535 search results for “maar wellbeing” in the Staff website
Faculty Research Day 27 January
Leiden Law School Professor Ann Skelton Awarded Honorary Doctorate from the University of Strathclyde
Leiden Law School takes great pride in announcing that the University of Strathclyde has bestowed an honorary doctorate on Professor Ann Skelton, Professor of Children's Rights in a Sustainable World at Leiden Law School and Chair of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child. This prestigious…
Vidi grant for Esther van Ginneken for research into violence in prisons
Why do violent incidents occur in prisons? And how do staff respond? Assistant Professor Esther van Ginneken will use a grant from the NWO Vidi Talent Programme to conduct research into these and other questions. She intends to make use of virtual reality.
Geslaagde studentenconferentie 'empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht'
Waarom is empirisch-juridisch onderzoek van belang voor de rechtspraktijk en het wetenschappelijke onderzoek? Op die vraag kregen masterstudenten van de afstudeerrichtingen civiel recht, ondernemingsrecht en financieel recht antwoord tijdens het congres over empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht…
ZonMw grant for Leonie Vreeke to develop a stepped-care treatment for very shy young children
Leonie Vreeke is ready to start a new 5-year project to develop a stepwise treatment specific to very shy young children. Her proposal was granted by ZonMw with nearly € 600.000,-. A PhD student and a research assistant will be appointed to execute this project, together with societal partners such…
Combining art and science in the recovery of Ukraine
How wonderful would it be to use art, technology and science in Ukraine's recovery? Young Ukrainians currently residing in Poland get guidance to develop creative programmes and activities that can later be implemented. Leiden astronomers Pedro Russo and Kateryna Frantseva cooperate in the project.
The FSW community gives valuable feedback on the faculty vision and strategy plan
On 22 April, all students and staff of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences received an invitation to join the conversation about the faculty vision and strategy plan. They could do that by attending one of the feedback sessions on 10, 11 and 12 May. Those sessions were a success: the Faculty…
New HR pilot ‘Annual Interview’ aims for a team oriented approach
Together with Leiden University’s central HRM department, the department of Health-, Medical- and Neuropsychology has started a new HR pilot. For all colleagues a simplified and improved ‘Annual Interview’ is being introduced.
Mayor Heijkoop feels like an ‘ambassador’ for the university
Leiden Mayor Peter Heijkoop visited the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences and the Faculty of Science on Monday,
Five stars once again for the LUC bachelor Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges: ‘Incredibly proud’
For the twelfth consecutive year, Leiden University College The Hague has been awarded the 'Top Programme' quality label by the Keuzegids Universiteiten 2025. With an impressive overall score of 89 out of 100 points, the Liberal Arts and Sciences: Global Challenges (BA/BSc) programme has earned five…
EUniWell Open Lecture Series | Teaching of primary education teachers on European citizenship, environment and migration
As part of the EUniWell Open Lecture Series, Dr. Virginie Chaillou-Atrous will be speaking about 'Teaching of primary education teachers on European citizenship, environment and migration' on Thursday, 9 June, time to follow. About the Open Lecture Series EUniWell is united by the shared ambition…
EUniWell Open Lecture Series | Novel approaches to delay ageing and age-related diseases
As part of the EUniWell Open Lecture Series, Prof.dr. David Vilchez will be speaking about "Novel approaches to delay ageing and age-related diseases" on on Wednesday, 25 May, 18:00 CET / 17:00 GMT. Read more About the Open Lecture Series EUniWell is united by the shared ambition…
EUniWell Open Lecture Series | From knowledge transfer to personal development
As part of the EUniWell Open Lecture Series, Dr György Purebl will be speaking on "From knowledge transfer to personal development: The changing needs of Generation Z in higher education" on Thursday, 10 February, 14:00 CET / 13:00 GMT. About the Open Lecture Series EUniWell is united by the shared…
EUniWell Open Lecture Series | Metabolic trajectories before the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes
As part of the EUniWell Open Lecture Series, Dr. Ádám Tabák will be speaking on 'The use of metabolic trajectories to better describe the natural history of metabolic diseases' on Thursday, 7 April, 13:00 CET / 12:00 GMT. Read more. About the Open Lecture Series EUniWell is united by the shared…
EUniwell Open Lecture Series | Africa the Conservation Continent of the 21st Century?
As part of the EUniWell Open Lecture Series, Prof. Dr. Michael Bollig will be speaking on 'Africa the Conservation Continent of the 21st Century? Contemporary Practices and Future Orientations of Biodiversity Protection between Globalisation and Local Action' on Thursday, 28 April, 18:00 CET /…
EUniWell Open Lecture Series | “Soli-Data-Rity” - The use of data for personalised medicine
As part of the EUniWell Open Lecture Series, Prof. Pierre-Antoine Gourraud will be speaking on '“Soli-Data-Rity” - The use of data for personalised medicine' on Thursday, 12 May, 10:00 CEST / 09:00 BST. Read more. Please register for in-person attendance The lecture will be held online and in-person.…
Overheidstoezicht op Brzo-bedrijven; een onderzoek naar de kwaliteit
Prof. E.R. Muller Prof. G.L.L.M.E. Reniers (TU Delft) Summary: Er zijn in Nederland ca. 400 bedrijven die met grote hoeveelheden gevaarlijke stoffen omgaan (Brzo-bedrijven). Zij vormen een groot risico voor schade aan de mens, het milieu, roerend en onroerend goed. Sinds 1945 zijn er in Nederland 172…
Lights in a Sea of Darkness
Donkere materie is een van de grootste mysteries van het heelal. Het is een substantie die niet op Aarde voorkomt, maar het merendeel van de materie in het heelal vormt. Het interacteert niet meetbaar, ook niet met licht, waardoor het onzichtbaar is. Doordat het massa heeft, oefent het wel zwaartekracht…
Receiving visits in Dutch prisons
Prof. P. Nieuwbeerta Summary: Het ontvangen van bezoek tijdens detentie is heel belangrijk voor het leven in en na detentie, echter niet alle personen in detentie krijgen bezoek van familie en vrienden. De personen die wel frequent bezoek ontvangen of net voor vrijlating bezoek ontvangen hebben minder…
News in a Glasshouse: Media, Publics, and Senses of Belonging in the Dutch Caribbean
PhD defence
Digital Thesauri as Semantic Treasure Troves
PhD defence
Chemical Tools to Illuminate N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine Biosynthesis
PhD defence
North Sea Noise in the Anthropocene
PhD defence
The Duty to Investigate in Situations of Armed Conflict
Prof. H. Duffy Prof. M.L.P. Loenen Summary: In situaties van gewapend conflict vinden veelvuldige schendingen plaats van mensenrechten en van het humanitair oorlogsrecht. De internationale roep om onderzoek naar dergelijke schendingen, en om strafrechtelijke vervolging van daders, is vaak groot. Niettemin…
Spectral imaging and tomographic reconstruction methods for industrial applications
PhD defence
Methoden van contractsuitleg
PhD defence
EUniWell Open lectures series | War, Peace and Overcoming Helplessness: The Role of Universities
As part of the EUniWell Open Lecture Series, Prof. Dr. Joachim Koops will be speaking on "War, Peace and Overcoming Helplessness: The Role of Universities" on Thursday, 10 March 2022, 14:00 CET / 13:00 GMT. This lecture topic has been changed given the war on Ukraine. Lecture topic changed…
Opening public lectures Lorentz Center
Growth in Conversation: Develop your conversation skills using the principles of GROW
LIACS PhD seminar (monthly)
Every month there is a LIACS PhD seminar in which PhD students come together to learn about each others' work and (importantly), also get to know who their colleagues are. During this informal seminar, presenters get to develop their professional skills, dry-run a conference talk, share…
Friendships are a primate speciality, and have evolved to buffer us against the stresses of living in large social groups. They have a bigger effect on our psychological health and wellbeing, as well as our physical health and wellbeing, than anything else. Friendships are, however, extremely expensive…
Software and System Security Fest
Anna Corwin - Embracing Age
Embracing Age: How Catholic Nuns Became Models of Aging Well examines a community of individuals whose aging trajectories contrast mainstream American experiences.
LUCL Institute Council
In Memoriam: Stefan Landsberger (1955-2024)
My colleagues and I have been devastated to learn that our good colleague and friend Stefan Landsberger (born 1955) passed away unexpectedly, on 26 September 2024. Stefan had been a fixture of China Studies in the Netherlands, where he had been Associate Professor of contemporary Chinese History and…
Faculty Opening of the Academic Year: ''Navigating complexities''
The social sciences are vital in navigating complexities, fostering understanding and bridging divides. This was celebrated during the faculty opening of the academic year.
Grants awarded for five innovative psychology research projects
Researchers from the Institute of Psychology have secured NWO Open Competition XS grants, each worth up to €50,000. One of the projects explores how making music together can enhance cooperation. Discover more about all five research projects.
Update 17 February 2022: Restrictions eased, many measures lifted
How can we live healthier lives? Universities and hospitals are going to find out
Getting out and exercising rather than slobbing on the sofa, breathing in fresh air instead of cigarette smoke and grabbing healthy snacks instead of junk food. In a new interdisciplinary Medical Delta programme, researchers are going to investigate how to help people live healthier lives. What are…
Hanne Cuyckens and Daan Weggemans appointed Teaching Fellow
Hanne Cuyckens and Daan Weggemans have been appointed Teaching Fellow and Member of the Leiden Teachers' Academy (LTA) from 1 September 2023.
A study on the transmission of extremism within a family context
What happens to children of extremist parents? Commissioned by the Scientific Research and Documentation Center (WODC) of the Ministry of Justice and Security, four ISGA researchers, Layla van Wieringen, Daan Weggemans, Katharina Krüsselmann and Marieke Liem, wrote a report on the nature and extent…
The FSW POPcorner on caring student communities in difficult times
New steps for work-life balance: ‘Gaining insight into patterns nobody wants, but that still keep everyone in their grip regardless.’
In response to the Personnel Monitor light, the Steering Committee on Work-Life Balance has produced a plan to improve work-life balance at our faculty. This interview with Annemiek Hogendorp and Adriaan Rademaker, both members of the Steering Committee, will shed more light on the plan.
Opening facultair jaar FdR
Opening facultair jaar FDR
Meeting participants provide input for Strategic Plan
In its Strategic Plan Leiden University sets its direction for the coming years. A new plan will be presented next year, and in the runup to this we are organising different forms of student and staff consultation within the scope of LDN FWD (‘Leiden Forward’). A series of meetings were recently held…
Jeroen Touwen has started his second term as Vice-Dean: ‘We’re in an upward trend’
Jeroen Touwen has been reappointed as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Humanities from 1 January. ‘The Faculty Board’s role is to serve the organisation: we try to manage the University as effectively as possible with the available resources, so that research and education can flourish.’
‘Pretend student’? Tell others and get help
In the documentary ‘Pretend Student’, former students talk about why they let everyone believe they were still studying. How can you make sure you don’t end up in such an impossible situation? Four questions for Leiden Student Dean, Romke Biagioni, who worked on the documentary.
How to keep your brain healthy? Scientists provide tips at brain festival
At science festival 'Over de kop', surprising brain facts alternate with confronting stories from the operating room. Researchers explain why our brains love beans and why you should never ride a racing bike without a helmet.
The social roots of radicalisation: What Europe’s largest extremism study reveals
The rise of extremism in Europe has increased polarisation. The EU-funded DRIVE project, led by Tahir Abbas, Professor of Radicalisation Studies from Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs, explores how social, structural, and individual factors contribute to radicalisation, offering…
European subsidy for Ellen de Bruijn: ‘Hormonal fluctuations in women have been ignored for too long in brain research’
Psychologist Ellen de Bruijn studies the effects of hormonal fluctuations on behaviour and on the brain over a woman's life course. With an ERC Consolidator grant, she and 3 PhDs and a postdoc will further her EEG research on the different stages at which girls and women experience strong hormonal f…