3,167 search results for “starting” in the Staff website
New procedure for collaboration with the fossil fuel industry
Research, Security
Anniversary activity: Leiden Marathon
450 years
On this page you will find an overview of the activities organised by the Leiden Research Support Network.
Research Data Management in Archaeology
Doing research in archaeology is more than just gathering data and publishing a paper. Nowadays, there is a growing trend in producing well-defined and responsible data management plans. They help to navigate the process and result in good data management practices which in return benefit the researchers…
The Individual Choices Model offers a number of options for buying or saving additional leave days, or exchanging leave days for extra income.
CSC-Leiden University Scholarship
Registration and contract
As you are a new Leiden University staff member, a number of things must happen before we can draw up your contract and activate your ULCN account. This is also the case if you are affiliated with the university as external staff, for example if you were hired as a freelancer.
Travel to high-risk areas
If you want to travel for work to an area with a security risk country or area with the color code orange and/or red, you need prior permission from the university.
Data management refers to creating, saving, updating, making available, archiving and long-term storage of research data. The final goal of this process is often defined in terms of the FAIR principles: 'Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable'.
Hanna Swaab
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
hswaab@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5274060
Laptops for students
Use the mobile laptop trolley in the Lipsius for digital education with your students
Professional expenses
If you incur professional expenses, such as professional association fees, you can offset these expenses against your gross income via the Individual Choices Model.
From workplace to Wi-Fi, from changing your password to using Office 365 and OneDrive: Here you will find the University's IT information.
EU Global Gateway Strategy: Transforming relations with African countries in a new geopolitical era. A practitioner's perspective
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Web hosting and domain names
If you wish to start a project site for a temporary Leiden University project, or if you need a new domain name, please apply to the Functional Web Management department.
Lock your screen
Locking your screen before leaving your desk: it’s so easy to do but we often forget. This quick action protects both you and the university. Do you always lock your screen when you leave to get a coffee, walk to the printer or chat with a colleague in the corridor?
Factsheet Zoom
Zoom is available to LEI lecturers, staff and students.
Software distribution platform
Per start of the academic year 2024-2025 students of the Faculty of Science have access to the software distribution platform Academic Software.
training programme postdocs
Let’s Connect! toolkit
This toolkit provides practical tools to contribute to open communication and a safe working environment. You will learn how to effectively connect, speak up and actively listen to understand each other's interests. In addition, the tools help address issues, make agreements and give and receive constructive…
What is TEC?
From the 2026-2027 academic year each programme will record the teaching preparation process in TimeEdit Curriculum (TEC). TEC is the curriculum source system in which data is recorded completely and reliably. From TEC, data can be exchanged with other systems. TEC replaces local Word and Excel files…
Standard software is provided through the Software Centre.
Tips & tricks for organising peer feedback
Code of Conduct on Integrity
Anyone who comes into contact with Leiden University should be able to trust that we will act with integrity. The Code of Conduct on Integrity describes how we can work together to ensure that this is the case, whether in relation to research, interactions with students, purchasing or the use of University…
The internal auditor appraises the effectiveness and reliability of the internal organisation of Leiden University. We work in close collaboration with an external auditor during the financial audit of project reports and the financial statement. The various audits provide a clear picture of what is…
Installing and applying for software
Your workplace is equipped with a standard basic software package. In addition, you can also install programmes yourself from the additional software package. If you need software that is not available via the additional or basic software package, you can apply for the software you need.
Tips for a good presentation
Do you have to give a presentation for the first time, or do you need support creating a good presentation? We have listed a few tips below that will help you get your story across.
Looking beyond labels
Each department of our faculty has a different way of onboarding new lecturers depending on your experience and type of teaching responsibilities. SEEDS is currently putting together an onboarding roadmap to help you get settled as a lecturer or supervisor and find the support you need. Until the…
Basic project management: a primer for postdocs
Working effectively
Brightspace is Leiden University's digital learning environment. With Brightspace you can share course materials, grades and updates with your students, create and evaluate assignments and quizzes, perform plagiarism checks, provide personalized feedback and peer feedback, and start discussions.
Grassroots en Grass Shoots grants 2025-2026 awarded
GGZ-training: Signaling mental health problems in students
The Panama Canal: unveiling the transition to Panamanian Management
Copyright and Open Access for PhDs
Liveblog: Leiden University strikes against government cuts
Staff from Leiden University are starting the Dutch universities’ staggered strike against the government cuts on 10 March. Follow the strike in this liveblog.
Standing up for yourself, while keeping good relations (Effective communication)
Communication, Working effectively
Sign up for the upgrade of your laptop to Windows 11
ICT, Organisation
Many national and international research funders can provide financing for your research project.
Researchers about the labs
Since the opening of the SSH labs in the Sylvius Building, more and more researchers are starting in the state-of-the-art lab spaces. What research are they doing, and how do they like the new facilities? Read about their experiences.
Mandela Scholarship Fund
Bachelor, Master
Reimbursement of expenses for business trips abroad
If you travel abroad for your work, you can claim expenses for lodging, meals, minor costs and transport. The amount reimbursed depends on the country you travel to. You must have approval to travel from your manager.
Training course Leading from the middle
Management, Leadership
NL Scholarship - Outgoing
Bachelor, Master
Giving a lecture
Giving an effective lecture requires not only careful preparation of the content, but also clear structures, visual support and presentation techniques. Some guidelines and tips to keep your lectures engaging and well structured are presented here.
Joanne van der Leun to chair new knowledge security and fossil industry committees
Leiden University has set up two committees to consider issues that are the focus of much attention within our community and society at large. They are the Knowledge Security Committee and the Fossil Fuel Industry Collaboration Committee. Former dean Joanne van der Leun will chair both.
Creating a mailing or newsletter
Follow these steps to start a new mailing or newsletter.
Frequently asked questions
You can suggest topics that need to be addressed in these FAQs. Please contact us at our usual email addresses and phone number(s).
Web editorial team
If you have a question about the University website, or if you wish to post an announcement or report content-related changes, please contact the web editors of your faculty or unit.
Supplement your retirement pension
When you retire, your income is almost certain to be lower than what you are used to. You can take measures now to supplement your pension later.