2,008 search results for “civil procedure” in the Public website
Credit rating agency liability in Europe
On 28 January 2021, Dorine Verheij defended her thesis 'Credit rating agency liability in Europe'. THe doctoral research was supervised by Prof. M. Haentjens and Prof. A.G. Castermans.
Do you still have any questions about the International Civil and Commercial Law Law programme of Leiden University? Please contact us and we will help you.
- Career preparation
Is there sufficient room within the current bankruptcy procedure to consider societal interests?
Jessie Pool wrote about this, among other topics, in her article ‘Maatschappelijk verantwoord vereffenen: belangenpluralisme bij de maatschappelijke taakuitoefening van de curator” (Socially responsible settlement: Pluralism of interests in the social performance of the insolvency practitioner’s duties)…
Why Leiden University
Leiden University provides ambitious students with the most recent and innovative areas of knowledge, and offers them the freedom to develop their own area of expertise.
Egyptology (research) (MA)
The research master's in Egyptology, a specialisation of the Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) programme, at Leiden University provides you with a multidisciplinary study of the languages, literatures and cultures of Ancient Egypt.
Career prospects
What are the possibilities after completing the ICCL programme? We will tell you more about the career prospects in the international legal practice
Liability of football clubs for supporters’ misconduct
On 19 May 2016, Rosmarijn van Kleef is expected to defend her PhD thesis entitled ‘Liability of football clubs for supporters’ misconduct. A study into the interaction between disciplinary regulations of sports organisations and civil law’ in Leiden. Supervisors are Professor Alex Geert Castermans…
Professor Cleveringa ‘back’ at Leiden Law School
On Friday 25 November 2016 the daughter of Professor Cleveringa, Mrs Ten Kate-Cleveringa, presented Leiden Law School with a magnificent bronze bust sculpture of her father.
The International Civil Service: Redefining Its Independence
PhD defence
H.J. van Mook and Good Governance in Indonesia and the World
Was the progressive colonial civil servant the precursor of the postcolonial development-aid worker?
Admission and Application
Find out how to apply for Classics (research) at Leiden University by following our step-by step guide.
Admission and Application
Find out how to apply for Assyriology at Leiden University by following our step-by step guide.
Admission and Application
Find out how to apply for Hebrew and Aramaic Studies (research) at Leiden University by following our step-by step guide.
Admission and Application
Find out how to apply for Classics at Leiden University by following our step-by step guide.
Admission and Application
Find out how to apply for Hebrew and Aramaic Studies at Leiden University by following our step-by step guide.
Admission and Application
Find out how to apply for Egyptology (research) at Leiden University by following our step-by step guide.
Law & Business Administration (LL.M.)
Law & Business Administration is a specialisation of the master’s programme Rechtsgeleerdheid (Law) at the renowned Leiden Law School of Leiden University.
Admission and Application
Find out how to apply for Assyriology (research) at Leiden University by following our step-by step guide.
Admission and Application
Find out how to apply for Egyptology at Leiden University by following our step-by step guide.
The Revolution That Failed: Reconstruction in Natchitoches
The chaotic years after the Civil War are often seen as a time of uniquely American idealism—a revolutionary attempt to rebuild the nation that paved the way for the civil rights movement of the twentieth century. But Adam Fairclough rejects this prevailing view, challenging prominent historians such…
Van woord tot akkoord. Een analyse van de partijkeuzes in CPB-doorrekeningen van verkiezingsprogramma's en regeerakkoorden, 1986-2017
This PhD-thesis analyses the relationship between the parties’ choices in the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis’ assessments of the election manifestos and coalition agreements over the period 1986-2017, and tries to explain this relationship.
Barbarians at the Gates?
Subproject of
Innovative research on impact of violent conflicts on food security in Chad
Violent conflicts and civil wars in Chad impede most rural households' access to food security, agricultural activities and access to essential services such as health care. In her dissertation, Nakar Djindil Syntyche denounces this issue. She obtained her PhD on 24 November.
Trump belooft royale ontslagvergoeding voor Amerikaanse ambtenaren
Circa twee miljoen Amerikaanse ambtenaren ontvingen onlangs een mail met een aanlokkelijke vertrekpremie, wanneer zij vrijwillig zouden opstappen. De vraag rijst echter of hier wel voldoende budget voor is. Barend Barentsen, hoogleraar Sociaal recht, noemt in Magazine Knack het ingaan op het aanbod…
Lunch Lecture by Prof. Allan Lind
On April 25, at 1.00 pm, Prof. E. Allan Lind (Duke University) will hold a lunch lecture at Leiden Law School. He will speak about procedural justice. Scholars and students from Leiden University are invited to register for this lecture.
How far does the right to demonstrate go?
A civil servant employed by the municipality of The Hague was cause for discussion after taking part in an Extinction Rebellion protest. Only under additional conditions could the employee in question stay on at the municipality. She decided to resign. According to Barend Barentsen, Professor of Labour…
Contempt of court does not fit into the Dutch judicial system
What can criminal courts do when the course of justice is obstructed? Countries such as England and Wales apply the instrument contempt of court, which enables the court to act according to criminal law in such a case. Could that work in the Netherlands too? PhD defence on 18 December.
The Classics and Ancient Civilizations programme offers many extracurricular opportunities to enrich your study experience.
The Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) programme offers many extracurricular opportunities to enrich your study experience.
Joanne van der Leun herbenoemd als decaan Rechtsgeleerdheid
Prof. dr. Joanne van der Leun is tot september 2025 door het College van Bestuur van de Universiteit Leiden herbenoemd als decaan van de faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid.
The Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) programme in Assyriology offers many extracurricular opportunities to enrich your study experience.
Admission requirements
To be eligible for International. Civil and Commercial Law at Leiden University, you must meet the admission requirements as described on this page.
Why Leiden University
Why study the programme International Civil and Commercial Law at Leiden University? We give you 10 reasons! Read about the benefits of this programme.
The Classics and Ancient Civilizations programme in Assyriology offers many extracurricular opportunities to enrich your study experience.
The Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) programme in Classics offers many extracurricular opportunities to enrich your study experience.
The Classics and Ancient Civilizations programme offers many extracurricular opportunities to enrich your study experience.
Classics (research) (MA)
The Classics Research Master, a specialization of the Classics and Ancient Civilizations programme at Leiden University, gives you the opportunity to study the Greek and Roman world with a focus on Greek and Latin language and literature.
The Classics and Ancient Civilizations programme offers many extracurricular opportunities to enrich your study experience.
The Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) programme offers many extracurricular opportunities to enrich your study experience.
The Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) programme in Egyptology offers many extracurricular opportunities to enrich your study experience.
Career preparation
In the ICCL programme we will provide you with the skills to work in as a legal professional in a global legal environment. Read more about career preparation.
Egyptology (MA)
The master’s programme in Egyptology, a specialisation of the Classics and Ancient Civilizations programme, at Leiden University provides you with a multidisciplinary study of the languages, literatures and cultures of Ancient Egypt.
Classics (MA)
The Classics Master, a specialization of the Classics and Ancient Civilizations program at Leiden University, gives you the opportunity to study the Greek and Roman world with a focus on Greek and Latin language and literature.
Assyriology (MA)
The master's in Assyriology, a specialisation of the Classics and Ancient Civilizations programme, at Leiden University provides you with a multidisciplinary study of the languages, literatures and cultures of ancient Mesopotamia and Anatolia.
About the programme
The Research Master in Classics and Ancient Civilizations covers two years (120 EC) and provides intensive and comprehensive training across the entire range of present-day research on the ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome and the Ancient Near East.
Civil Society and International Students in Japan: Methodology and Fieldwork
(Non)recognition of legal identity in aspirant states: evidence from Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transnistria
Ramesh Ganohariti will examine legal identity in three post-Soviet aspirant states and outline four common scenarios in this article.
Prof. B.M. Telders
The aim of the competition is to prolong the legacy of Professor Benjamin Marius Telders, who became a professor of international law at Leiden University in 1937.
Private International Law
The Private International Law Department provides academic education and performs research in the field of private international law.