1,539 search results for “external gerard” in the Public website
BLRN Book Series
Recent publications in the BLRN book series can be found below.
CompaRe aims to conduct and stimulate research on comparative regional integration in Europa, Asia, Africa and Latin-America. To this end, CompaRe organizes conferences and workshops, and CompaRe members contribute to conferences, research papers, publications and reports on comparative regional…
About the Honours Academy
The Honours Academy of Leiden University organises outside-the-box education in which students and teachers from all faculties further develop themselves. In doing so, we help them, the university, and society move forward.
- History of Diplomacy
PhD Meetings & Portfolio
You will be advised by a PhD Advisory Committee (PAC) that is appointed especially for you. Typically the members of the PAC are: the LACDR Scientific Director, your promotor(s), if applicable, your co-promotor(s) and an external advisor.
- Health Diplomacy
PhD Supervisors
As a supervisor, you play a vital role in guiding and supporting your PhD candidate throughout their academic journey. Here are some important responsibilities and steps you need to consider.
PhD Candidate on Multi-Objective Optimization and Machine Learning for Hydrogen Technologies
Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
Junior / Medior System Administrator
Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
Postdoctoral researcher in Codicology for the ERC Consolidator Grant project "QurCan''
Humanities, Centre for Linguistics
PhD candidate in French linguistics
Humanities, Centre for Linguistics
Postdoc / research associate - bioinformatics in advanced therapy medicinal products
Science, Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR)
LUCAS assessment 2018
To safeguard the quality of research within Leiden University, a committee of external experts evaluates the University’s institutes once every six years according to the Standard Evaluation Protocol which is drawn up by the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), the Royal Netherlands…
Vision and Mission
Vision and mission of the Academic Language Centre
- Admission & Application
- Admission & Application
- Admission & Application
- Admission & Application
Current PhD candidates
You have chosen to do a PhD track at Leiden University. What do you need to know when you start conducting your PhD research?
The Faculty of Medicine
The faculty’s scientific research is organised around a number of centres and institutes in The Hague, city of peace, security and justice.
Training and Supervision Plan
Within 3 months of the start of the PhD project, your supervisors and you will draw up a Training and Supervision Plan in consultation with you and the other members of the supervision team.
Sharing secrets: how and why governments and third-party stakeholders disclose intelligence
Why, then, do governments choose to disclose intelligence and what factors shape how they do so?
About the journal
The Common Market Law Review has had its editorial office in the Leiden Europa Institute ever since it was founded in 1963.
Waarom stichten jullie niet een eigen school?: religieuze identiteitsontwikkeling van islamitische basisscholen 1988-2013
On the 9th of June Bahaddin Budak successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Quiet Rebels? A Social History of Political Rhetoric
Speeches and speech acts have been crucial in settling the question at the centre of every political debate: who gets what, when and where?
Estimative Intelligence in European Foreign Policymaking: Learning Lessons from an Era of Surprise
This book is the first comparative study of estimative intelligence and strategic surprise in a European context, complementing and testing insights from previous studies centred on the United States. It does extensive empirical analysis of open-source material and interviews in relation to three cases…
Classics (MA)
The Classics Master, a specialization of the Classics and Ancient Civilizations program at Leiden University, gives you the opportunity to study the Greek and Roman world with a focus on Greek and Latin language and literature.
Stress Less Project: Effectiveness of school-based intervention programs
What is the effectiveness of two school-based skills-training programs in promoting mental health?
New Book: Counterterrorism in Belgium: Key challenges and policy options
Following the terrorist attacks in Paris (November 2015) and Brussels (March 2016), Belgium’s counterterrorism policy has been heavily criticized – domestically and worldwide.
The CSPRR hosts several research projects.
The new politics of Europe
On 27 September 2017 a new book by Prof. Luuk van Middelaar appeared, entitled The new politics of Europe. The book is at the same time a front line account of Europe’s recent crisis years – from monetary turmoil to tensions around Ukraine, from refugee crisis to Brexit – and an analysis of the Union’s…
Staatscommissies/State committees
In this project of the Center for Public Values & Ethics (CPVE) ongoing research is conducted on the history of advice to Dutch central government by so-called State committees from 1814 to 2014. State committees have been installed by Dutch central government since 1814 to provide expert advice, research…
The main focus of our research programme is on adolescence, a key transitional period in human development. The programme puts emphasis on combined experimental behavioural and neural analysis of normative transitions and deviations in adolescent development.
For professionals
The faculty offers several options to deepen and develop your knowledge while being employed. Within the faculty's themes, or in your own working field as a dual PhD candidate, you will be guided to make a next step in your career.
About us
eLaw at Leiden University leads Europe in exploring the intersection of law and digital technologies.
Topic: Movement and mental functions
Our ability to learn and control movements is essential for engaging in goal-directed behaviour. From buttoning your shirt and driving a car, to cooking dinner and brushing your teeth -- our actions in daily life rely on this ability.
ALICE High Performance Computing facility
High Performance Computing (HPC) is becoming ever more important as a research tool in many research areas across all research domains. A University facility, providing serious computational capabilities, combined with easy and flexible local access, is a strong advantage for these research areas. It…
Develop a methodology for assessing the effective dose of nanomaterials for environmental risk assessment purposes
How to make a quantitative assessment of the relative contribution to toxicity of ions and particles? Is the toxicity of nanoparticles related to their size or shape? Which physicochemical property of nanoparticles is an appropriate dose metric of nanoparticles?
Sustainability initiatives for students
How to get involved in sustainability? Read more about four projects that Leiden University helped realise in the past few years.
PhD psychologist
A substantial part of PhD candidates have an increased risk for mental health problems, stress complaints or burnout. Leiden University has appointed a psychologist, especially for PhD candidates: Agnes van Rossum.
Responsible research with animals
Animal experiments are not undertaken lightly; we are working with sentient beings. As scientists, we have great responsibility to handle laboratory animals with care. Read here how we consider and justify this.
About us
The Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden is the leading academic institute for Archaeology in the Netherlands, and one of the largest in the world. The Faculty is an international front-runner, in the top ten of the QS World University Ranking, at subject level.
At Leiden University you can study Islam and Muslim societies within two Dutch-language BA and various MA programmes and specializations.
Student teachers’ commitment to teaching
What are relationships between student teachers’ personal characteristics, learning experiences and perception of external environmental aspects impacting teacher career and their commitment to teaching?
The centre knows a several pillars:
European Union Enlargement and Integration Capacity
This special issue of the Journal of European Policy presents results from the research on the European Union Enlargement and its Integration Capacity. The Journal of European Public Policy is one of the leading journals in this field.
About ATC
The Academic Language Centre is part of the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) and provides language services to students and staff of Leiden University and the Leiden University Medical Centre.
Flora in Utopias: On Thinking Through Moving Images
How do documentary moving images and fictional narratives involve and evolve each other?
Reuvensplaats 2-4, Leiden