1,138 search results for “literatuur en nieuwe media” in the Staff website
Situating "Wicked" Women: Gender Panic and Savoir Vivre in Urban Senegal
PhD defence
Synthesis of D-alanylated wall teichoic acids from Staphylococcus aureus
PhD defence
Opinion Diversity through Hybrid Intelligence
PhD defence
Trust is Good, Control is Better: Technopolitical Visions and Realities in China's Social Credit System
PhD defence
Design and Synthesis of Inhibitors and Probes for Sulfoquinovosidases and Xylanases
PhD defence
Enhancing Autonomy and Efficiency in Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning
PhD defence
The Evolutionary Tale of Gaseous Exoplanets
PhD defence
Life after loss
PhD defence
Een korte geschiedenis van de Cornelii Scipiones
PhD defence
Dutch Entrepreneurship in the Spanish Americas, 1580-1700
PhD defence
Trade Unions in Morocco: National Unity, Political Struggle, and Trade Union Fragmentation in the Independent State, 1955-1978
PhD defence
An egg is always an adventure
PhD defence
On the origin of ‘bloopergenes’: unraveling the evolution of the balanced lethal system in Triturus newts
PhD defence
Robotic reconstitution of cytostatic drugs and monoclonal antibodies: transforming aseptic drug compounding in hospital pharmacies
PhD defence
Towards near-infrared light-activated combination chemotherapy
PhD defence
Diversity and Functional Potential of the Sorghum Root Microbiome to Control Striga hermonthica
PhD defence
Comparative wood anatomy and evolution of Apocynaceae and Sapotaceae
PhD defence
Setting the Standard
PhD defence
Development of a Healthy and Diseased Artery-on-a-Chip
PhD defence
Microphysiological liver systems for in vitro modeling and industry implementation
PhD defence
Deciphering the Atomic Structure of the Electrified Metal Oxide- Electrolyte Interface
PhD defence
Comparative Genomics of the Balanced Lethal System in Triturus Newts
PhD defence
Towards secure and sustainable supply chains: A multi-perspective risk assessment for photovoltaics
PhD defence
Onzekerheid opzoeken - risicogedrag in pubers en zebravissen
algemene belangenafwegingen in het Europese staatssteunrecht: tussen verbod en verenigbaarheid
PhD defence
Van liefdadigheid naar abortusstrijd. Leidse vrouwen en de Nederlandse vrouwenbeweging van 1860 tot 1990.
PhD defence
Capital humano femenino en la minería chilena: asociaciones público- privadas, responsabilidad social empresarial y género
PhD defence
De nieuwe golf: Culturele identiteit in hedendaagse Nederlands(talig)e hiphop 2015 tot heden
PhD defence
JEDI Fund: ‘We’re now showing clearly that the community is diverse’
If you have a plan that could improve the education or the learning environment of the Faculty of Humanities in terms of diversity or inclusion, you can apply for a grant from the faculty’s JEDI Fund. This year, Nasreen has been helping to develop a new syllabus for the first-year Ancient History co…
bemind. De noodzaak van onderwaterarcheologie en het onderzoek van maritiem erfgoed voor onze kennis- en identiteitsvorming
Inaugural lecture
Arno Knobbe
a.j.knobbe@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5278919
Legal professionals do not have a better understanding of the constitution
Do people actually understand the constitution? This is what Jelle But, PhD candidate at Constitutional and administrative law, wondered. To find out, he conducted a survey among 1333 respondents. His research shows that lawyers and other legal professionals actually do not have a better understanding…
Faculty of Humanities joins 'Hidden Disabilities Sunflower'
A hidden disability can make studying a considerable challenge, partly because of the disability itself, but also because others may not realise that extra support is justified. To overcome this problem, the Faculty of Humanities is introducing the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower.
Exhibition "Leidsche Mondialen" on display at Faculty of Social Sciences
In our building, a new, colorful exhibition is now on display! Twelve artists from the collective "De Leidsche Mondialen" are showcasing their work in various locations within the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSW).
Politieke Vervalsingen en Complottheorieën in Nederland - Toen en Nu
LUF grant for Neeltje Blankenstein: 'I want to study online risk behaviour of young people in it's full depth'
Neeltje Blankenstein receives an LUF grant to conduct research on online risk behaviour among young people. What risks do young people take online and why? 'With this research, we not only want to help prevent serious risk behaviour, but also understand what drives young people to it.'
Bart Custers discusses arrest of Telegram CEO in 'Trouw'
Pavel Durov, CEO of chat and messaging app Telegram, was arrested in France last week. The Russian tech billionaire flew into Paris by private jet and was arrested on suspicion of cybercrimes. Telegram allegedly facilitates criminal activities such as money laundering. This raises the question of how…
Court as a theatre: ‘There are great similarities between drama as an art form and the legal world’
The Lucia de Berk case or the suicide of Slobodan Praljak at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia: certain trials keep popping up in media. In her dissertation, Tessa de Zeeuw examines the cultural appeal of such cases and analyses artistic responses. ‘Artworks sometimes have…
Het raakt alle gezinsleden: hoe seksueel misbruik tussen broers en zussen door kan werken in de familie
Seksueel misbruik tussen broers en zussen kan ook na jaren nog grote impact op de familierelaties. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van Sheila van Berkel, Iva Bicanic en Anja van der Voort, die slachtoffers met elkaar in gesprek brachten over hun ervaringen. ‘Ouders ontkenden of minimaliseerden het misbruik…
- Meijerslezing 2025 en Nieuwjaarsreceptie
Grant for research on politics and play: ‘In both cases, a world is created’
How do politics and play relate to each other? Six Leiden academics hope to find an answer to that question over the coming years. They have received an NWO grant of 750,000 euros. Professor Sybille Lammes and University Lecturer Bram tell us how they plan to spend the money.
Media in education: practical advice and useful resources
Unveiling Media Accessibility: From Research to Practice and Back
Lecture, Leiden Translation Talks
Aida Gholami
Faculty of Humanities
a.gholami@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
"Enfin, die werkt zal eten, en daarom maar vol ijver door" Brouwers Fabriek van Aarden Vaatwerk 1901-1905
PhD defence
Await AND anticipate. How the municipality of Amsterdam manages developments in the digital public domain.
The issue of how to deal with a development such as digitalisation in the public domain raises difficult questions for the municipality: who is responsible and when do you intervene?
Eruptions of yellow hypergiants: these are the latest revelations
They are among the rarest and most extremely luminous stars in our universe: yellow hypergiants. Their spectacular eruptions have intrigued astronomers for decades, and now an international team led by Leiden’s emeritus professor Arnout van Genderen has gained new insights into the mechanisms behind…
Over nut en noodzaak van onderzoek naar hoger onderwijs
Inaugural lecture
Innovatie in de hepatologie door klinisch en translationeel onderzoek
Valedictory lecture
Op Maat - Levertransplantatie en behandeling van leverfalen gepersonaliseerd
Inaugural lecture