996 search results for “isabel domestic politiek” in the Public website
The vision of the Business & Law Research Network (BLRN) is that company and insolvency law should facilitate and ignite societal collaboration and cooperation, to serve economic development and societal interests. Law should therefore be closely aligned with socio-economic developments, which requires…
A Tale of One City: Actors of Globalization versus Bakufu Hegemony in Early Modern Nagasaki, c. 1571-1800
On 24 October 2023 Jurre Knoest successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Area development Leiden Bio Science Park
Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP) is the largest knowledge centre in the Netherlands in the field of life sciences & health and is also highly regarded internationally. The clustering of high-quality education, research, care and business attract students, scientists and entrepreneurs from all over the…
Political Theory: Legitimacy and Justice (MSc)
This political theory specialisation focuses on the concepts of legitimacy and justice—political philosophy’s core themes. Immersing yourself in theories, philosophical and theoretical methods, and complex cases, you will make the leap from opinion to analysis.
Imagining Justice for Syria: Water Always Finds Its Way
On 29 april 2020, Beth Van Schaack defended her thesis 'Imagining Justice for Syria: Water Always Finds Its Way'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. C. Stahn.
Firearms and violence in Europe–A systematic review
Firearms and violence in Europe–A systematic review by Katharina Krüsselmann, Pauline Aarten, Marieke Liem
We shouldn’t criticise Veilig Thuis – we should criticise the system
Every day, Veilig Thuis employees receive hundreds of reports of domestic violence and child abuse. Despite their efforts, they are heavily criticised due to the long waiting times. Mariëlle Bruning, Professor of Children and the Law, appeared on talk show ‘Eva’ to discuss the Dutch care and welfare…
Students map Milky Way with dwarf stars
Isabel van Vledder and Dieuwertje van der Vlugt, 2 astronomy students from Leiden University, have mapped the entire Milky Way galaxy in dwarf stars for the first time. This result is the most comprehensive model ever for the distribution of these stars. The findings appear in a new paper in Monthly…
Integrated Projects on physical violence and public order
The first year students of Bachelor Security Studies finished their final block with the course Integrated Project 1. As part of the programme's teaching philosophy ‘Explore, Understand, Do’, students were required to combine the knowledge and understanding they’d gathered throughout their first year,…
- The Hague Journal of Diplomacy
- Global Geopolitics with Trump: Two Months In
10 maart: Universiteit Leiden start estafettestaking tegen bezuinigingen
Medewerkers van de Universiteit Leiden trappen maandag 10 maart de estafettestaking af van de Nederlandse universiteiten tegen de kabinetsbezuinigingen.
Voortdurende angst voor het volk
Met de val van Balkenende IV laait de discussie over het functioneren van politieke partijen binnen ons democratisch bestel weer op. Opgeblazen ego’s, overambitieuze politici en partijpolitieke machtspelletjes zouden echte democratie in de weg staan. Maar die discussie is niet nieuw.
Reasserting America in the 1970s: US Public Diplomacy and the Rebuilding of America's Image Abroad
Reasserting America in the 1970s brings together two areas of burgeoning scholarly interest.
‘Being a slave’ Indian ocean slavery in local context
What did it mean to be enslaved in in the Indian Ocean world in the 18th and 19th centuries? Over the last decades, historians have mined French, British, Portuguese and Dutch records for quantitative data on the European slave trade. This project focuses on the experience of being a slave and seeks…
Linking global crop and livestock consumption to local production hotspots
International trade plays a critical role in global food security, with global consumption having highly localized environmental impacts.
Reading Rubbish
Using object assemblages to reconstruct activities, modes of deposition and abandonment at the Late Bronze Age dunnu of Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria.
State-building, Lawmaking, and Criminal Justice in Afghanistan
On 22 June, Najib Amin defended the thesis 'State-building, lawmaking, and criminal justice in Afghanistan: a case study of the prison system’s legal mandate, and the rehabilitation programmes in Pul-e-charkhi prison'. The doctoral research was supervised by Jan Michiel Otto and Pauline Schuyt.
Mission adapted: the hidden role of governors in shaping central bank operating missions in Hungary
In this article, Makszin developed a conceptual framework for the operating mission of an independent Central Bank and traced changes in the operating mission of the Hungarian National Bank over its recent 27-year history together with Sebők and Simons. This study aims to understand the dynamics of…
Departing from Java. Javanese Labour, Migration and Diaspora
From colonial times through to the present day, large numbers of Javanese have left their homes to settle in other parts of Indonesia or much further afield. Frequently this dispersion was forced, often with traumatic results.
Principles of Evidence in Investor-State Arbitration, Burden, Standards, Presumptions & Inferences
On 28 February 2019, Kabir Duggal defended his thesis 'Principles of Evidence in Investor-State Arbitration, Burden, Standards, Presumptions & Inferences'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. dr. E. De Brabandere.
Parallel Enforcement of International Cartels and Its Impact on the Proportionality of Overall Punishment
On 10 March 2021, Pieter Huizing defended his thesis 'Parallel Enforcement of International Cartels and Its Impact on the Proportionality of Overall Punishment'. The doctoral thesis was supervised by Prof. T.R. Ottervanger.
The Political Narratives of Cryptocurrency Evangelists
Cryptocurrencies have exploded onto global financial markets, with the value of a single bitcoin growing from around 800 USD in 2016 to 67,000 USD in 2021.
OFAC, Famine, and the Sanctioning of Afghanistan: A Catastrophic Policy Success
Matthew Hoye argues for a regulatory analytical perspective to look at the sanctioning of Afghanistan.
Sentiment Shifts and a New Approach to Strategic Narratives Analysis: Russian Rhetoric on Ukraine
This article assesses Russian rhetoric toward Ukraine from 2004 to 2019 by analyzing statements by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University is renowned for its international orientation and broad range of theoretical, methodological, and regional expertise.
General Labour History of Africa: Workers, Employers and Governments, 20th-21st Centuries
The first comprehensive and authoritative history of work and labour in Africa; a key text for all working on African Studies and Labour History worldwide.
Agenda dynamics in the European Union : the interaction between the European Council and the European Commission in the policy domain of organized
The European Council and the European Commission have a similar role in agenda setting. Both place issues on the EU agenda. However, these institutions have distinct designs. They have different political attributes (the European Council has considerably more political authority) and information-processing…
Citizens, Elites, and the Legitimacy of Global Governance
Jan Aart Scholte, Professor Global Transformations and Governance Challenges, is a co-author of this book that offers the first full comparative study of citizen and elite legitimacy beliefs toward global governance.
Gendered Ritual and Performative Literacy: Yao Women, Goddesses of Fertility, and the Chinese Imperial State
Mei-Wen Chen defended her thesis on 29 June 2016
The Grotius Sanction: Deus Ex Machina. The legal, ethical, and strategic use of drones in transnational armed conflict and counterterrorism
On 21 March 2019, James Welch defended his thesis 'The Grotius Sanction: Deus Ex Machina. The legal, ethical, and strategic use of drones in transnational armed conflict and counterterrorism'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. dr. P.B Cliteur.
A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe Volume II Part II
A History of Modern Political Thought in East Central Europe is a synthetic work, authored by an international team of researchers, covering twenty national cultures and 250 years. It goes beyond the conventional nation-centered narratives and presents a novel vision especially sensitive to the cross-cultural…
The High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina: The Unusual Institutional Arrangement of a Non-Authoritarian, Yet Controlled, Democracy
In this article, Gerrit Dijkstra and Jos Raadschelders from the Institute of Public Administration, argue that Bosnia-Herzegovina survives so far on the basis of negative legitimacy.
Systemic Accountability of the European Border and Coast Guard
On 11 November 2021, Mariana Gkliati defended the thesis 'Systemic Accountability of the European Border and Coast Guard'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. P. Rodrigues and Prof. L. Besselink (UvA).
Adding fuel to the conflict : how gas reserves complicate the Cyprus question
In this research I assess the impact of the recently discovered gas reserves south off Cyprus on the escalation of the Cyprus conflict.
Cotton, control, and continuity in disguise: The political economy of agrarian transformation in lowland Tajikistan
Irna Hofman defended her thesis on 10 January 2019.
Human Security and Conflict in Ukraine: Local Approaches and Transnational Dimensions
The project investigates the implementation of policies and practices related to reconciliation and the strengthening of government capacity in the Odesa and Kharkiv regions of Ukraine.
‘Greening’ the WTO Ban on China’s Export Duties
On 19 February 2020, Richard Jiang defended his thesis '‘Greening’ the WTO Ban on China’s Export Duties'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. M.C.E.J. Bronckers.
Research Group Governance of Crises
The research group on governance of crises studies phenomena, dynamics and actors related to crisis governance. The Leiden University Crisis Research Center (CRC) is part of this Research Group.
Languages of Islam and Christianity: Institutional Discourses, Community Strategies and Missionary Rhetoric
On February 20th, Gulnaz Sibgatullina succesfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Gulnaz on this great result.
Fertility and fontanels: women’s knowledge of medicinal plants for reproductive health and childcare in western Africa
Promotor: Prof.dr. E.F. Smets, Co-promotor: T.R. van Andel
Essayisation in contemporary Chinese emigration literature
This project proposes to connect two discourses highly present in contemporary literary criticism in China, as well as on the world literary scene and academic circles: the discussion on emigration literature and the concept of ‘essayness’ derived mainly from (post)modern Western theories of the ess…
Why is there no Northeast Asian security architecture?
Why is there no Northeast Asian security architecture? Assessing the strategic impediments to a stable East Asia. In this article, published in 'The Pacific Review', the authors Wang (Peking University) en Stevens (Leiden University) discuss the reasons why.
Thy Name is Deer. Animal Names in Semitic Onomastics and Name- Giving Traditions: Evidence from Akkadian, Northwest Semitic, and Arabic
Hekmat Dirbas defended his thesis on 14 February 2017
Hidden Complexities of the Frankish Castle
Social Aspects of Space in the Configurational Architecture of Frankish Castles in the Holy Land, 1099-1291
Wild West Frisia
The role of domestic and wild resource exploitation in Bronze Age subsistence
Break for Landlocked: Migration Policy Reform in Kazakhstan
Lecture, Lunch Research Seminar
Archaeology of Europe
In the master’s programme in Archaeology, you can follow courses on the archaeology of Europe, deepening your understanding of the continent’s long history.
Application deadlines
Check your application deadlines here.
The research conducted is centred around three themes. Within the different themes a multi-level approach is used, focussing on issues at the level of the health care system, the level of organizations and networks of organizations and at professionals within organisations.