1,186 search results for “labour maar” in the Public website
Iranian and Central Asian Studies
LIAS aims to advance the globally conscious vision of area studies, both within and outside the academic community. Focusing on Asia and the Middle East, the institute is a meeting place of multiple fields of inquiry, theories and methods, historical periods, and areas.
Minor Economics and Transitions: inequality, climate and globalisation
De minor Economie en Beleid van de Universiteit Leiden leert je oplossingen te vinden voor problemen waar het Nederlandse openbaar bestuur elke dag aan werkt.
Ethnic disadvantage and adolescents’ emotional- and behavioural problems
Team 5 Diversity and inclusion
Following the mid-term review, one of the faculty's ambitions is improving diversity and inclusion in our education.
How to choose a Master?
Choosing a master’s programme can be quite a challenge. A master offers academic expansion of knowledge and will allow you to develop the skills you need to be successful on the labour market or in scientific research. Are you struggling to choose a master’s programme? The information on these pages…
The Department of Economics concentrates its research on Social Policies, Public Finance and Law and Economics.
Hoe laten we vaders minder werken en meer doen in het huishouden?
Gaan vaders minder werken als andere vaders dat ook doen? Helpt betaald ouderschapsverlof hen om meer op te pakken in het huishouden? Hoe bepalend zijn sociale normen voor verschillen op de arbeidsmarkt? Onderzoeker Max van Lent gaat het uitzoeken.
Roundtable: Writing a General Labour History of Africa from the 16th to the 19th centuries
Coronavirus: Powers of employers to deal with reckless behaviour of workers
In the public debate on the coronavirus, bold assertions from academics, doctors and other medical practitioners are often heard. For example, that the coronavirus would be no more deadly than the flu. Or that measures to combat the virus like wearing face coverings are unnecessary.
Barend Barentsen on strikes in regional public transport
For one week, regional public transport drivers will go on strike. At least, that is what Dutch trade unions FNV and CNV are calling for. According to the employers’ association WVOV, half the busses will still be running.
Waarom bouwen Nederlandse vrouwen gemiddeld 40% minder pensioen op dan mannen?
Vrouwen moeten in het nieuwe pensioenstelsel nog beter oppassen voor een te laag pensioen. In een interview met Nationale Nederlanden geeft Suzanne Kali, docent/onderzoeker pensioenrecht, afdeling Sociaal Recht, uitleg over deze pensioenkloof.
General Labour History of Africa Workers, Employers and Governments, 20th-21st Centuries
Lecture, Research Seminar
Labour Regulation of International Aviation: A Crawl-Walk-Run Approach in International Law
PhD defence
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
Career preparation
Where you end up depends on the chosen study direction, your own skills and interests.
After graduation
Once you have obtained your bachelor’s degree, you are ready for a next step: continuing your studies or entering the labour market. Completing the Urban Studies programme will give you an excellent preparation for both options.
Unemployment Replacement Rates Dataset
The unemployment replacement rate data set, assembled by Olaf Van Vliet & Koen Caminada (version 1, January 2012), provides data on unemployment benefit schemes in 34 welfare states from the 1970s until 2009. The current data set includes all 27 member states of the European Union and 7 non-EU OECD…
How globalisation is changing the welfare state
As a result of globalisation, migration and technological advances, politicians have to make complex choices about social security and labour market policy. Professor by special appointment Olaf van Vliet will speak about this topic in his inaugural lecture on 7 June.
LA cuidadora: Latin American female migration and elderly home-care work in Europe
Through a lens that examines the intersection of ageing, gender, class, and migration, this project addresses the “care deficit” in European countries and the employment of migrant women from Latin America to fill this deficit.
LA cuidadora: Latin American female migration and elderly home-care work in Europe
Through a lens that examines the intersection of ageing, gender, class, and migration, this project addresses the 'care deficit' in European countries and the employment of migrant women from Latin America to fill this deficit.
Cultural framing of rights and subjectivities
Migrants in between. The construction of illegal and temporal migration, 1945-2000
Subproject of
Moving Romans. Migration to Rome in the Principate.
Moving Romans offers an analysis of Roman migration by applying general insights, models and theories from the field of migration history.
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Do you want to understand the complexities of today’s gender issues, social media use, food habits, social justice movements, labour relations or religious expressions? Join our international bachelor's programme in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology and get insight into people's social…
The relation between communication and violence in the Guéra and Moyen –Chari regions (Chad) from 1940 to 2010
French title: Communication et violences dans le Guéra et le Moyen-Chari (Tchad) de 1940 à 2010. This research investigates the relationship between the introduction of new means of communication and violence experienced by the local populations in the Moyen-Chari and the Guéra regions in Chad from…
Step 1. Know yourself
In order to choose your master, it is important to do some soul searching. If you know who you are, what you want, and what you find important in life, you will be better able to assess what suits you and what can help you to come to the right decision.
Lars van Doorn speaker at ESOF2022: ‘A great opportunity in many ways’
From 13 to 16 July, Leiden will host the EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), the largest multidisciplinary scientific conference in Europe. Lars van Doorn from Leiden Law School will give a presentation.
Barend Barentsen on increase in strike action
With inflation skyrocketing, more and more workers are willing to take action for better working conditions. From regional transport to municipal officials, and from healthcare staff to pharmacy workers, it’s one strike after another in the Netherlands.
COVID-crisis of COVID-kans? Adaptief en lerend bestuur in het LUMC en de regio
Covid-19 is een disruptieve ontwikkeling die hier en nu veel vraagt van zorgprofessionals, bestuurders en managers. Hoewel de crisis nog volop bezig is, is nu al duidelijk dat het Coronavirus een blijvende impact zal hebben op zorginstellingen en fundamentele vragen oproept over hoe we onze zorg optimaal…
Zoonímia Histórico-comparativa: Denominações dos antílopes em bantu
On the 26th of February, Joane de Lima Santiago successfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Joane on this achievement.
Biophysical Organic Chemistry
The long term goal of the Biophysical Organic Chemistry/SSNMR group, headed by Prof. Huub de Groot, is to reach an understanding of structure, dynamics and functional mechanisms of membrane proteins and self-organized biological assemblies and to translate this knowledge into new concepts for nano-devices,…
Participating teams
Wondering who appeared at the start in 2019?
Archaeology of Europe
In the master’s programme in Archaeology, you can follow courses on the archaeology of Europe, deepening your understanding of the continent’s long history.
Decent Flexibility
On Thursday 8 December, Fred van Haasteren has defended his doctoral thesis ‘Fatsoenlijke flexibiliteit – De invloed van ILO-conventie 181 en de regelgeving omtrent uitzendarbeid’ (Decent flexibility - The influence of ILO Convention 181 and legislation on temporary agency work) at the Academy Building…
Also this year we are running, with the Leiden Science Run, for the UAF.
- Working together
How do you choose the right programme?
Choosing a study programme is fun and exciting, but it’s not always easy. Your choice of study is a major decision; after all, it is about your future. At the same time, it’s good to remember that this choice will not determine the rest of your life.
Leiden Law School is working hard to improve sustainability both in education and teaching within the faculty, at our campus and in its research. You can read all about the university's vision and ambitions, recent developments in this area, our current sustainability projects and how students and…
Career Prospects
The combination of academic and professional skills you gain in the MSc PA makes you an excellent candidate for positions in national and international governance and policy making, as well as for managerial positions in the private sector, after graduation.
Tanja Masson in Een Vandaag over militaire ruimtemacht van Trump
“Het is niet genoeg dat Amerika aanwezig is in de ruimte. Amerika moet domineren”, zegt Donald Trump tijdens een bijeenkomst met de Nationale Ruimteraad. Zodoende wil hij naast de land-, zee-, en luchtmacht een nieuwe militaire kracht oprichten: de Space Force. Ruimterecht deskundige Tanja Masson denkt…
- Presentation: Building the League of Nations and the International Labour Organisation
presentation ‘Building the League of Nations and the International Labour Organisation’
Book presentation
Who did all the work? The hidden labour of colonial science
Conference, Workshop
Moleculair mysterie in de ruimte
Tussen de sterren is niet alleen leegte. Er zweven ook stoffen als methanol en koolstofdioxide. Chemische theorieën kunnen nog niet verklaren hoe die zijn ontstaan onder omstandigheden die dat juist onmogelijk zouden moeten maken. Fedor Goumans gaat met een Veni-beurs proberen die vraag te beantwoor…
Hoe thermostaat en tv cyberwapens konden worden
Geheime diensten en criminelen kunnen inbreken in slimme apparaten, door slechte beveiliging. De markt lost het niet op: bedrijven willen gadgets verkopen, burgers doen ook weinig. NRC sprak hierover met Bibi van den Berg.
Experimental project Huize Horsterwold
The project’s main aim was to build a reconstruction of a prehistoric house plan, without using any metal tools. How effective are tools made of stone, flint, bone, antler and wood? What are the constraints imposed by the various building materials? How much labour do we need and how much knowledge…
- Career prospects
Sectoral Income Inequality Dataset
The Leiden LIS Sectoral Income Inequality Dataset, assembled by Chen Wang, Stefan Thewissen and Olaf van Vliet (Version 1.1, March 2014), contains information on multiple indicators of earnings inequality and employment within 9 sectors and 12 subsectors, drawing upon micro data from Luxembourg Income…
Child labour in the cocoa producing area of Gomoa Ofaso, Winneba district, Ghana
PhD defence
Book presentation 'Phanta Rhei: recht en duurzaamheid'
On 15 June 2023, the book presentation for the ‘Panta Rhei: recht en duurzaamheid’ (Panta Rhei: law and sustainability) was held at the Oude Sterrenwacht in Leiden. The book provides an overview of research in the field of sustainability conducted at Leiden Law School and was compiled by Yvonne Erkens,…