2,250 search results for “indigenous artifacts in museum collecties” in the Public website
Bareez Majid wins IISG thesis prize with study on torture museum
This year’s “best master’s thesis in the area of national or international history” was written by Bareez Majid, who has completed a research master's in Middle Eastern Studies. She wins the prestigious 2015 Volkskrant–IISG thesis prize for her courageous, solid research on a former “torture prison”…
Material Culture, Consumption and Social Change
New Approaches to Understanding the Eastern Mediterranean during Byzantine and Ottoman Times
Economies of Destruction
The emergence of metalwork deposition during the Bronze Age in Northwest Europe, c. 2300-1500 BC
Closer collaboration NINO with Leiden University and the National Museum of Antiquities
The board of the Netherlands Institute for the Near East (NINO) has agreed on June 27 on a plan for closer collaboration with Leiden University and the National Museum of Antiquities (RMO). The plan includes the launch of a NINO research institute with an annual budget of approximately 300.000 euro.
Peter Pels in Andere Tijden about fathers of the Holy Spirit and Africa Museum
The special of the Dutch History Programme Andere Tijden 'Missie Geslaagd?' (Mission accomplished?) tells the story of the last fathers of the Holy Spirit Congregation who live in Gennep. Professor of Anthropology and Sociology of Africa Peter Pels is one of the specialists in this episode. He explains…
Direitos negados, patrimônios roubados
Desafios para a proteção dos conhecimentos tradicionais, dos recursos genéticos e das expressões culturais tradicionais dos povos indígenas no cenário internacional
From Clients to Citizens? Emerging Citizenship in Democratizing Indonesia
What is the impact of Indonesia’s democratization process on everyday state-citizen relations?
Weneya´a – “quien habla con los cerros”
This study documents and translates the Saa (Zapotec) cultural heritage of the Bene’ Ya’a/En’ne I’ya peoples, the Zapotec inhabitants of the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca.
Can traditional forest management protect and conserve ironwood (ulin) stands? An option and approach in East Kalimantan
Promotores: G.A. Persoon, H.H. de Iongh
Transcultural Health Care Utilisation in Serengeti of Tanzania: Towards Applied Ethnoscience in Public Health Management
The research provides insight into disease behavior in both rural and semi-urban areas in Serengeti in Tanzania.
Fake or real? What children think of dinosaur fossils and replicas
Children find that both dinosaur fossils and replicas belong in a museum, but they appreciate the real objects more. This is shown by research from Leiden University and Naturalis Biodiversity Center. 'Children look beyond superficial looks and attach great value to less obvious characteristics, such…
Writing and Iconography of Western Oaxaca
Mexico, between 500 B.C. and A.D. 900
ERC grant for Maarten Jansen
The European Research Council has awarded an Advanced Grant to Prof. dr. Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen for the research project
- Colophon
Manioc and Amazonian Prehistory: Veni grant for Konrad Rybka
How did manioc, a poisonous root, become the staple of Amazonia and change the lives of prehistoric Amazonian peoples? Veni grant recipient, Konrad Rybka aims to unravel this mystery using a variety of research methods across different disciplines.
Maarten Jansen
Faculteit Archeologie
m.e.r.g.n.jansen@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2439
Una Isla, Dos Mundos
The arrival of Columbus to the Caribbean in 1492 marked a milestone in world history. In both the European and the indigenous world, a set of economic, political and hierarchical networks and relations were defined, structured and changed. These changes affected the indigenous population at different…
More than the Story
Considering Mesoamerican Precolonial books as material objects
Exhibition shows luxury and power of Egyptian queens
The Queens of the Nile exhibition at the National Museum of Antiquities finally affords the wives of the pharoahs the attention they deserve. Thanks to guest curator Olaf Kaper, students and PhD candidates gained valuable experience in museum curating.
Educational materials Naduhup languages
The goal is to develop educational materials for Dâw, Hupd’äh, and Nadëb Indigenous peoples (Naduhup family; Middle and Upper Rio Negro; Brazilian Amazon). In order to achieve this, first of all, the fieldwork data collected during a collaborative project among anthropologists and linguists (2017-2020)…
A blue or gold background? NICAS grant awarded for research on restoration
Should the background of the painting remain blue or be restored to its original gold colour? PhD candidate Liselore Tissen will be using 3D prints and eye-tracking software to answer this question. NICAS is giving her a grant of 18,000 euros to accomplish this.
The Relief of Leiden turns 450
Leiden has much to celebrate: first, 450 years of the Relief of Leiden and then 450 years of Leiden University. And that is no coincidence.
From decorative arts student in Leiden to curator at the biggest museum in New York
How does a Leiden alumnus end up working at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met)? In the case of Daniëlle Kisluk-Grosheide, it was partly down to chance, luck, fate. But that was preceded by a unique degree in decorative arts in Leiden.
Conference Museums, Collections and Society
The Americas
At LUCL, researchers aim to understand, describe, and preserve the linguistic diversity of the indigenous Americas.
Tlamatiliztli: la sabiduría del pueblo nahua. Filosofía intercultural y derecho a la tierra
The aim of this research is the systematic analysis of the wisdom coined by Nahua people of Mexico, based on the historical sources and archaeological evidence, but also in the knowledge developed by contemporary indigenous communities and the contributions of indigenous scholars.
International Law and Indigenous Rights in Australia
LUCAS members are experts in the fields of literary history and theory, film and media studies, and art, architectural, and book history.
Heritage under Threat (HuT)
global challenges and possibilities
Tessa Verhoef: 'An algorithm still has a lot to learn from human interaction'
If an algorithm has to learn to understand language, simply having a lot of data doesn’t help much. Like us, a computer has to learn the language in interaction with others. Tessa Verhoef is fascinated by how this interaction works.
About the programme
Master International Relations specialisation Culture and Politics.
The Tapuia of Northeastern Brazil in Dutch Sources (1628–1648)
This book presents the transcriptions and annotated translations of fifteen key historical documents concerning the Tapuia indigenous people written just before and during the Dutch occupation of northeastern Brazil.
'Museums and opera houses will struggle for a long time to come'
The cultural sector, shut down by the corona pandemic, must urgently look for new ways to generate income.
Rooted Cosmopolitanism, Heritage and the Question of Belonging
Archaeological and Anthropological perspectives
Facing Society
A mere day after setting foot ashore in the Bahamas on October 13th 1492, Christopher Columbus notes the broad foreheads of the inhabitants of the Americas. These permanently altered cranial shapes are deliberately created through the application of pressure to the head of the infant in the first years…
Field Labs: Testing Intersectional Approaches to Inclusive Actions
Subproject of the NWO Smart Culture Grant research project 'The Critical Visitor'.
Amazonian word lists
Publication of Johann Natterer's (1787-1843) word lists of Amazonian languages.
Corn connects many generations of Maya
That corn was highly important in the Maya culture is something that Genner Llanes Ortiz, himself a Maya from the Mexican province of Yucatan, has always known, right from his childhood. But just how important the role of corn is in the collective memory of his people, is one of the subjects of his…
Communicating Communities
Unravelling networks of human mobility and exchange of goods and ideas from a pre-colonial, pan-Caribbean perspective
Valuing archaeology
Past, Present and Future of Nubian Communities in Sudan
The Spirit of Matter
In 'The Spirit of Matter', Peter Pels explores the significance of emotionally evocative objects, challenging the denial of their existence in modern 'mind over matter' ideology.
Handbook for the Analysis of Micro-Particles in Archaeological Samples
This handbook provides a resource for those already familiar with some kinds of micro-particles who wish to learn more about others, or for those just starting out in the study of microremains who wish to have a broad understanding about microscopic archaeology.
Optoplasmonic detection of single particles and molecules in motion
Detecting nanoscopic objects plays an important role in nanoscience in particular, in the rapidly growing field of nanobiology. The forebear to modern super-resolution microscopy for single molecule investigation, is fluorescence microscopy.
Fostering Curiosity Through Video Games
This thesis manuscript explores the use of video games as tools for conceptual exploration and academic research.
Etruscan religion
Research in the field of Etruscology at the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University (UL; the Netherlands) aims at exploring the history of the religious and ideological mentality of the Etruscans by studying archaeological, epigraphical and ancient written sources.
Celebrating Naga Culture: Authenticity, Indigeneity and Modernity
Why looted art lawsuits often fail (and what can be done about this)
There are as good as no clear rules for the return of stolen art. This means that rather than in court, many cases are decided in the political arena instead. In her PhD research Evelien Campfens suggests how this could change. PhD defence on 11 November.
- Neerlandistiek Master Universiteit Leiden
Archaeology students make museum exhibition on Sugar: ‘Before this I had no idea how sugar was produced’
When following a course on archaeology of the Crusaders, five archaeology students were presented the unique opportunity to create a small exhibition at the National Museum of Antiquities. The coronavirus situation made a complex task even more challenging. ‘We had to work through the lockdown with…
Temminck's Order. Debates on Zoological Classification: 1800-1850
“Temminck’s Order” is the scientific biography of Coenraad Jacob Temminck (1778–1850), a Dutch naturalist and the first director of ’s Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Historie in Leiden.