8,155 search results for “starting” in the Public website
Leiden University joins national 113 campaign: ‘It’s okay to feel uncomfortable about talking about suicide’
Talking about suicide is important, but anything but comfortable. To make this difficult subject easier for students and staff to discuss, the university is organising a campaign week in line with the national campaign ‘1K Z1E J3’ (I see you) being run by Stichting 113 Zelfmoordpreventie (113 is the…
Unravelling the complexity of HIV/AIDS
Dr. Josien de Klerk, Associate professor in Global Public Health at Leiden University College The Hague recently published some of her work on HIV/AIDS. In collaboration with a team of interdisciplinary researchers from the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development she came to the conclusion…
Making everything we know computer-readable
Data and information should be stored in a way that computers can understand, says Barend Mons, professor of Biosemantics at the Leiden University Medical Center and Chair of the High Level Expert Group for the European Open Science Cloud. We speak with him about FAIR data, knowlets and nanopublicat…
Alumna Nadia Kadhim: From children’s rights to Forbes 30 under 30
Alumna Nadia Kadhim started in 2017 as a corporate lawyer implementing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at one of the companies where she volunteered. By late 2022 she had received both a Most Inspiring Women in Cyber Award and was on the Forbes 30 under 30 list with her legal start-up…
Introducing: Project Group The Scholarly Self
In November 2013, three PhD students started in Herman Paul’s VIDI project ‘The Scholarly Self: Character, Habit, and Virtue in the Humanities, 1860-1930’. In this newsletter they introduce themselves.
Coaching secondary school pupils
Learning from and with each other. The 'Haags Mentorprogramma
Jannemieke Ouwerkerk comments on surrender of suspects fatal assault Mallorca
One week ago a group of Dutch men were attacked out of the blue by another group of Dutch tourists on the Spanish island of Mallorca. One of the victims later died as a result of his injuries. The Spanish police know who the suspects are, but those men are in the Netherlands.
Leiden student associations join together on online platform
The Local Chamber of Associations (PKvV) has launched an online media platform that brings together all 24 Leiden student associations. It developed the platform over the past months in conjunction with Leiden University, University of Applied Sciences Leiden and Leiden Marketing.
Sustainable demolition of old labs under way
Leiden University has started the sustainable demolition of the old LCP building of the Faculty of Science.
Ida Haisma appointed Director Leiden Bio Science Park
Ida Haisma has been appointed Director of the Leiden Bio Science Park. She will lead the transformation of the Leiden Bio Science Park from science park to innovation district. To this end, she will set up a new park organisation and act as the spokesperson for the park.
Leidse studente Aoife Fleming verkozen tot VN-jongerenvertegenwoordiger
De 21-jarige Aoife Fleming werd maandagavond 21 oktober 2019 verkozen tot jongerenvertegenwoordiger Duurzame Ontwikkeling van de Verenigde Naties.
New colleague: Corey Williams
It gives us great pleasure to report that the search for a University Lecturer in Christianity in the Modern World has resulted in the appointment of Corey Williams, starting January 2015.
Tatiana Afanassjewa public lectures about physics
After a succesful first lecture, the Leiden physics institute LION is launching an online series of (Dutch language) lectures about physics, intended for a broad audience, named the Tatiana Afanassjewa lectures. Upcoming speakers are science historian Dirk van Delft, neutrino physicist Dorothea Samtleben…
Registration for the Science Based Business specialisation is now open
The registrations for the Science Based Business specialisation of the Fall 2017 (Management track, starting in September) has now been opened, and it is thus now possible to apply. The ability to apply for the New Technology Ventures track will also follow soon.
New MOOC on Arbitration of International Disputes open for enrolment
On 29 January 2018, the new “Arbitration of International Disputes” MOOC (massive open online course), taught by Prof. Eric De Brabandere and Dr. Giulia Pinzauti, will start on Coursera.
Festive opening Faculty Year in the Hortus
The Faculty of Humanities has made a festive start to the academic year. On 7 September, staff members were able to meet each other at a drinks party in the Hortus botanicus.
EL CID: from boat tours to mud wrestling
The EL CID introduction week has come to a close. This was the week when first-year students got to know one another, the city and their study programme better. See the week in photos.
Roberta D'Alessandro appointed member of Global Young Academy
Professor Roberta D'Alessandro, from the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, has been appointed a member of the Global Young Academy (GYA) from 20 January 2014. The GYA, consisting of 155 members, provides a rallying point for outstanding young scientists from around the world.
Faculty year opening with Leiden Law Op 1 Talkshow – watch again
On Tuesday 7 September 2021, the new Faculty year was opened with the Leiden Law Op 1 Talkshow. Various guests shared their thoughts and expectations for the new academic year. Lotte Kremers and Bastiaan Rijpkema presented the show.
Deltaplan for Dutch Mathematics presented
A week before Christmas, the Deltaplan for Dutch Mathematics was presented to Hans de Groene (director NWO) and Sjoerd Verduyn Lunel (chairman Platform Wiskunde Nederland). Prof. dr. Frank den Hollander was one of the leading researchers in mathematics taking part in the Commission Deltaplan Mathema…
Luuk van Middelaar launches Brussels Institute for Geopolitics
On 7 October, the Brussels Institute for Geopolitics was launched on the margins of an informal EU leaders’ summit in Prague. The initiative will provide a hub for high-quality research on Europe’s geopolitics, thus enabling the European Union to develop its strategic capacities.
Jelle van Buuren about the criminal trial of Gökmen Tanis from the tram attack in Utrecht
On 18 March 2019, Gökmen Tanis shot three people in a tram in Utrecht. He shot a fourth victim after exiting the tram on the 24 Oktoberplein. On 1 July, the criminal trial against Tanis started with presumably only one possible outcome: a life sentence.
Flipping the Bio-chemistry II Classroom
Our educational team has been awarded an ICTO-grant of €12000 for the LACDR for flipping the Biochemistry 2 classroom.
Nadine Stijns and Yin Yin Wong strengthen the team of teachers of Practicum Artium
We are very happy to announce two new teachers in the Practicum Artium programme: Nadine Stijns and Yin Yin Wong.
A few words from our Director
Dear friends of the NVIC,
Prince’s Day lecture: Equal rights after 100 years of universal rights to vote?
On September 12th, the faculty of Governance and Global Affairs organized a lecture and debate together with the organization Prinsjesfestival. The event was about 100 years of universal rights to vote, specifically women’s rights to vote.
Hans Franken Lecture by Jan Kleijssen, former Human Rights Director at the Council of Europe
On June 30, eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University organised the annual Hans Franken Lecture. This year the lecture was delivered by Jan Kleijssen, former Human Rights Director at the Council of Europe.
Studying the pre-Roman Samnite people with an IRESMO research grant
In Spring next year, a new and international team of archaeologists, historians, and education experts will start a collaborative project on the archaeology of Molise. The project is generously funded by l’Istituto Regionale per gli Studi Storici del Molise “Vincenzo Cuoco” (IRESMO).
Bitcoins demand a huge amount of electricity
Bitcoin is the most popular virtual currency to date but it is starting to have some serious physical effects on the environment. A study shows that in an optimistic case the growth of demand on electricity is little, but in the pessimistic case this may lead to a total electricity demand similar to…
‘Food is the elephant in the room for human water use’
From treatment plants to hot showers, emissions from water use in the U.S. are equal to 50 million cars driving around for a year. In The Washington Post, staff writer Tik Root consults different experts to learn about ways to reduce our water consumption. He also speaks with Leiden environmental scientist…
Work to begin on 703 new student flats at Leiden Bio Science Park in mid-2021
Seven hundred and three independent student flats will be built in the entrance area of the Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP), close to the University Sports Centre. Construction will begin this year and the accommodation is expected to be completed by the start of academic year 2023-2024.
Progress Wijnhaven Project
You can follow the construction of the Wijnhaven quarter in The Hague, where the Faculties of Governance and Global Affairs and Humanities will hire the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor, live via webcam.
Minister Bussemaker to open Morocco Institute NIMAR in Rabat
Minister Jet Bussemaker (Ministry of Education, Culture and Science) will open the new headquarters of NIMAR (Netherlands Institute in Morocco) in Rabat on 1 March, in the presence of Mayor of Rotterdam Ahmed Aboutaleb and Rector of Leiden University Carel Stolker. The institute has been part of Leiden…
Manhunt in Leiden: 'I can see Princess Beatrix!'
'Hey look! There's Rembrandt! And isn't that Einstein?' Over 200 children took part in the 444 Manhunt through the centre of Leiden on Saturday 29 June. They were looking for famous figures from the history of the University and the city: from Princess Beatrix to Von Siebold and from Roman goddess Minerva…
Record number of first-year students for Leiden Biology
150 new Biology students have arrived in Leiden. This is more than ever and we seem to settle among the big three Universities for Biology in the Netherlands.
Leiden University/LUMC to drop cum laude honour for Master’s in Medicine
As of 1 September 2024, the cum laude honour will no longer be awarded for the Master’s in Medicine. The Executive Board recently decided to grant an exemption to the Leiden University/LUMC Faculty of Medicine. This decision is in line with other medicine programmes in the Netherlands.
New free online course on Health Behaviour
As of 14 May, people from all over the world can follow a little part of our university’s education through a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Health & Health Behaviour. This MOOC provides an introduction to the field of Health Psychology.
Joost Kok appointed to be new Dean of University of Twente’s EEMCS Faculty
Joost Kok, Professor of Computer Science at the Faculty of Science, has been appointed Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) at the University of Twente. He will succeed Prof. Peter Apers, and start at 1 February 2018.
Crowdfunding for a knowledge hub
The Lorentz Center has started a crowdfunding campaign to raise money to renovate the common room, the place where researchers can exchange new ideas. The common room will be renovated in the autumn of 2016, at a cost of € 15,000.
Adapting to climate change: how leftover seeds can help birds breed
When migrating from China to Siberia, a few intermediary food stops are not a luxury. For migratory birds, they are even crucial for their survival. However, climate change is altering the seasonal availability of food at these stops. Environmental scientist Yali Si has discovered that because of this,…
Deepfake video enforcement is a problem: ‘You can't ban all porn videos.’
Many deepfake porn videos are going around appearing to feature popular Dutch presenters, actors and politicians. These videos are banned, and yet they’re still being circulated. Dirk Visser, Professor of Intellectual Property Law, explains why: ‘There are enough rules telling us that deepfakes aren’t…
The choice is yours! Three introduction weeks for Leiden University students
Leiden or The Hague? Dutch or English? These two questions decide which introduction week new Leiden University students should choose: EL CID, HOP or OWL.
Cosmopolis Advanced: Call for International MA/PhD Applications
The Institute for History is pleased to announce the launch of a new research program: Cosmopolis Advanced, an initiative of the Institute for History at Leiden University (LU) in partnership with Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta.
Hall of Fame 2020
In 2020, many of our staff and students have again won prestigious prizes and been awarded important research subsidies.
Introductory lectures Econophysics
Financial markets and their behavior: the newspapers are full of it. You might wonder whether a physicist can discover interesting aspects. In October three introductory lectures start in preparation for the college in the spring of 2010.
Archaeologist Meliam Gaspar interviewed about isolated indigenous groups by Dutch news show
On the occassion of the appearance of new drone footage of indigenous groups living isolated in the Amazon rainforest, Meliam Gaspar was interviewed by RTL Nieuws. She spoke about the dangers these people face due to the encroaching modern world.
Shared Sky
To what extent is astronomy woven into our culture? Starting the 16th of October, you can visit the Shared Sky exhibition at the Old Observatory and search for the answer to that question. The exhibition explores the knowledge, colours and the beauty of the nightsky as seen by the eyes and expressed…
PhD Position (Leiden)
The Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS) invites applications for a PhD Position in the ERC Starting Grant project Pages of Prayer: The Ecosystem of Vernacular Prayer Books in the Late Medieval Low Countries, c. 1380-1550. Deadline: 30 November 2022.
Physics Bachelor Project Fair
On Wednesday November 28th, the Physics education program organized its second Bachelor Project fair.
New publication investigates curious shift of 7th century burial practices
At the end of the 7th century something curious occurs in Northwestern Europe. Suddenly, people start burying the dead next to their dwellings instead of in communal cemeteries. Professor Frans Theuws recently published a book on this phenomenon. ‘We wanted to know if the study of these farmyard burials…