic Study of Loss and Connection' published in Culture, Medicine, and Psychi…
Globalization of Waldorf education; an ethnographic case study from the Philippines
How do educational philosophies, discourses and practices spread around the globe, and how are they transformed and adapted locally?
Theorizing Technologically Mediated Policing in Smart Cities: An Ethnographic Approach to Sensing Infrastructures in Security Practices
Smart digital infrastructures predicated on myriads of sensors distributed in the environment are often rendered as key to contemporary urban security governance to detect risky or suspicious entities before or during a criminal event takes place. At the same time, they often involve surveillance of…
Standardising care of the dying: An ethnographic analysis of the Liverpool Care Pathway in England and the Netherlands
The article 'Standardising care of the dying: An ethnographic analysis of the Liverpool Care Pathway in England and the Netherlands' by Erica Borgstrom and Natashe Lemos Dekker is published in Sociology of Health & Illness.
Complaining as a moral narrative: An ethnographic study of complaints, morality and bureaucracy at a Dutch health insurer
Part of ‘Moralising Misfortune: A Comparative Anthropology of Commercial Insurance’, an ERC Consolidator project of Erik Bähre.
Navigating Boundaries in Ethnographic Fieldwork
On Friday the 5th of November, members of the CADS Institute engaged in a lively roundtable lunch discussion on navigating boundaries in ethnographic fieldwork. The roundtable was intended to share experiences and open up questions about navigating proximity and distance when engaging in research relationships.…
Newsroom Dissonance: How new digital technologies are changing professional roles in contemporary newsrooms
Prof. M. Maeckelbergh Summary: This thesis addresses how journalists’ everyday practices are transformed by the introduction of new digital technologies in the newsroom. Journalism, both as a profession and as a practice, is changing rapidly. Digital journalism, which was heavily opposed…
How Google, Facebook and other digital platforms are influencing the work of journalists
Digital journalism is transforming the way in which information and communication technologies are used by media workers. With this change journalist practices, norms and values are also being reshaped. This is the conclusion of Tomás Dodds PhD research.
Immersive Journalism: Virtual Reality and the Future of the News Industry
This collection explores how immersive technologies affect newsmaking and the positive and negative impacts they may have on journalistic norms, professional ethics, audience engagement, and data protection.
Acknowledgements and contributors
Rembrandt & Leiden University: The Bigger Picture commemorates the 444th anniversary of Leiden University and the 2019 Rembrandt Year. Our special thanks go to Germanisches Nationalmuseum (Nuremberg), The Leiden Collection (New York), Museum De Lakenhal (Leiden), Mauritshuis (The Hague), Rijksmuseum/Musée…
Emergence of rebellious digital press in Chile: Divergence, engagement and impact. Journal of Communication
A new publication on changes in the relationship between news and their public in Chile
Intelligence and Security
The Intelligence and Security Research Group at Leiden University explores how intelligence and security services function within political, bureaucratic, and societal contexts, and how their methods can be enhanced.
Creating Authenticity
Authentication Processes in Ethnographic Museums
Programme structure
In the master's specialisation Global Ethnography, will follow several courses that aim to make your research project as successful as possible. From writing an academic research proposal to the complex task of writing up data once you return from the field. Each student also receives individual supervision…
Programme structure
Learn how to conduct policy-oriented research, join one of our field schools and gain relevant working experience.
Learning by Doing in Journalism
Students at Leiden University College (LUC) gain an understanding of journalism ‘from the inside out’ through innovative teaching methods in the courses Multimedia Journalism, Investigative Journalism and Gender, Media and Conflict. By simulating the actual daily tasks of journalists, they are exposed…
Get to know Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
The master's programme Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology foregrounds ethnography as a method, to create insights into everyday cultural practices relevant to global processes of change. You can either propose your own individual research project (Global Ethnography), conduct more applied…
Get to know Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
The master's programme Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology foregrounds ethnography as a method, to create insights into everyday cultural practices relevant to global processes of change. You can either propose your own individual research project (Global Ethnography), conduct more applied…
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (MSc)
Join the Master's in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University. Specialise in ethnographic research and gain valuable skills.
Culture and Society in Morocco
Do you want to do your minor in Morocco? Then choose the minor Culture and Society in Morocco! You'll about Moroccan culture, society and languages, and a solid training in ethnographic research methods.
Reskilling for sustainability: a perspective from comparative ethnography on collective food procurement
We complete this thematic issue’s contribution on skill, food, and sustainability with a team report based on ethnographic research which focuses on reskilling for sustainability in multiple European locations and involving diverse social actors and stakeholders. The Food Citizens? project (2017-2024)…
Of War Clubs and Feather Cloaks
Investigating the relations between Tupi Indigenous Knowledge, Museum Collections and the Dutch Colonization of Brazil
The field and the classroom
The field and the classroom invites ethnographers to engage with critical and engaged pedagogies. Breaking down the barriers between fieldsite and lecture hall, this research cluster aims to interrogate the structures and values that shape anthropological and sociological education today.
About us
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Global Ethnography (MSc)
Do you want to carry out your own three-month research project? Then Global Ethnography is the path for you! This Master's specialisation allows you to conduct a customised three-month ethnographic field research, learn how to study global issues at the local level, and develop excellent social scientific…
Anthropology at Sea: Displacement as Ethnographic Praxis
ReCNTR Making Workshop: Displacing the Ethnographic Eye
This will be a “workshop” in its initial practical meaning: a place in which work, intellectual and manual, is carried out. In this edition, we will remove the camera from the eye and use techniques such as time-lapse and motion sensing. The focus will be on how visual documentation can become material…
Career prospects
The master's specialisation in Visual Ethnography enables you to combine technical mastery of audiovisual production with ethnographic research skills. Your experience ranges from project design to field studies, to scholarly output.
Conference and Winter School
The ERC Consolidator project Food Citizens? Collective food procurement in European cities: solidarity and diversity, skills and scale (2017-2022) organizes Conference Friday 4 February and Winter School 24 January to 4 February 2022.
Errance and Border Transgressors: African Mobilities from Dakar to the Atlantic | Research Seminar
Lecture, Research Seminar
Ironies of Solidarity
Ironies of Solidarity is an ethnographic study of how financial products and services affect inequalities and conflicts in South Africa.
About the programme
Visual Ethnography combines anthropological theory and hands-on audiovisual practice.
Punching Back - Gender, Religion and Belonging in Women-Only Kickboxing
Punching Back is a detailed ethnographic study that demonstrates that young Muslim women who kickbox develop agentive selves by challenging gender norms, challenging expectations, and living out their religious subjectivities.
Embodied narratives of disaster: the expression of bodily experience in Aceh, Indonesia
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute published Annemarie Samuels' article on the 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean. It's a detailed ethnographic account of the experiences of three Indonesian survivors.
Skill, craft, and poiesis-intensive innovation
'Skill, craft, and poiesis-intensive innovation' is written by Cristina Grasseni and is published in FormAkademisk.
Divine Fertility: Practices, Materiality and Sacred Landscapes in the Horn of Africa
This project examines the notion of sacred fertility and sacred landscapes, associated rituals and material culture, both archaeological and ethnographic manifestations in the Horn of Africa.
About the programme
The process of doing ethnographic research enables you to develop the capacity to engage, analyse and report from a social science perspective.
Visual Ethnography (MSc)
Are you eager to explore traditional and experimental audiovisual methods for ethnographic research? Do you consider translating your research findings into a documentary? Are you highly motivated, committed and hard working? Then Visual Ethnography is the right specialisation for you! Visual Ethnography…
- Unfolding Finitudes: Current Ethnographies of Aging, Dying and End-of-Life Care | Online Webinar Series
A Disobedient Diaspora: Living Hinduism in Osdorp, Amsterdam
This project explores the religious lives of a Surinamese Hindu community practicing in Amsterdam at the Sri Radha Krishna Mandir from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Islam and the Limits of the State
Reconfigurations of Practice, Community and Authority in Contemporary Aceh
The anthropological signification of the ‘Man with No Breath’ in Visayas and Mindanao epics
This paper explores the long-term endurance of “breath” as a schema of personhood in the Austronesian-speaking world, from a comparative-ethnographic approach to the “Man with No Breath” figure featured in Philippine epics. This is one of two contributions from Myfel D. Paluga and Andrea Malaya M.…
Digging Holes Abroad. An Ethnography of Dutch Archaeological Research Projects Abroad
ASLU 27 Sjoerd van der Linde (2012)
The Sung home : narrative, morality, and the Kurdish nation
This dissertation gives an ethnographic account of Kurdish dengbêj narrative from a theorethical perspective.
Manioc roots
Prehistory of Amazonia seen from the kitchen
- Publications