3,530 search results for “sociale science master” in the Public website
On bandkeramik social structure
An analysis of pot decoration and hut distributions from the Central European Neolithic communities of Elsloo and Hienheim.
European Citizen Science (ECS)
The overall objective of ECS is to widen and strengthen the European Citizen Science community through capacity building and awareness raising activities such as the creation of a European Citizen Science Academy and the establishment of a network of 28 ECS Ambassadors.
Measuring science communication impact
What tools can be applied to measure the output, outcome and impact of science communication efficiently and effectively?
Social Justice Expertise Center (SJEC)
Developments in globalization and industrialization continuously push governments, international organizations and NGOs to reexamine the opportunities available to people at all levels of society to attain basic socioeconomic necessities. Research into existing social justice initiatives has shown a…
Economic Effects of Social Protection
On 1 October 2019, Emile Cammeraat defended his thesis 'Economic Effects of Social Protection'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. K.P. Goudswaard and Prof. P.W.C. Koning.
Social Science Matters: The surveillance society
Those who know their dystopian classics will inevitably associate the concept of surveillance society with the all-knowing oppressive force characterized as Big Brother in George Orwell’s novel 1984. However, surveillance permeats our society in many more subtle aspects than our worst fears about spy…
Understanding social issues
Inequality and violence are the two biggest issues in South Africa. What is the underlying cause? Could they be linked to rivalling groups, economic factors, government policy or all of the above? To understand social issues, it is important to study them within their context. The extended case study…
Educatieve Master Primair Onderwijs (EMPO) (MSc) (120 EC)
Heb jij een universitaire bachelor en wil je een carrière in het primair onderwijs? Kies dan de EMPO!
Social Distance in International Relations
This project studies social distance—the degree of sympathetic understanding that exists between people—in relation to state foreign policy making. Does, and if so how does, social distance shape political biases, aid narratives, and, ultimately, state foreign policy priorities and decisions?
The social brain in adolescence
What is the neural basis of social decision-making across childhood, adolescence and adulthood and what are the developmental patterns in terms of behavior and brain activation?
Psychology Master's Kick Off 28 August 2025
Study information
Science in the Media
How can we bridge the gap between experts and the general public?
Funding for congresses, workshops and master classes
In order to stimulate research and teaching within the field of medieval studies in the Netherlands the Research School for Medieval Studies offers the opportunity to submit requests for the (co-)funding of congresses, workshops and master classes for the period between 2022-2027.
The power of positive peers for socially anxious youth
Can positive peer feedback break the cycle of negative self-relevant cognitive processes and reduce self-reported anxiety in early adolescents?
Eveline Crone in Social Sciences Council
From 1 January 2017, Professor of neurocognitive developmental psychology Eveline Crone has been appointed member of the Social Sciences Council of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
DRIVE: Social inclusion against polarisation
What are the main issues leading to polarisation and division? What is the role of social exclusion in these processes? How can we inform and design better policies to safeguard young people from falling prey to intolerance and polarisation? The DRIVE project, led by Leiden University in The Hague,…
Frank Takes
f.w.takes@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7143
Ideology and Social Structure of Stone Age Communities in Europe
Also including: Wateringen 4 & Acquiring a taste.
Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology
Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology focuses on the application of scientific psychological knowledge of social processes within and between groups of people and individuals, in organisations, but also during economic and consumer decisions.
Activity, Diet and Social Practice
Day-to-day activities are important in the development of social identities, the establishment of social standing, and the communal understanding of societal rules. This perspective is broadly referred to as practice theory and relates to the power of an overarching social structure and the individual…
PathOS - Open Science Impact Pathways
PathOS aims to contribute to a better understanding and measurement of Open Science impacts and their causal mechanisms. This is pivotal in order to develop effective OS policy in the EU (European Union). It will do so by collecting concrete evidence of OS effects, by studying the pathways of OS practices,…
Berna Güroglu
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
bguroglu@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Master Governance of Sustainability
In the Governance of Sustainability programme students will learn to become a future ‘change agents’ who can develop and inform governance solutions to complex environmental sustainability challenges.
Ralph Rippe
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
rrippe@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3889
Plant Sciences
The mission of the Plant Science research programme is to contribute to the sustainable production of high quality crops, flowers and high-value bio-based products. This is realised by generating fundamental knowledge of basic biological processes related to development of plants and their interaction…
Social Science Matters: The stressed society
Stress, burnout, depression – these conditions pervade all levels of our society. Children and students suffer from constant pressure to achieve; at the international level, tensions lead to short-sighted actions; and, at the personal level, stress affects our health and social environment. How do our…
The Social History of Labor in the Iranian Oil Industry
This dissertation studies the formation of the wage laboring class in the Iranian oil industry during the first decades of the 20th century.
Migrants, welfare and social citizenship in postcolonial Europe
This paper explores how citizenship is enacted and experienced in welfare encounters for Egyptian migrant parents in Paris, Amsterdam, and Milan, highlighting the importance of social citizenship and personal interactions in shaping belonging.
Labour Law and Social Security
The Labour Law and Social Security department provides both bachelor’s level and master’s level teaching.
'social Subjecthood?’ the Inclusion of Imperial Citizens in the Dutch Post-War Welfare State
Emily Wolff, PhD candidate at Leiden University, wrote a paper about the inclusion of imperial citizens in the Dutch post-war welfare state.
Marieke van der Maden
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.t.l.van.der.maden@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Clara Bik
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
c.m.b.bik@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Janna Marie Bas-Hoogendam
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
j.m.hoogendam@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6345
‘Science communication is important for every scientist’
Just start somewhere: whether it's videos, board games, theatre performances, or festivals. That was one of the key insights Sophie Wintermans gained during the Science Communication Summer School. In her view, the Summer School is a great step for any scientist interested in science communication.
cross-contextual media landscape: Children’s digital media use and their social development
For this project we delve into children's digital media use during the transition from kindergarten to group 3 and investigate its impact on their social development.
Frank Doolaard
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
f.t.doolaard@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Microbial Sciences
In the research programme Microbial Sciences we perform state-of-the-art research in the field of biotechnology and microbial sciences.
Social Science Matters: How useful is deprivation of liberty?
A new bill is currently under debate in the Netherlands, advocating raising the prison sentence for manslaughter from 15 to 25 years. ‘This very serious crime (...) evokes feelings of disgust and insecurity in society’, Dutch Minister for Justice and Security Grapperhaus comments on the sentence that…
Social Sciences and Humanities research of vital importance to Europe
The League of European Research Universities (LERU) makes recommendations for the future of the Social Sciences and Humanities research in Europe. Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) research is vital to build an innovative and resilient Europe.
Social Science Matters: scientist about voting behaviour
How do people vote? How rational are voting choices? How much do external factor weigh in? In this article social scientis provide some background.
Social Science Matters: The (non)sense of conspiracy theories
Climate change is made up, the secret services murdered Pim Fortuyn and JFK, and the moon landing was a fake show. Conspiracy theories are of all times, providing sensation and entertainment, but also unrest and fear. The corona pandemic is new fuel for conspiracy theorists who set fire to 5G masts,…
Social Anxiety and Specific Phobia in youth
Welcome to the Social Anxiety and Specific Phobia (SASP) Research Group!
Animal Sciences
We perform multidisciplinary research at molecular, cellular, and organismal levels of animal biology to increase fundamental understanding of health and disease.
Blended Care for Adolescents with Social Anxiety
Is blended care a feasible and effective treatment method for social anxiety in adolescence?
Health and the social investment state
Recent years have seen a vibrant scholarship on health policy and politics. While much is now known about changes to health policies and institutions over time, this study finds that scholarship still lacks research on the linkages between health policies and health outcomes (Marmor & Wendt, 2012).…
Social and Economic Psychology (research) (MSc)
The Social and Economic Psychology specialisation offers in-depth knowledge of a broad range of theories and research domains in this area, all concerning the way people’s social environment influences thoughts, feelings, and behaviour.
Philosophical Foundations of the Historiography of Science
This NWO-funded research programme focuses on the assumptions and methodology of the writing of history of science. History of science is in many respects a flourishing discipline: it currently yields an impressive volume of studies. Systematic reflection about the ways in which history of science may…
Data Science: Computer Science (MSc)
The master's specialisation Data Science: Computer Science at Leiden University provides students thorough knowledge and understanding of statistical and computational aspects of data analysis, including their application in databases, advances in data mining, networks, pattern recognition, and deep…
Lab facilities Social and Organisational Psychology
Observational, cognitive and physiological measurements in social contexts.
Statistical Science
The research programme Statistical Science is concerned with the analysis and interpretation of masses of data, the quantification of uncertainty using probability models, and the development and benchmarking of algorithms and methods with these aims.