1,347 search results for “veranderen start van bewustzijn” in the Public website
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga awarded ERC Starting Grant
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga from Leiden University has been awarded a Starting Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). This grant of 1.5m euros enables talented early-career scholars to start their own pioneer project, lead a research team, and implement their best ideas at the frontiers of their…
Stefaan Van den Bogaert wetenschappelijk directeur Instituut voor Publiekrecht
Het faculteitsbestuur heeft prof. Van den Bogaert benoemd tot wetenschappelijk directeur van het Instituut voor Publiekrecht. Van den Bogaert is hoogleraar Europees recht en al meer dan 10 jaar hoofd van de afdeling Europees recht. Hij is tevens directeur van de Stichting Europa Instituut.
Roland van der Veen to receive MAA Beckenbach Book Prize
The book ‘The Riemann Hypothesis: A Million Dollar Problem’ has been elected by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) as one of the best books on mathematics. On 13 January assistant professor at Leiden University Roland van der Veen and co-author Jan van de Craats will receive the MAA Beckenbach…
Wim van den Doel member of Executive Board of NWO
Professor Wim van den Doel, dean of the Faculty of Humanities at Leiden University, has been appointed member of the Executive Board of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) with effect from 1 January 2017.
Jaap van den Herik receives royal distinction on his retirement
Jaap van den Herik was appointed Officer in the Order of Orange Nassau on 8 October on his retirement as professor of Law and Information Technology.
Oproep voor bijdragen: Wereldsteden. Stadsgeschiedenis van de Lage Landen
Het boekproject "Wereldsteden. Stadsgeschiedenis van de Lage Landen" verwelkomt bijdragen van onderzoekers die zich bezighouden met stadsgeschiedenis van de oudheid tot nu. Meer informatie kunt u vinden in de bijgevoegde call. Deadline voor aanmeldingen: 10 maart 2024.
Ivo van Vulpen is Professor of Science Communication in Leiden
As of January 2022, Ivo van Vulpen has been Professor by Special Appointment of Science Communication at the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION). Van Vulpen will be researching science communication in general and will aim to underline the value and importance of science communication.
Anna van Duijvenvoorde in Dutch media on social learning
Developmental Psychologist Anna van Duijvenvoorde talks about her research on the development of brain and behaviour in adolescents. An important part of this research is social learning which is crucial in puberty. Several media sources devoted attention to her research. In 2020, she received the Heineken…
Three writers win the Peter van Straaten Psychology Prize
Three novelists have won the first Leiden University Peter van Straaten Psychology Prizes: Esther Gerritsen, Yvonne Keuls, and Marieke Lucas Rijneveld. This is a prize for Dutch writers whose novels shed light on psychological problems and disorders. The prizes will be awarded on January 16.
Ewine van Dishoeck wins Kavli prize for astrophysics
How are stars and planets formed? Is life outside Earth possible? These questions are being researched by Professor of Molecular Astrophysics Ewine van Dishoeck at Leiden University. Her pioneering work has earned her the Kavli prize in the category of astrophysics. The prize consists of 1,000,000 dollars…
Maartje van der Woude wins Heineken Young Scientists Award
Professor of Law and Society Maartje van der Woude (37) is one of the four young scientists who have been awarded a 2018 Heineken Young Scientists Award. Van der Woude is receiving the award in the field of Humanities for her research on the interplay between law and the public debate on such themes…
IBL-research interview: Maurijn van der Zee
Maurijn van der Zee, at the IBL since 2010, investigates how genetic changes in developmental programs lead to new animal forms in evolution, using insects as model system. His field of research is called evolutionary developmental biology. Currently, he is working on the success and diversity of the…
Wim van den Doel wins 2024 Boerhaave Biography Prize
Professor of Contemporary History Wim van den Doel has won the 2024 Boerhaave Biography Prize. Van den Doel receives the prize for his book 'Snouck: Het volkomen geleerdenleven van Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje'.
Jelle van Buuren in NRC over cyberaanvallen EU
Door recente cyberaanvallen op instituties binnen en buiten Europa groeit het vermoeden steeds sterker dat achter de aanvallen wellicht een politieke motivatie schuilt. Jelle van Buuren van het Institute of Governance and Global Affairs (ISGA) verscheen in het NRC om te bespreken of er sprake kan zijn…
Mirjam Sombroek–van Doorm appointed Associate Professor Health Law
In addition to being Director of Operational Management at Leiden Law School, Mirjam Sombroek–van Doorm will help develop Health Law at the faculty in the coming years.
Quanta Magazine: where does Ewine van Dishoeck get her ideas?
In what settings do great ideas turn op? Quanta Magazine follows top scientists to their favorite places to think, tinker and create. Leiden astronomer Ewine van Dischoeck showed the magazine the Noordwijk beach. 'Somebody from the Netherlands is unavoidably linked with water.'
Psychology student starts crowdfunding for cancer PhD research
'We believe that developing a protocol to help people fight cancer is extremely valuable, given that cancer is such a prevalent and devastating disease. If you believe so too, you can support us in realising this mission.' Master's student in Psychology Saskia Heijnen starts crowdfunding to make her…
New LL.M. Migration and Diversity with a Succesfull Start
On 30th September 2024, the newly established LL.M. track of the multidisciplinary Governance of Migration and Diversity Master Program welcomed its pioneer students during the GMD academic year opening event at the Wijkpaleis in Rotterdam. During the informative and day, students met the academic coordinators…
Leiden master's programme in Pharmacy to start September 2016
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and Leiden University (Faculty of Science) will be offering a master's programme in Pharmacy from September 2016. The programme has been accredited by the NVAO.
'A garden on Mars' crowdfunding campaign starts today
Today, 13 students at Leiden University have started a crowdfunding campaign to collect money for research into the possibilities of growing crops on Mars. Their research will contribute to the knowledge of our galaxy. The project is in the context of the iGEM competition.
Maartje van der Woude verzorgt dieslezing voor Universitas Indonesia
Hoogleraar Law & Society Maartje van der Woude is door de Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta gevraagd om een lezing te geven ter gelegenheid van de 96e dies natalis van de Indonesische universiteit.
Anna van Duijvenvoorde receives Heineken Young Scientists Award
The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has awarded the Heineken Young Scientist Award 2020 in the Social Sciences to developmental psychologist Anna van Duijvenvoorde for her research on the development of the brain and behaviour in adolescents.
Article by Natascha van der Zwan receives an honourable mention
‘It was a complete surprise to me to find the Emerald Citation of Excellence certificate in my pigeonhole,’ says Natascha van der Zwan. Her article ‘Making sense of Financialization’ has received an honourable mention from Emerald Publishing because it is used all over the world for research and edu…
Liesbeth van Vliet honoured with Heineken Young Scientists Award
Leiden health psychologist Liesbeth Van Vliet receives recognition for her research on doctor-patient communication and its influence on quality of healthcare. Van Vliet has been awarded one of four Heineken Young Scientists Award 2022 for promising young researchers working in the Netherlands.
Stefaan Van den Bogaert Director of Research and Vice Dean
Stefaan Van den Bogaert, Professor of European Law and Academic Director of the Institute of Public Law, is to join the Faculty Board of Leiden Law School as Director of Research and Vice Dean.
Alumna Cultural Anthropology Van der Helm is 'Stadsfotograaf' Leidsch Dagblad
Every year a photographer portrays Leiden as Stadsfotograaf (City Photographer) of the Leidsch Dagblad. This year it is the honor to Leonie van der Helm, an alumna of cultural anthropology. Over the next 52 weeks, Van der Helm will visualize the meaning of 'home'.
Anne-Laura van Harmelen nominated for Huibregtsen Prize
Professor of Brain, Safety and Resilience Anne-Laura van Harmelen has been nominated for the Huibregtsen Prize. The winner of the prize will be announced on the Evening of Science & Society (4 October).
Koninklijke onderscheiding voor hoogleraar Paul van der Heijden
Donderdag 7 februari is prof. mr. dr. P.F. van der Heijden benoemd tot Officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau. Hij kreeg de koninklijke onderscheiding uit handen van minister Koolmees van Sociale Zaken.
Gratama Science Award for Jojanneke van der Toorn
Jojanneke van der Toorn has been proclaimed the young and promising researcher of 2015. At the official opening of the academic year on 31 August she was awarded the Gratama Science Award for emerging talent.
Peter van Es appointed Professor of Notarial Law
Van Es is the successor to Professor Huijgen whose retirement is approaching after nearly 27 years’ professorship. This new appointment is from October 2022, but Van Es has been working at the faculty for some time.
Herman van Rompuy: inspired by the spirit of compromise
The European Union can only remain in existence if all Member States continue to be inspired by the spirit of compromise. Those words comprised the core message of Herman van Rompuy, President of the European Council, who delivered the third Europa Lecture on 10 October at Leiden University.
Joanne van der Leun herbenoemd als decaan Rechtsgeleerdheid
Prof. dr. Joanne van der Leun is tot september 2025 door het College van Bestuur van de Universiteit Leiden herbenoemd als decaan van de faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid.
Ester van der Voet appointed professor of Sustainable Resource Use
The energy transition is already a huge challenge for society, but sustainable use of resources is even more complicated. Yet it is at least as urgent. Ester van der Voet has been working on it for decades, for example within the United Nations. Since February, she is a professor at the Centre for Environmental…
PhD defense Merel de Bruin-Van de Beek
PhD defense by Merel de Bruin-Van de Beek, 'Building Communities on Civic Terms Civis and civitas in Late Antique Episcopal Preaching' on 20 December 2024.
Puzzlegami: Martin van Hecke Lab in the media
The Van Hecke group published in Nature Physics about programmable origami, which was covered in the following media.
Bibi van den Berg in I/O Magazine
Professor of Cybersecurity Governance Bibi van den Berg was interviewed recently by I/O Magazine, the magazine of the ICT-research platform The Netherlands.
2012: LSr-Prize for Isabelle van de Calseyde
LUCL congratulates Isabelle van de Calseyde with winning the LSr Teaching Prize!
Anne van Rongen wins the Wayne A. Colburn Memorial Award
Anne van Rongen has been honoured with the Wayne A. Colburn Memorial Award at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology (ACCP). This highly regarded award recognises the best poster presentation, celebrating exceptional research and presentation skills.
Broad media coverage for Kavli prize Ewine van Dishoeck
Ewine van Dishoeck was broadly covered in national and international media with her prestigious Kavli prize for astrophysics. She won 1 million dollars voor her groundbreaking work on star and planet formation and on extraterrestrial life.
Wim van Saarloos Returns as Leiden Professor of Theoretical Physics
Wim van Saarloos will become vice president of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), and return to the Leiden Institute of Physics as professor of theoretical physics. Currently, Van Saarloos is Transition Director at the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
FvD politican Gideon van Meijeren in court for inciting violence
The Netherlands Public Prosecution Service has demanded that Gideon van Meijeren, Dutch Member of Parliament in the Forum for Democracy (FvD) party, be handed 200 hours of community service for inciting violence. Marloes van Noorloos, Associate Professor of Criminal Law, discusses when a comment turns…
Bibi van den Berg about malfunctions in IT systems
Due to a major telephone disruption, 112 was unavailable for hours on Monday 24 June. At Albert Heijn, Tuesday 25 June, cash registers refused service. Bibi van den Berg, professor in Cyber Security Governance at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, looks back on aspects of the disasters of…
Maartje van der Woude on discrimination at border controls
In its ruling this week, The Hague Court of Appeal made short work of how the Dutch Border Police allow the colour of a person’s skin to be taken into account when selecting people to check. According to Maartje van der Woude, this ruling reaches far beyond the border police. ‘This is a problem for…
Max van Duijn nominated for Discoverer of the Year 2019
Every person on earth can read another person’s mind. Not in the way psychics or witches do, but by putting themselves in the shoes of others and considering how they perceive the world. This kind of empathy greatly facilitates communication and interaction. Max van Duijn studies this phenomenon to…
Leiden University College hosts Judge Christine van den Wyngaert
On 5 December 2019, Judge Christine van den Wyngaert gave a guest lecture at LUC : ‘International criminal justice; A view from the Bench’.
Jojanneke van der Toorn in the media about workplace inclusion
Jojanneke van der Toorn appears in several media trying to bridge science and society with the aim of contributing to effective and evidence-based diversity policy. Read more in English and Dutch media.
Tanja Masson in Een Vandaag over militaire ruimtemacht van Trump
“Het is niet genoeg dat Amerika aanwezig is in de ruimte. Amerika moet domineren”, zegt Donald Trump tijdens een bijeenkomst met de Nationale Ruimteraad. Zodoende wil hij naast de land-, zee-, en luchtmacht een nieuwe militaire kracht oprichten: de Space Force. Ruimterecht deskundige Tanja Masson denkt…
Maartje van der Woude Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley
Professor of Law and Society Maartje van der Woude (Van Vollenhoven Institute) will be visiting scholar at the Center for the Study of Law & Society at the University of California in Berkeley for the next 6 months.
Maartje van der Woude on NPO Radio 1
Maartje van der Woude, Professor of Law and Society, was a guest on NPO Radio 1 programme 'Spraakmakers' to talk about more border fences on the EU’s external borders and the usefulness of such measures. She was also a guest on 'Vroeg!' to discuss a court case about ethnic profiling.
Prof. Jaap van den Herik successfully delivers 75th PhD
On June 27th, eLaw PhD candidate Mr. Daniel Dimov successfully defended his PhD thesis. This was not only a very special event for the candidate, but also for one of his supervisors, prof. dr. Jaap van den Herik, professor of computer science and law at both the Faculty of Law (at eLaw, the Centre for…