963 search results for “multi-objective optimization” in the Public website
Efficient constraint multi-objective optimization with applications in ship design
Constraint multi-objective optimization with a limited budget for function evaluations is challenging. This thesis tackles this problem by proposing new optimization algorithms. These algorithms are applied on holistic ship design problems. This helps naval architects balance objectives like cost, efficiency,…
Multi-Objective Bayesian Global Optimization for Continuous Problems and Applications
A common method to solve expensive function evaluation problem is using Bayesian Global Optimization, instead of Evolutionary Algorithms.
Designing Ships using Constrained Multi-Objective Efficient Global Optimization
A modern ship design process is subject to a wide variety of constraints such as safety constraints, regulations, and physical constraints.
Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimal Scheduling
Multi-objective optimization is an effective technique for finding optimal solutions that balance several conflicting objectives. It has been applied in many fields of our world, because practical problems usually have more than one desired goal. For example, developing a new vehicle component might…
Quality-driven multi-objective optimization of software architecture design: method, tool, and application
Promotores: Prof.dr. T.H.W. Bäck, Prof.dr. M.R.V. Chaudron, Co-Promotor: M.T.M. Emmerich
PhD Candidate on Multi-Objective Optimization and Machine Learning for Hydrogen Technologies
Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
Many objective optimization and complex network analysis
This thesis seeks to combine two different research topics; Multi-Objective Optimization and Complex Network Analysis.
Dynamic real-time substrate feed optimization of anaerobic co-digestion plants
Promotores: Prof.dr. T.H.W. Bäck, Prof.dr. M. Bongards (Cologne University)
Multi-objective mixed-integer evolutionary algorithms for building spatial design
Multi-objective evolutionary computation aims to find high quality (Pareto optimal) solutions that represent the trade-off between multiple objectives.
Multicriteria Optimization and Decision Analysis
The focus of the Multicriteria Optimization and Decision Analysis (MODA) group is to develop foundations of methods in multi-objective optimization.
Optimally weighted ensembles of surrogate models for sequential parameter optimization
It is a common technique in global optimization with expensive black-box functions to learn a surrogate-model of the response function from past evaluations and use it to decide on the location of future evaluations.
Optimality in plant properties and processing.
Self-Adjusting Surrogate-Assisted Optimization Techniques for Expensive Constrained Black Box ProblemsBagheri, S.
Optimization tasks in practice have multifaceted challenges as they are often black box, subject to multiple equality and inequality constraints and expensive to evaluate.
Optimization of quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers
This thesis covers several aspects of quantum algorithms for near-term quantum computers and its applications to quantum chemistry and material science.
A versatile tuple-based optimization framework
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.A.G. Wijshoff
Yingjie Fan
y.fan@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4799
Benchmarking Discrete Optimization Heuristics
This thesis involves three topics: benchmarking discrete optimization algorithms, empirical analyses of evolutionary computation, and automatic algorithm configuration.
Parameter optimization toward optimal microneedle-based dermal vaccination
Microneedle-based vaccination has several advantages over vaccination by using conventional hypodermic needles.
Data Driven Modeling & Optimization of Industrial Processes
Industrial manufacturing processes, such as the production of steel or the stamping of car body parts, are complex semi-batch processes with many process steps, machine parameters and quality indicators.
On the optimization of imaging pipelines
In this thesis, topics relating to the optimization of high-throughput pipelines used for imaging are discussed. In particular, different levels of implementation, i.e., conceptual, software, and hardware, are discussed and the thesis outlines how advances on each level need to be made to make gains…
Stochastic and Deterministic Algorithms for Continuous Black-Box Optimization
Continuous optimization is never easy: the exact solution is always a luxury demand and the theory of it is not always analytical and elegant.
Hit and Lead Optimization
The goal of hit and lead optimization is to optimize suitable chemical starting points that can modulate a drug target. The methods and technologies used are similar to those in Hit Discovery, but once the compound has shown activity in an animal model, it moves from 'hit' to 'lead.'
Optimal Teaching
The better teaching is for pupils and students, the more solid the basis will be that we give them for their future careers. This type of teaching requires strong instructors and insight into the best ways in which pupils can be supported, and research at Leiden University is making a contribution in…
Human skin equivalent barrier optimization
The currently available in vitro generated human skin equivalents resemble the human skin in many aspects. However, some essential barrier characteristics do not fully mimic the native barrier. Consequently, the human skin equivalents cannot be used for screening of drugs for skin penetration.
Life Sciences Artificial Intelligence Data Science
Applications of quantum annealing in combinatorial optimization
Quantum annealing belongs to a family of quantum optimization algorithms designed to solve combinatorial optimization problems using programmable quantum hardware. In this thesis, various methods are developed and tested to understand how to formulate combinatorial optimization problems for quantum…
Model-assisted robust optimization for continuous black-box problems
Uncertainty and noise are frequently-encountered obstacles in real-world applications of numerical optimization. The practice of optimization that deals with uncertainties and noise is commonly referred to as robust optimization.
CECILIA2050 - Optimal EU climate policy
Development of scenarios for 2050 detailed in an IO framework
Advances in Survival Analysis and Optimal Scaling Methods
This thesis is based on five papers on several topics.
Reinforcement learning
The Reinforcement Learning lab conducts research into Reinforcement Learning and Intelligent Combinatorial Algorithms.
Online Convex Optimization for the Effective Curvature (EFFECT)
Online Convex Optimization for the Effective Curvature
Quantitative pharmacological modelling for optimizing treatment of sepsis
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition caused by a dysregulated host response to infection, it is associated with significant morbidity, mortality, and with a high financial burden on global healthcare systems. Bacterial infections are the primary cause of sepsis, but the growing prevalence of antimicrobial…
The optimization and scale-up of the electrochemical reduction of CO₂ to formate
Carbon dioxide capture and utilization technologies are necessary to create a truly circular economy. The electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide to formate is an appealing carbon utilization method as it can be performed at room temperature and pressure, it only requires two electrons, and it has…
CIMPLO – Maintenance prediction for industries
Researchers of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) have started a 4 year project on developing a system that sends out automatic alerts when components from engines are showing first signs of fatigue.
To explore the drug space smarter: Artificial intelligence in drug design for G protein-coupled receptors
Over several decades, a variety of computational methods for drug discovery have been proposed and applied in practice. With the accumulation of data and the development of machine learning methods, computational drug design methods have gradually shifted to a new paradigm, i.e. deep learning methods…
Optimizing antifungal treatment through pharmacometrics: dosing considerations to enhance outcome
Fungal infections pose a significant threat to individuals with compromised immune systems and despite advancements in diagnosis and treatment, they continue to jeopardize patient’s health.
Beyond random and forbidden interactions : how optimizing energy gain results in morphological matching among subalpine Asteraceae and their
Plants and their pollinators form complex interaction networks. Within these networks, species differ widely in the number of species they interact with.
SAPPAO - Optimizing the flight times of airplanes using data science
The SAPPAO project aims to optimise the accuracy and reliability of predicting scheduled flight times. The full name of the project is 'A Systems Approach towards Data Mining and Prediction in Airlines Operations'.
Systems pharmacology-based optimization of postoperative morphine treatment
Previous research has found important inter-individual differences in the pharmacokinetics (PK) of morphine in special populations such as children, the morbidly obese or the critically ill.
Statistician Heike Trautmann is Pascal professor 2017
The German professor of Information Systems and Statistics Heike Trautmann accepted the Pascal chair this month at LIACS, the computer science institute of Leiden University. Trautmann’s main research areas are evolutionary multiobjective optimisation and data science, in which LIACS is strong as we…
Optimal decision-making under constraints and uncertainty
We present an extensive study of methods for exactly solving stochastic constraint (optimisation) problems (SCPs) in network analysis. These problems are prevalent in science, governance and industry.
OPENup: Optimizing exposure therapy for Posttraumatic Stress disorder
Although exposure therapy is the gold-standard treatment of posttraumatic stress-disorder (PTSD), only half of the patients adequately benefit from it. Based on recent insights into the mechanisms of extinction, this project examines strategies and techniques to improve exposure treatment outcome in…
Estimation and Optimization of the Performance of Polyhedral Process Networks
Promotor: E.F.A. Deprettere, Co-Promotor: A.C.J. Kienhuis
Algorithm design for mixed-integer black-box optimization problems with uncertainty
The increasing competition in the automotive industry requires the tailored, swift development of technologically sophisticated vehicles. Therefore, the computationally expensive state-of-the-art simulation technologies are combined with optimization algorithms. An example of a real-world optimization…
LIACS and MI welcome 70 global optimization specialists
The 14th International Global Optimization Workshop (LeGO 2018) was hosted by Leiden University in September.
Generalized Strictly Periodic Scheduling Analysis, Resource Optimization, and Implementation of Adaptive Streaming Applications
This thesis focuses on addressing four research problems in designing embedded streaming systems.
Representations of High-dimensional CAE Models for Automotive Design Optimization
In design optimization problems, engineers typically handcraft design representations based on personal expertise, which leaves a fingerprint of the user experience in the optimization data. Thus, learning this notion of experience as transferrable design features has potential to improve the performance…
Optimization of Patient Flow through EMT Facilities Applying Dynamic Behavioral Simulation Models
This study aims to explore the use of a behavioral-design-based approach in simulating patient flow through EMTs. It provides a dynamic behavioral simulation model to assess the interactions between patients, staff members, and the related dynamic movements/interactions with the health care facility,…
Natural Computing
Research in the natural computing cluster covers theoretical foundations, the development of new algorithms, and interdisciplinary applications of natural computing methods.
Dual-Appointment PhD Candidate and Junior System Administrator, Software Optimization and Compiler
Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)