897 search results for “maar wellbeing” in the Public website
From research to practice: Leiden researchers awarded European grant
Various Leiden researchers have been awarded a European grant to explore the commercial or societal potential of previous research.
Advisory report on unacceptable behaviour published
Today, 13 May 2024, Leiden University’s Executive Board is publishing the advice of the committee that investigated reports of unacceptable behaviour and breaches of academic integrity. These reports were about a professor from the university and their partner (a former member of the university staf…
Educational Innovation Hub
Since its founding, LUC has been a college of educational development and experimentation. Its mission statement identifies the college as “a site of innovation in pedagogy, curriculum design, and student well-being,” and it applies a student-centred approach to learning throughout its BA and BSc degree…
COOP #2: Panel discussion Code of Conduct (with FGW POPcorner)
More information will follow soon.
Living room KOG: a space to relax and connect
The Student Living Room at the KOG will soon officially open its doors. All Leiden Law School staff and students are welcome to come and see this new space during the official opening event on Tuesday 23 May at 12.00 hrs. A free lunch will be provided for all, we’ll raise a toast with a glass of bubbles,…
Launch Leiden University Dialogue in Education Network (LUDIEN)
On July 3rd the Leiden University Dialogue in Education Network (LUDIEN) has officially been launched. The network welcomes all who are interested in dialogue as a tool for connection and improved student wellbeing in higher education. The dialogue method is moreover useful to talk about sensitive issues…
Take It Easy Tuesday
The first day of the Online Well-being Week covered the topic of your mental health. And more specifically, how to not be too hard on yourself and how you might feel in these weird times.
Annual Report 2023 published
In its new Annual Report 2023, Leiden University reviews its research and teaching, as well as its ICT, staffing, finances, real estate, impact and knowledge transfer.
Ayokunu Adedokun launches Future-Ready Coaching Academy
The academy is designed to promote student well-being and to prepare students for the labour market.
Coaching sessions by psychology master's students?
Are you interested in working on your well-being, work-life balance or stress levels? Leiden Psychology students are offering a series of 5 individuals coaching sessions. The sessions are free of charge and confidentiality is guaranteed.
‘There couldn’t be a better time to launch EUniWell’
On 17 November, the European academic community will be a partnership richer, when EUniWell, the European University of Well-Being, is launched. Within EUniWell, Leiden University and six other universities are working together on well-being challenge. Four Leiden researchers explain the benefits of…
What do complex molecules tell us about star formation?
How do you progress from an immense gas cloud somewhere in the universe to a star with planets? Research by Astronomy PhD student Martijn van Gelder sheds more light on the earliest phases of this process. He will receive his doctorate on November 24th.
Even voorstellen: Quinten Somsen & Joost Welten
Dit jaar begon het project 'Monarchy in Turmoil'. Dit project bracht twee nieuwe onderzoekers naar het Instituut voor Geschiedenis: PhD-kandidaat Quinten Somsen en postdoc Joost Welten. Hieronder stellen zij zich voor en lichten zij hun project toe.
University buildings
What is Leiden University doing to make its buildings future-proof and independent of fossil energy?
University elections: student parties introduce themselves
Better links with the job market, diversity, quality of education, student well-being and free coffee. All these are issues that the student parties taking part in the University elections will be fighting for. The candidates are keen to tell you a bit about themselves. Between 9 May and 13 May you…
Commission-Van der Staaij presenteert revisie Reglement van Orde
Op 30 oktober presenteerde de Commissie tot Revisie van het Reglement van Orde, onder voorzitterschap van Kees van der Staaij (SGP), haar bevindingen aan Kamervoorzitter Khadija Arib.
Funding for Further Developing Image Processing Software Elastix
Marius Staring, Associate Professor at the LUMC has been awarded the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative funding for further development of image processing software Elastix
Haarlem ontlast
Over poep, pies en de beerput
Prizes for students
Ups and downs for students from year 12 and/or vwo 6 who are selected for the Academic Challenge and the Dutch version of this challenge, the ‘Wetenschapscongres voor vwo’.
Pieter Slaman on NOS.nl on political support for Dutch student loan system
The student loan system, implemented in 2015 in part to improve the quality of Dutch education, is facing political backlash. Despite having signed the student loan system agreement in 2015, both GroenLinks and PvdA have had a change of heart.
Nikki Sterkenburg on Baudet's meeting with Alt-Right
Nikki Sterkenburg, external PhD candidate at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs in The Hague, was interviewed by the NOS programme Nieuws & Co about the meeting of Thierry Baudet with Alt-Right movement Jared Taylor. 'If Baudet would have wished to stay aloof of this movement, he shouldn’t…
Simone van der Hof delivers 2022 Mulock Houwer Lecture
On 24 November 2022, Simone van der Hof delivered the annual Mulock Houwer Lecture. The title of the lecture was ‘Niet om de knikkers maar om het spel – Over de digitale versie van een vergeten kinderrecht’.
The protagonist of horror is the ghost of modern consumer society
Who doesn't love to turn on a horror film on a rainy evening? Fortunately, it is only fiction - or is it? According to university lecturer Evert Jan van Leeuwen, modern horror says more about our society than we think. He has been nominated for the Klokhuis Science Prize for his research into addiction…
Meeting on Ukraine for students
We would like to invite students who are personally affected by the war in Ukraine, including students from Russia and the region to join this meeting, where they can share concerns and questions with representatives of the Faculty of Humanities, Student Support Services and the Diversity Officer of…
Sustainable futures
How can we organise society so as to keep our planet habitable for us and for all other life forms around us? To answer this question, Leiden researchers collaborate across disciplines, from biology to data science, and from environmental economy to archaeology.
Advancing the European Multilingual Experience
The project Advancing The European Multilingual Experience (AThEME) studied multilingualism in Europe by incorporating and combining linguistic, cognitive and sociological perspectives.
LUC and The Hague
Leiden University College (LUC) staff and students collaborate with societal partners in The Hague through research, coursework, internships, and volunteering, fostering strong connections that continue even after graduation.
Assistant / Associate Professor in Material Flow Analysis
Science, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML)
Opening of the Academic Year: ‘Our university world knows no borders’
The theme of the opening of this year’s academic year was peace and justice. With the climate crisis and the war in Ukraine, these are turbulent times. During the ceremony those present reflected on what the academic community and universities can mean in times of crisis and conflict.
ILS Lunch Seminar with Nienke van Heek and Esther van Ginneken
The monthly ILS Lunch Seminars present the perfect opportunity to unite the different Institutes situated within Leiden Law School. On Thursday 14 March 2019, the next edition of the ILS Lunch Seminars will take place. This time, Nienke van Heek and Esther van Ginneken will present their research.
COOP #3: The Sociolinguistics of Trigger Words
Have you ever felt triggered by certain words and phrases during class discussions? Would you like to share your experiences with linguistic micro-aggressions? Do you consider the emotional impact of culturally appropriating words and the collective identity processes involved in communication? Is there…
COOP #1: From Debate to Discussion
Do you ever feel reluctant about contributing to class discussions for fear of saying the ‘wrong thing’ or being ‘shut down’? Are you apprehensive talking about topics where differences in opinion are bound to arise? Or, perhaps, are you keen to learn more about how to approach these conversations in…
Alexander van Oudenhoven appointed Director of Education of the master Governance of Sustainability
Alexander van Oudenhoven has been appointed as the new Director of Education of the Governance of Sustainability master's programme. Van Oudenhoven has been appointed for a four-year period, from 1 October 2022 to 1 October 2026. The programme is taught in The Hague.
Ellen de Bruijn researches hormonal changes from puberty to menopause with Vici grant
Psychologist Ellen de Bruijn is investigating what hormonal fluctuations do to women's behaviour and well-being. The National science funding body NWO honoured her research with a Vici grant; earlier this year she received an ERC Consolidator Grant. Read the interview with De Bruijn about her resear…
Leiden University for a liveable planet
Scientists from all different disciplines at Leiden University work on sustainability challenges. Together we strive for a liveable planet by connecting these scientists. Are you a researcher and do you want to contribute to tackling sustainability issues? Join our program and work together on solutions…
Finding resolution for the Middle to Later Stone Age transition in South Africa
This project investigates the causes of the major archaeological change in the period of 40.000-20.000 BC in South Africa.
Leiden Healthy Society Center: making Leiden the healthiest city in the Netherlands
How can the people of Leiden age as well as possible? And what is needed to reduce health disparities? That is the mission of Leiden Healthy Society Center, a new partnership between the Municipality of Leiden, Leiden University and many other partners in the city.
COST Action grant for Bart Custers
The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) has awarded a network grant for the project GoodBrother. On behalf of Leiden University, Bart Custers, professor of Law & Data Science and director of eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies, contributed to writing this proposal.
Marianne Bossema awarded doctoral grant for teachers
Media Technology alumna Marianne Bossema has received a doctoral grant for teachers. This grant enables teachers to spend five years doing research that will eventually lead to a PhD graduation. Marianne will do her research on social robotics, under supervision of Leiden University's Rob Saunders.
Loes Janssen in NWO Synergy Award final
Loes Janssen would like to foster well-being of families by using an app and sending families short and fun activities each day to do together. For the Synergy Award ’21, PhD candidates were invited to submit their innovative idea on how to create societal impact. Watch the final on 4 February and vote…
Funding for MASTERY: how to deal with sensitive topics in academia
Ten projects have been selected during the fourth call in the Seed Funding Programme launched by EUniWell. Marieke Liem, Professor Social Resilience and Security, has received a grant for the MASTERY project.
8th of October is Sustainability Day!
As climate change and ecological degradation’s effects on our mental health becomes more severe, we must all do our best to protect not just the environment, but also our mental well-being. Therefore, on this Sustainability Day, we have collaborated with Healthy University Leiden to focus on the relationship…
The Hague: working towards a healthier city
The disparities in terms of health and wellbeing in The Hague are considerable. A team headed by Jet Bussemaker, professor in the field of policy and society, wants to change that. The 'fences' in the healthcare system have to be got rid of. In particular the Laakkwartier and Moerwijs, two poorer areas…
The importance of positive emotions
Positive emotions are important for our health and sense of well-being - they make our lives meaningful. Now, Henk van Steenbergen and his colleagues have published an authoritative new volume on the latest scientific research on positive emotions.
EUniWell welcomes Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (KNU), a leading Ukrainian university, is now a member of the EUniWell Alliance. KNU and the EUniWell partners will use their combined strengths to improve the well-being of individuals, communities and societies in Europe and beyond, through international…
Students Ruşen and Rana fight for diversity in higher education
Two Leiden students stand a chance of winning the ECHO Award for Higher Education. Deniz Rana Kuseyri (Rana for short) and Ruşen Koç are two of the six finalists for this annual national prize that is awarded to students who promote diversity and inclusion in their own discipline.
Introducing Vanessa de Malmazet: 'In this role, I can make a tangible difference for employees'
Vanessa de Malmazet has been working as HR policy advisor in FGGA's Faculty Office since March. Promoting employee well-being is high on the Faculty Board's list of priorities for the coming years. In this new role,
Working towards a sustainable and healthy future
Sustainability, health and wellbeing are key factors during the coming renovation of the iconic South Cluster of the Humanities Campus. The conversion of the original seven ‘houses’ to create a single spacious, light and attractive environment under a glass roof will earn an Excellent Level qualification…
Four Comenius teaching awards for Leiden lecturers
Five lecturers from Leiden University have received a Comenius teaching award. With the grants they can carry out an innovation project.
Just to be sure... At any cost?
Security seems to most people a basic necessity of life, a prerequisite for a good life. But if you think about it a little longer and deeper, as political philosopher Josette Daemen has done, you realise that security sometimes comes at the expense of other important goods, such as freedom and equality.…