870 search results for “grant able” in the Public website
Europa institute welcomes 2 new Meijers grant recipients
We are very happy to announce that two candidates of the Europa Institute won the Meijers PhD grant of 2018. Both PhD-students will perform highly topical research into different areas of EU law for the coming four years.
Prof. Dr. Judi Mesman received the ERC Consolidator Grant
Prof. Dr. Judi Mesman, Dean of LUC The Hague, received the prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant (2 million euros) for a research project on gendered educational pathways.
NWO tenure track grant in arithmetic algebraic geometry
Within the context of the four national mathematics clusters, NWO has awarded seven proposals for tenure track positions. One of these was on 'Moduli, metrics, models, and arithmetic of Shimura varieties' by Bas Edixhoven from the Leiden Mathematical Institute.
NWO grants for Manon van der Heijden and Leo Lucassen
Manon van der Heijden and Leo Lucassen have been awarded funding from the NWO's Free Competition Humanities. They received the grant for their research on conflicts and jurisdiction over migrants and natives between 1600 and 1900.
Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities Small Grants
The Leiden University Centre for the Digital Humanities (LUCDH) invites applications from Leiden University staff and students for funding aimed at developing Digital Humanities activities.
Exploiting the Empires of Others: Vici grant for Cátia Antunes
Having mostly ignored the gains Dutch traders, investors and firms attained from serving the French, English and Iberian empires, debate in the Netherlands now demands a re-evaluation of Dutch colonial responsibilities. By recovering knowledge of these gains, this project will measure the wealth obtained…
NWO grant for super fast analysis of disease progression
New funding allows IBL-researcher Herman Spaink to purchase a measurement device for more studies on human diseases such as cancer and tuberculosis using zebrafish as the model system.
Amanda Foks receives ERA-CVD consortium grant
Amanda Foks (Division of BioTherapeutics) has been awarded a Horizon 2020, ERA-CVD joint transnational cardiovascular research grant. She will lead a consortium consisting of early career European scientists (Dimitrios Tsiantoulas, Medical University of Vienna, Austria; Julia Polansky-Biskup, Charité…
Granted STW Project: Energy Efficient Computer-Brain Interaction
The STW project Energy Efficient Computer-Brain Interaction (principal investigator for LIACS: dr. T.P. Stefanov) has been granted. Funding for LIACS: 1 PhD student + travel/equipment budget, project duration: 4 years.
ZonMw Grant for Project on Competitive Research Funding
Herman Paul of the Leiden University Institute for History receives a € 150,000 grant from the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) for a project on competitive research funding.
Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh obtains grant for 'gendered migration' research
Dr. Jennifer Day from the University of Melbourne, Dr. Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh and Ms. Olivia Johnson have obtained a $30,000 (EUR 26.741) research grant from the National Geographic Society for a two-year interdisciplinary research project on 'Gendered Migration: Women, Evictions, and Power in Port…
Camil Staps receives Rubicon grant: What does ‘that’ mean?
PhD student Camil Staps is continuing his academic career in Berlin. He receives a Rubicon grant to do research there on demonstrative pronouns.
Research Talent grant NWO awarded to Eva Schmidt
Together with prof. Ton Liefaard, Eva Schmidt was granted a prestigious scholarship from the Research Talent programme of the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).
NWA-grant for project 'Streaming the past'
Researchers from the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Archaeology, with the support of the communication departments of these Faculties and the VALUE Foundation, has been awarded one of the first NWA-Science Communication and Outreach grant for their plan to produce live-streams via online platform…
Neutrino telescope KM3NeT receives 12.7 Million Euro NWO grant
KM3NeT is selected as one of the ten top research facilities in NWO’s National Roadmap for Large-scale Research Infrastructure. Leiden physicist Dorothea Samtleben is the deputy program leader of Nikhef’s KM3NeT group.
European grant for research into Indian scriptures: ‘This is what our understanding of Hinduism is based on’
Professor Peter Bisschop has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant. He will invest the 2.5 million euros in his research into puranas: ancient texts, commonly written in Sanskrit, that are up to fifteen hundred years old.
GTGC seed grant workshop on 10 September of the first 6 ongoing projects
The GTGC team met on Friday 10 September 2021 with seed grant holders to discuss how the seed grant projects are progressing. The seed grant holders presented an introduction about their projects along with an overview of their execution. The seed grant holders received questions from the workshop attendees…
ERC Starting Grants for five young Leiden researchers
Five researchers from Leiden University have been awarded a Starting Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). This grant of on average 1.5m euros enables researchers who show potential to start their own project, lead a research team and implement their best ideas.
Luca Giomi wins ERC Consolidator Grant for flowing cells
Theoretical physicist Luca Giomi receives a 2 million euro ERC Consolidator Grant for research into flowing cells in a strange hexatic phase, which is half fluid, half solid.
Understanding metastasis: Science Groot grant for Erik Danen
A team led by Erik Danen from the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research has received a 3 million euros NWO Science Groot grant to unravel the first steps of metastasis. Danen will work together with biologists and theoretical and experimental physicists from Dutch Universities. ‘Understanding these…
ERC starting grant for Mariana de Campos Françozo
Mariana Françozo has been awarded a Starting Grant by the European Research Council. With this 1.5 million euro grant Dr. Françozo and her research team will investigate the transformation of the knowledge of diverse Brazilian indigenous peoples into a body of knowledge that became part of the Western…
Reinoud Kaldewaij awarded Veni grant to measure brain and body reactions to touch
Part of our social contact is currently online, with no physical proximity. Does digitalisation mean that we are losing an effective way of making contact with one another? This is what Reinoud Kaldewaij will be studying with a Veni subsidy from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). 'An issue that will…
Twelve ILS seed money grants for frontier research at Leiden Law School
Twelve researchers of our Law School have been awarded an ILS seed money grant. This grant enables researchers to create space for preparing a grant proposal for NWO, ERC or otherwise.
HERA grant awarded to Léon Buskens and international colleagues
Together with internationally esteemed colleagues, Léon Buskens has been awarded a HERA Joint Research Programme Grant for a research project entitled
Jenny Doetjes investigates 'How much' with NWO Open Competition grant
Professor Jenny Doetjes has received an NWO grant to research the cross-linguistic properties of quantity expressions and our brain's influence on language.
Gert Oostindie receives NWO grant for Caribbean research
Dutch-Caribbean research will get a boost. Gert Oostindie, working at the Institute of History and KITLV, has received a grant from NWO, consisting of 750,000 euros, for his research project 'Confronting Caribbean challenges: hybrid identities and governance in small-scale island jurisdictions'.
ACPA PhD candidate Michael Drapkin receives PRJC Grant
Clarinetist and ACPA researcher Michael Drapkin recently received an Eastman School of Music Paul R. Judy Center for Innovation and Research Grant for his project
ESA grant to improve the Earth's 'digital twin'
Global warming, deforestation, nature conservation. All major environmental challenges that call for major measures. To see what the effects of these measures are, observation data from the Earth is used. Researchers at LIACS receive €90,000 from the European Space Agency (ESA). With this they are investigating…
LIACS receives NWO grant in Challenging Big Data program
The Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) received a grant award from NWO for a joint proposal with Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI, Amsterdam), Tata Steel (IJmuiden), BMW (Munich), and database company MonetDB. Within the NWO Data Science program ‘challenging big data‘, LIACS is…
Dr. Amy Strecker receives Global Interactions BREED Grant
Dr Amy Strecker (Heritage Dept., Faculty of Archaeology) has recently been awarded a LGI BREED grant to develop her project on property and spatial justice in international law. Building on her previous research into landscape protection from cultural heritage, environmental and human rights perspectives…
New STW-grant for study on crop protection
Dr. Kirsten Leiss and Prof. Peter Klinkhamer received 900.000 euro’s from “Stichting Toegepaste Wetenschappen (STW)” and the company “Rijk Zwaan” to develop plants that are resistant to thrips, a major agricultural pest all over the world.
NWO grant for Claartje Levelt: how toddlers learn words
Professor Claartje Levelt, together with Paula Fikkert (Radboud University), has received an NWO Open Competition grant for research into the development of word production in toddlers.
NWO KIEM Grant for the Digital Disability Archive
Paul van Trigt (LUIH) in collaboration with Paul Bijl (KITLV) and Manon Parry (UvA) received a NWO Creative Industry – KIEM Grant for the research project ‘Digital Disability Archive’ (1 September 2017 – 31 August 2018).
ERC Consolidator grant for Alessandra Silvestri: putting gravity to the test on cosmological scales
Does gravity work the same when you look at the largest scales in our universe? That’s what Leiden physicist Alessandra Silvestri will study with a 2 million euro ERC Consolidator grant. ‘We assume that it does, but we don’t actually know.’
TOP-PUNT grant awarded to prof. Gijs van der Marel
NWO Chemical Sciences has awarded a TOP-PUNT grant to a research proposal of prof. dr. Gijs van der Marel (Leiden University) and prof. dr. ir. Adriaan Minnaard (University of Groningen).
2012 Leiden University participant in the race for the Partnership Grant
Alexander Geurds, Andrea Waters-Rist, and Laura Van Broekhoven are in the race for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Grant (Canada).
On the road with an International Credit Mobility grant
Over the next three years, 92 students and researchers from Leiden University and its partner universities will be strengthening their research and teaching links: all 14 projects that Leiden University submitted to the EU’s International Credit Mobility programme have been awarded a grant. Three ex…
Bruijn researches hormonal changes from puberty to menopause with Vici grant
Psychologist Ellen de Bruijn is investigating what hormonal fluctuations do to women's behaviour and well-being. The National science funding body NWO honoured her research with a Vici grant; earlier this year she received an ERC Consolidator Grant. Read the interview with De Bruijn about her resear…
Four LUF Grants Awarded in 2020 to Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
The Leiden University Fund (LUF) awards grants to research and educational project in various academic fields once a year. This year, Andrei Poama, Jochem Jansen, Valérie Pattyn and Min Cho of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs were four of the recipients of such a grant.
Revolutionizing plant protection strategies: Ding lab receives 2.4M grant to investigate plant immunity
Plant biologist Pingtao Ding, assistant professor at the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL), has received a 2.4 million European grant from the European Research Council (ERC). This ERC Starting Grant for promising young researchers allows him to unravel the molecular mechanisms by which plants resist…
Dr. Charlene Kalle and Dr. Tim van Erven awarded with TOP-grant
Dr. Charlene Kalle and dr. Tim van Erven, both assistant professors at the Mathematical Institute of Leiden University have received a TOP grant for Physical Sciences from the NWO (The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research).
All sixteen applicants for the Leiden Law School Starter Grants awarded research funding
Stefaan Van den Bogaert, Vice Dean of Leiden Law School was delighted to announce on 29 March 2023 that the faculty has awarded research funding to all applicants for starter grants.
Gravitation grant for teams of Bernet Elzinga and Andrea Evers
Gravitation programme grant Co-applicants Bernet Elzinga en Andrea Evers are two of the captains of the six teams, all led by main applicant Anita Jansen, Maastricht University.
Five ERC Starting Grants for young researchers from Leiden
The ERC has awarded a Starting Grant to five promising researchers from Leiden. Two are from the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, one is from the Faculty of Humanities/Governance and Global Affairs, one from the LUMC and one from the Faculty of Science.
ERC grant to further investigate next-generation antibiotics with reduced toxicity
The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded Nathaniel Martin a Proof of Concept (PoC) grant. With it, his group aims to make a dangerous but potent antibiotic less toxic. He receives €150.000.
Leiden spin-off In Ovo awarded 2.5 million grant
Leiden biotech company In Ovo, a spin-off of Leiden University, has received a European Innovation Council Accelerator Pilot Grant. In Ovo will use this 2.5-million-euro grant in its mission to stop the culling of male chicks.
Four bold Faculty of Science researchers receive NWO XS grants
Four scientists from the Faculty of Science will receive a grant of up to 50,000 euros in the Open Competition Domain Science - XS from science financier NWO. This category emphatically strives to encourage curiosity-driven and bold research involving a relatively quick analysis of a promising idea.…
NWO grant Yra van Dijk for international Holocaust research
Yra van Dijk obtained a NWO 'Internationalisation in the Humanities' grant. Together with Ernst van Alphen she will collaborate with 8 European and Israelian partners in researching 'Digital Memory of the Holocaust'.
Student hauls in NWO grant for research into 'rejuvenating gene'
Master's student Thalia Luden receives an NWO grant for her research proposal about a gene that brings flowering plants back into a growth phase. Companies in floriculture and vegetable seed breeding also contribute to the research.
NWO grant for research on new type of global organisation
To what extent can global issues be solved by multistakeholder collaboration, a relatively new type of organisation? Jan Aart Scholte, the coordinator of the Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC) interdisciplinary research programme, has received a Dutch Research Council (NWO) grant…