2,604 search results for “homes” in the Public website
Home sweet home
Investigating Neolithic houses in Britain through microwear and residue analysis of stone tools
Home Ecologics – Dutch multispecies homes
How do humans, non-humans and their interactions and relations shape the home as ecological and social space?
HOME will search for a diversity of Palaeolithic shelters during the Late Pleistocene through informed systematic surveys and excavations of archaeological sites in East-Central Europe.
David Home Valenzuela
Institute for History
d.home.valenzuela@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271646
Healthy University @Home
What can we do to ensure we study and work at home in a healthy and responsible way? Leiden Healthy University, part of the international healthy universities network, has put together some tips and tools to help you.
Feel at Home Fair
If you've only just come to live in the Netherlands, life can at times be both exciting and difficult. To help you feel at home more quickly, a Feel at Home Fair is being organised in city hall, The Hague on 3 February. Leiden University will be present at the fair. It's a good opportunity to attend…
Increasing Biodiversity at Home
As we are working very hard to make our University more green, it is of upmost importance that you join us in our battle and start increasing the local biodiversity from your own house! Every bit will help, it is beneficial for you own mental health and most importantly it is fun! We have created this…
At Home Otherwise: Rethinking Heritage through Diversity
This project investigates diversifying and democratizing heritage through practices of “home-making”. We propose to research ‘home-making’ as a non-binary practice of combining memories of roots and routes, dwelling in the present, and desires for the future.
EU Justice Home Affairs Agencies: Securing Good Governance
Dr Madalina Busuioc has completed a study for the European Parliament titled
The Sung home : narrative, morality, and the Kurdish nation
This dissertation gives an ethnographic account of Kurdish dengbêj narrative from a theorethical perspective.
Experiences with the Liverpool care pathway for the dying patient in nursing home residents
The Liverpool care pathway for the dying patient (LCP) is a multidisciplinary tool developed for the dying phase for use in palliative care settings. The literature reports divergent experiences with its application in a nursing home setting related to its implementation and staff competencies. The…
LA cuidadora: Latin American female migration and elderly home-care work in Europe
Through a lens that examines the intersection of ageing, gender, class, and migration, this project addresses the “care deficit” in European countries and the employment of migrant women from Latin America to fill this deficit.
LA cuidadora: Latin American female migration and elderly home-care work in Europe
Through a lens that examines the intersection of ageing, gender, class, and migration, this project addresses the 'care deficit' in European countries and the employment of migrant women from Latin America to fill this deficit.
Far from home: the science exploitation of the fastest Milky Way stars
The Sun and all the stars in the night sky reside in the Milky Way galaxy. In the at-rest reference frame of the Galaxy, typical stars travel with velocities of about 100-200 kilometres per second.
Jan van Zanen: ‘If you want to strengthen democracy, start close to home’
What is the current state of democracy and how do we understand the effects of public support on democracy? The two-day symposium Support for Democracy: Measurement, Explanation, and Effect
Language variation at home and abroad: the case of P'urhepecha in Mexico and its US diaspora
By documenting lexical and morpho-syntactic patterns among P’urhepecha speakers in Mexico and the US diaspora, this project will investigate the sources of language variation. The ensuing online dialect atlas will serve as an online resource for speakers, learners and researchers of the language.
The Humanities Buddy Programme: A home away from home
Moving to a different city as a student can be a daunting prospect, let alone to a different country. Each year, many students come to Leiden, and many find a home away from home thanks to the Humanities Master’s Buddy Programme. Kathleen Burke and Victor Jarzargaray experienced it first-hand. “It’s…
New home for LUCAS
Members of LUCAS work in various buildings on the Witte Singel-Doelencomplex. The board and the secretariat are housed on the first floor of the P.N. van Eyckhof 3 (building 1165).
‘Rembrandt has come home’
Rembrandt Year is concluding with a major exhibition at Museum De Lakenhal. There are still numerous other activities such as lectures, the University Rembrandt Route and the screening of a critical documentary.
Soldiers of Fortune at Home: Remarks on the Social and Economic Footprint of Cretan Mercenary Wealth in the Hellenistic Period
Lecture, Ancient History Research Seminar
Working from home in corona times
Three weeks into intelligent lockdown and more to go. An extraordinary situation in which we are now working from home. How do our colleagues do that? Meet ups 'in the flesh' at the printer, having lunch and coffee in the FSW cafe or conferring live and lecturing in the Pieter de la Court Building are…
Cath prize for lectures in care homes
The Edisen Foundation has won the 2016 Mr. K.J. Cath prize. This student organisation set up by two Leiden students gives lectures in care homes.
Working from home during corona: Mike Schmidli
We continue to work from home as much as possible. How are the staff members of the Institute for History doing? Mike Schmidli shares his experience below.
Working from home during corona: Andrew Gawthorpe
We have been working from home for over 9 weeks. How are the staff members of the Institute for History doing? Andrew Gawthorpe shares his experience below.
'Just wait until your mother gets home’
Fathers and mothers bring children up differently. Mothers are more likely to correct children for bad behaviour, for example. This is one of the findings of PhD research by Liesbeth Hallers-Haalboom. PhD defence 7 October.
Assyrians were more 'homely' than we thought
Archaeologist Victor Klinkenberg examined an old Assyrian settlement in Syria, near to the IS stronghold Raqqa. 'Social life was more important than military life.' PhD defence 27 October.
New home in sight for NIMAR Rabat
The Netherlands Institute in Morocco is moving to a new location in the Moroccan capital, Rabat. Following a complete renovation of the building, the doors of the new NIMAR Rabat will open in September 2016.
A tip for students working together from home
Today we received this tip from two of our students. It's about how to stay motivated while working from home. We decided to share it with you.
Video portrait of Aukje Nauta on working from home
Social and organisational psychologist Aukje Nauta, who is researching how companies can enhance individuals in a dynamic work context, discusses what science says about working from home in the video portrait made by the LNVH. She also believes that employers could look at the Netherlands for inspiration…
New Humanities Living Room focuses on 'feeling at home'
Playing a game, picking a cutting for your room or just having a cup of coffee: it is all possible in the new Humanities Living Room in the Matthias de Vrieshof. From Wednesday 17 May, staff and students will be able to meet informally and socialise here.
Working from home? HRM training courses are now online
From time management and mindfulness to online leadership. Nearly all of the training courses, coaching sessions and introductions offered by HRM Learning & Development are now online. Programme coordinator Jasmijn Mioch and trainee Marleen Zwetsloot explain the options.
How these three students experience education from home
A lot has changed for students during the corona crisis: no physical education, exams behind the computer, and lecturers who accidentally mute themselves during an online lecture. How do students experience online education? ‘During one of the lectures in Teams, someone kept on kicking people out of…
Corona measures: is enforcement also possible in the home?
The number of cases of coronavirus in the Netherlands is on the rise. Some mayors are now calling for measures that are more far-reaching than those at present. For example, they want it to be possible to enforce measures behind the front door. Would that be allowed?
Jemima Sint Nicolaas: 'At Japan Studies I felt at home'
Jemima Sint Nicolaas (22) is an East Asian Studies master's student. In addition to her studies, she is an intern at LeidenGlobal, a student assistant and has a job as a barista.
A headset and ample amounts of coffee: working from home in times of Corona
Now that university buildings have closed, most staff members have started working from home. How are Faculty of Science colleagues faring in their new offices?
Preserve burial mounds from the comfort of your own home
The new Erfgoed Gezocht/Heritage Quest website means you can play armchair detective and hunt for undiscovered burial mounds in the Veluwe. This will help stop them being destroyed by construction projects. The website is the initiative of the Leiden University Faculty of Archaeology in collaboration…
Universe Awareness presents home-made laser show in Botswana
How do you offer high-quality and interesting education with simple means? Universe Awareness of Leiden University spoke about this during the annual science festival in Botswana. With among others a laser experiment compiled of household materials, they showed the possibilities to interest young people…
Of home-loving men and intinerant marriageable women
Some 5000 years ago the people of the corded ware culture exchanged ideas about death on a continental scale. There were strong gender differences in these ideas: men were buried in an international style, and women in a local style. This discovery was made by archaeologist Quentin Bourgeois.
Bart Schuurman: Hofstadgroep defined home grown jihadism in Europe
Bart Schuurman is a research Fellow at the International Centre for Counterterrorism (ICCT) and at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) in The Hague. He was interviewed by Abigail Esman of the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) about his new book 'Becoming A European Homegrown Jihadist'.…
Hunt for archaeological remains without leaving your home
The Heritage Quest project begins on Monday 6 April. Heritage Quest is the first large-scale citizen science archaeology project in the Netherlands: anyone can help find archaeological remains at Utrechtse Heuvelrug, a heavily forested region in the Netherlands. Citizens can thus get involved in scientific…
Enjoy the photo exhibition in the Old Observatory from home
Two radio telescopes in Green Bank, West Virginia have brought together a few remarkable people. A new photo exhibition in the Old Observatory visitor centre gives an insight into the remote community. Due to the corona crisis, the Observatory is not open to the public. That’s why we’ve selected a few…
Chair for Central European Studies finds new home at LUF
On Friday 23 June, the Austrian Studies Fund was established with a festive gathering in the Faculty Club. This fund is the successor of the Austrian Studies Foundation and will continue and expand the program of activities of the Central European Studies chair at Leiden University, which was established…
Looking for the earliest European home with an ERC Consolidator Grant
During the Late Pleistocene, Europe was a cold and unforgiving place to live. Even so, groups of early modern humans roamed around, just like their Neanderthal counterparts. It is unclear what kind of dwellings these people inhabited to shelter them against the elements, especially in regions without…
No classes and working from home: here’s what our week looked like
From the new Hortus botanicus podcast to conference call bingo: all the students, lecturers and other members of staff from Leiden University had to switch at breakneck speed to working and studying from home this week. That meant decluttering offices, getting your head around remote teaching and installing…
Working from home leads to better well-being, but often lower appraisal
Home workers experience less time pressure and feel better as a result. This appears from PhD research conducted by Maral Darouei, who defends her dissertation from home on 9 June.
Home carer goes to court to demand pension and unemployment benefits
Ms. Kollmann, a home care worker in the Netherlands, is demanding pension and unemployment benefits from the Dutch Employee Insurance Agency (UWV). An exception in the law means that home carers working for private individuals are not automatically entitled to benefits under social security schemes.
In the media: PhD research Maral Darouei on working from home
On Tuesday 9 June 2020, researcher Maral Darouei defended her PhD thesis on sustainable careers. A large part of her research dealt with working from home.
Keep busy with these astronomy activities you can do from home
Stuck at home with little to do? Don’t worry, because we have the perfect space related activities you can do from home, alone or with your family, in Dutch or English.
Working from home leads to better well-being and often a lower appraisal from superior
New ways of working like working from home can have a positive impact on a person’s career, but only when their superior supports their choice. Researcher Maral Darouei will defend her PhD thesis on sustainable careers on 9 June 2020.
Faculty of Science opens academic year with live stream in homely setting
From a white leather armchair, on which Barack Obama once sat, Dean Michiel Kreutzer opened the academic year. This time not with visitors, but completely corona-proof via a live stream. In a homely setting, Kreutzer spoke with several guests, including Covid-19 researcher Thomas Hankemeier and brand…