841 search results for “james well since telescope” in the Public website
James Stevens
j.l.stevens@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6270
James Hart
Faculty of Humanities
j.g.hart@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272171
James Harpur
j.h.harpur@math.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
James Holthuis
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.holthuis@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
James Wood
Faculty of Humanities
j.f.wood@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
James McAllister
Faculty of Humanities
j.w.mcallister@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2004
James Petley
petley@strw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
James McGrail
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
j.m.mcgrail@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
James France
j.m.france@biology.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
James Hardwick
Faculteit Geneeskunde
j.c.h.hardwick@lumc.nl | +31 71 526 5364
The Old Observatory houses four historical telescopes. On this page you can learn more about them.
First MIRI-image by the James Webb Space Telescope
The alignment of the James Webb Space Telescope is complete. The space observatory is able to capture sharp, well-directed images with each of its four powerful scientific instruments on board. The MIRI instrument, on which Professor of Molecular Astrophysics Ewine van Dishoeck also worked, was the…
Mesmerising images from James Webb space telescope
The 'deepest and sharpest' image of the Universe to date: the first photos from the new James Webb space telescope yesterday mesmerised astronomers and the public alike. Leiden Professor of Molecular Astrophysics, Ewine van Dishoeck, spoke to various media outlets about the first images, which include…
Rick van Well
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
r.l.van.well@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Thomas Wells
Faculty of Humanities
t.r.wells@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Dorothea Samtleben Lab - Neutrino Telescopes
Our current research focusses on the exploration of the Universe using the neutrino. This neutral, almost massless and only weakly interacting particle can open a window to the distant Universe and also dense regions from which photons cannot escape.
Cornelia Welling-Graafland
Faculteit Geneeskunde
cwelling@pat.azl.nl | +31 71 526 6635
The launch of a new era: Leiden and the James Webb telescope (part II)
After 25 years, December will finally see the launch of the long-awaited James Webb space telescope. Leiden astronomers are watching with great excitement: not only were they involved in the construction of important instruments on board, the telescope will also reveal many new secrets of the universe,…
Research Seminar by CADS PhDs Shajeela Shawkat and James McGrail
Lecture, Research Seminar
The launch of a new era: Leiden and the James Webb telescope (Part I)
After 25 years, this December will finally see the launch of the long-awaited James Webb space telescope (JWST). Leiden astronomers are watching with great excitement: not only were they involved in the construction of important instruments on board, but the telescope will also reveal many new secrets…
Identities: Politics of Sexuality and Identity Construction in the Novels of James Purdy
In my research I am concerned with the possibility of a politics of sexuality without reverting to identitarian conceptions of sexuality. In a reading of the work of the American author James Purdy, I propose to move towards a politicizing of the concept of narrative identity as developed by the French…
The James Webb Telescope takes stunning photos. But what exactly are we looking at?
For over a year now, the James Webb Telescope has been sending stunning images that exceed astronomers’ expectations. The photos are fascinating to see, but what exactly are we looking at? Assistant professor Melissa McClure explains.
Breaking the ice: constraining the volatile distribution in protoplanetary disks
This research focuses on the distribution of chemical elements in protoplanetary disks, the birthplaces of planets. These disks form around young stars and contain gas and dust, from which planets grow. Ice plays a crucial role in planet formation, aiding the clumping of dust particles and influencing…
Solar telescope officially unveiled in Old Observatory
After nearly 70 years, the Leiden Observatory has a new telescope. A crowdfunding action in March brought in the 20,000 euros required to build a solar telescope. On 19 September Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker officiated at the opening.
How photonics and sub-wavelength optics are shaping next-generation telescopes
Library Telescope
BplusC Libraries and Old Observatory Leiden working together to provide telescopes
James Webb Space Telescope sees sand clouds on 'cotton candy planet' WASP-107b
A team of European astronomers has found a silicate-based weather system on a cloudy gas planet around the star WASP-107. It is the first time astronomers have found silicate clouds and rain. They also conclude that temperatures deeper in the atmosphere are rising rapidly. 'The presence of clouds has…
Start of construction of camera for European giant telescope
Leiden scientists will be working on the development of a camera for the European Extremely Large Telescope that is currently under construction. On 28 September the Netherlands Research School for Astronomy signed an agreement with the European Southern Observatory.
Is there oxygen on exoplanets? New telescope finds out
To what extent does exoplanet Proxima b resemble our Earth? And is there some form of life present? Astronomers hope to find answers to these questions with the new European Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). An NWO research grant of €18 million will allow a Dutch consortium to continue building instruments…
Supermassive black holes and powerful telescopes: new Professor Joe Hennawi
Meet the newest Full Professor at the Leiden Observatory: Joe Hennawi. All the way from Santa Barbara, California, Hennawi will strengthen the astronomy institute. In Leiden, he will use his recent ERC Advanced Grant to study how supermassive black holes come into existence.
Niek Doelman
niek@strw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5737
Design METIS instrument for the Extremely Large Telescope finalised
The design for the METIS instrument for the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) is final. The European Southern Observatory (ESO) has given the green light for production of all parts of the instrument. It is the first ELT instrument, designed and to be built under Dutch leadership, to formally pass the…
Hunting for life’s building blocks at minus 250 degrees Celsius
James Webb life’s building blocks
120-year-old telescope back after maintenence
After a period of maintenance, the 'Photographer' telescope is available once again for visits at the Old Observatory.
120-year-old telescope back after maintenence
After a period of maintenance, the 'Photographer' telescope is available once again for visits at the Old Observatory.
Annegeke Jansen
g.a.j.jansen@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Ewine van Dishoeck receives honorary doctorate from the University of Geneva
Astrophysicist Ewine van Dishoeck has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Geneva. She received the award on 11 October during the Dies academicus of the Swiss university, which, like Leiden University, is part of the European research university federation LERU.
Silicon pore optics for high-energy optical systems
This thesis examines silicon pore optics (SPO), a technology that exploits silicon wafers from the semiconductor industry to create extremely high quality X-ray optics, by studying its manufacturing process, applications, and prospects.
Nationalism in Europe since 1945
Adopting a largely chronological approach, Gerrits links the historiography of post-war Europe and the major theoretical approaches to nationalism with analysis of key historical developments and events.
Vici grant for research on the formation of galaxies
How do galaxies form? That is what astronomer Mariska Kriek will be researching in the coming years. She received an NWO Vici grant of 1.5 million euros to study galaxies in the early universe. ‘This research uses new and unprecedented observations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). These allow…
Historical telescope returns to the Old Observatory
The Old Observatory in Leiden has reclaimed its most important telescope. Since the 1960s, the Meridian Circle (also known as a transit telescope) had been housed in the Boerhaave Museum. After more than sixty years, the telescope is finally back in its original location. Now, the public can enjoy it…
Ewine van Dishoeck goes stargazing
From the birth of the universe to the molecules in a planet's atmosphere. The first five pictures from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) show the enormous range in which the space telescope can operate. Ewine van Dishoeck, professor of molecular astrophysics, took a look at the first images Tuesday…
To the edge of space and time
Large telescopes can look so deep into the Universe that they can also look back billions of years in time. From 2018, the successor of the Hubble Space Telescope, the James Webb Space Telescope, will be able to see the period just after the Big Bang, when the first stars and galaxies formed. Astronomers…
Star birth: a slow and mysterious drama
A star does not just appear in the sky overnight. Its creation takes tens of thousands of years. Twenty years ago, astronomers took a picture of a star in its birth phase. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) could now capture that same star in much greater detail. This does not only provide beautiful…
Last starlight for space telescope Gaia
ESA’s space telescope Gaia, which maps the Milky Way, completes its active phase of scanning the sky on 15 January. Over the past decade, Gaia has made more than three trillion observations of about two billion stars and other cosmic objects. ‘Gaia is already the discovery machine of the decade,’ Leiden…
Webb reveals chemical profile of atmosphere of exoplanet WASP-39 b
An international team of astronomers has revealed the first 'chemical profile' of an exoplanet's atmosphere. The team, including Leiden astronomer Yamila Miguel and provenda Amy Louca, made the profile using so-called Early Release Science data from the James Webb Space Telescope. The results have been…
Rare Mercury transit visible with Leiden telescope
On Monday 9 May Mercury will pass between the Earth and the Sun. This rare event can be followed in the Leiden Observatory. The Observatory's new solar telescope produces a very clear image and offers a unique opportunity to observe Mercury at the highest magnification possible in the Netherlands.
Webb reveals new details in Pandora’s Cluster
Astronomers have captured a new deep field of Pandora's Cluster (Abell 2744) with the James Webb Space Telescope. The images show never-before-seen details. The results are described in four scientific papers. Leiden astronomers Marijn Franx and Mariska Kriek collaborated on the study. 'This opens a…
Dutch ‘big data’ telescope finds exoplanets
Astronomers at Leiden University have discovered the first planets using a new instrument: the planet hunter MASCARA. This instrument, developed at Leiden Observatory, looks specifically for planet transitions around the brightest stars in the sky, which surprisingly enough have so far have hardly been…
Exploring strange new worlds with high-dispersion spectroscopy
Until the 1990s, the only known planets were those in our Solar System. Three decades later, several thousand exoplanets have been discovered orbiting stars other than the Sun, and substantial efforts have been made to explore these strange new worlds through spectroscopic analyses of their atmosphe…