500 search results for “hier education” in the Staff website
From LUC to the front of the classroom: a journey from student to educator
From exploring global issues at LUC to shaping young minds in the classroom, LUC alumna Malou den Dekker shares how her academic journey led to a career in education.
FSW lecturers and support staff share information on AI in education
Education, ICT
New chair in Educational Theory and Law bridges the gap between research and child protection
Dr Anouk Goemans has been appointed professor by special appointment of Youth Services and Child Protection from an Educational and Legal Perspective as of 1 November 2024. This chair is funded by the 'Stichting Steunfonds Pro Juventute' support fund foundation and serves as a bridge between the Department…
Students create creative language lessons for primary and secondary education: ‘Not enough attention paid to languages’
The earlier you introduce children to a language, the sooner they can be captivated by it and see that there is more than just Dutch and English. That is the basis for the language lessons for primary education that Alisa van de Haar, university lecturer of French, collaborated on. ‘Deans from different…
- Stand up for higher education: How to make your voice heard against funding cuts
Three main results of VVI’s Strengthening Legal Education in Eastern Indonesia (SLEEI)
Although fighting the culture of top-down education and stimulating lecturers’ confidence to adapt courses to local context priorities is no easy job to complete in three years, the “SLEEI inheritance” already has three main components.
Two new Directors of Education at the Institute of Biology Leiden
From 1 October, two new Directors of Education will start at the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL). Dennis Claessen as the new director for the master's programme of Biology and Marcel Schaaf as director for the Biology bachelor's programme. Claessen and Schaaf have been appointed for a period of four…
Leiden University’s humanities in top 30 of Times Higher Education Rankings
Leiden University's humanities have one of the top places in the Times Higher Education Rankings. This year, we were placed 26th.
Virtual reality in education and research: learn more at the Immersive Tech Day
Education, Research
Protest against higher education cuts: ‘This government is turning its back on the world’
Over 20,000 students, lecturers, administrators, support staff and many others protested on 25 November against the plans to make billions of cuts to higher education. Students and staff from Leiden University also travelled to The Hague to voice their objections to the disastrous plans.
Dutch Higher Education Award 2022: second place for The Learning Mindset
The Leiden University College (LUC) education team behind The Learning Mindset (TLM) has received 800,000 euro’s during the Dutch Higher Education Award Ceremony 2022. The LUC team was second behind Universteit Twente. The prize was awarded during the annual Comenius Festival of the Comenius Network.…
Reappointment of Director of Research Lotte van Dillen and Director of Education Pascal Haazebroek
A boost for open source laboratory education: 175,000 euro subsidy
A project to improve practicals in science courses has been awarded a 175,000 subsidy. Leiden physicist Paul Logman is one of the applicants, together with colleagues from the UvA and Eindhoven University of Technology.
Eugène van der Heijden
Expertisecentrum SOZ
ombudsfunctionaris@leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3657
Rochana Sudasna Na Ayudhya
Expertisecentrum SOZ
r.sudasna@sea.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7603
Rogier de Bruin
Universitair Facilitair Bedrijf
r.de.bruin@ufb.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3043
Wessel van Dam-
Expertisecentrum SOZ
w.r.m.van.dam@sea.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527
Markus Davidsen
Faculty of Humanities
m.davidsen@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2582
alliance signs collaboration agreement with Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture and Science
The Leiden-Delft-Erasmus (LDE) alliance signed a collaboration agreement with the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology on 23 September.
New date for protest against higher education cuts: 25 November in The Hague
Education, Finance
- UPDATE: demonstration against higher education cuts on 14 November 2024 canceled
Join the walkout against the higher education cuts on 11 December
Finance, Organisation
Grants: Research into citizen initiatives and Extended Reality in education
The FGGA starter grants provide researchers with the opportunity to launch innovative projects that contribute to both scientific knowledge and societal impact. In this article, Allard de Graaf and Joy Lee share their experiences and ambitions for their research, made possible by this funding.
Education Kick-Off 2025: Encouraging psychology students to take responsibility
How can we enhance psychology students’ sense of responsibility for their own learning? Lecturer Anouk van der Weiden led a discussion on this pressing question during the Education Kick-Off on 28 February and explains why it’s so crucial to address it collectively.
Protest in Utrecht against higher education cuts cancelled for safety reasons
Digital education: what’s working well and what can we improve?
Nearly a year since the abrupt switchover to mostly online learning, the Digital Education seminar gave teaching staff the opportunity to review their experiences. What can stay in 2021 and what must go? Frequently voiced opinions: yes please to digital tools that make lectures more interactive; yes…
New education director for LST: 'I want to guard the quality of this unique programme'
Marco van Eijk is the new Educational Director of the Bachelor's Life Science and Technology (LST). Since 1 September he has been responsible for ensuring the quality of the programme. ‘LST is a unique programme and everyone has to keep working hard for that. That is my main task.’
ISGA Education Programmes evaluated very highly by students, despite COVID-19 Adaptations
Evaluations of a most challenging year to both staff and students in terms of teaching and education support have turned out remarkably well. Although we had to switch to online education almost overnight, we pulled it off!
Scheduled maintenance educational systems from May 12th until May 13th, 2023
- Support the protest against higher education cuts in Utrecht on 22 June
Teaching Fair: Getting to work on social issues with an external client
The Teaching Fair is coming up again. On Thursday afternoon, 20 June, you can be inspired by your colleagues about educational innovation. University lecturer Elpine de Boer will be at the information fair with her project on social issues and an external client.
The surprising tradition of fables in French education: 'It builds bridges between generations'
In the Netherlands, people probably grew up with De Fabeltjeskrant (a children’s show, ed.), but in France an introduction to fables plays a much more important role in a child's upbringing. PhD candidate Céline Zaepffel studied the role of fables in French education and teaching methods. It turns out…
Educational adventures in the tropics: discovering rainforests in Borneo
Photographing fluorescent flowers, searching for frogs and shooting tropical cucumbers out of trees: this is only a small part of the course Tropical Biodiversity and Field Methods. For this class, master’s students biology traveled to Malaysian Borneo for two weeks to gain experience in fieldwork.…
Peter Bos
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
p.a.bos@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4836
Andrea Spruijt
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.m.spruijt@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Katrien van de Vijfeijken
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
c.h.j.a.m.van.de.vijfeijken@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Marloes van Moort
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.l.van.moort@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
ISGA launches education partnership with Germany’s University of the Armed Forces, Hamburg
In December 2020, the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs and Helmut Schmidt University of the German Armed Forces in Hamburg signed a cooperation agreement to cooperate in the education realm on a variety of topics related to the Civilian and Military dimensions of European and Global Security…
Attention to education and culture at lowest point in 20 years
After an extensive content analysis of the coalition agreement, a sharp fall can be seen in the focus on education & culture, science & technology and defence. This is the conclusion of university public administration professors Gerard Breeman and Arco Timmermans. They compared the content with all…
A quick call with the education coaches: ‘Teachers could learn so much from each other’
In September, university lecturers Olga van Marion and Astrid Van Weyenberg started working as education coaches. How did their first semester of activities go and what is next on the horizon?
Lauritano awarded Comenius Teaching Fellow grant to improve hybrid education in object-oriented classes
University lecturer Steven Lauritano has been awarded a Comenius Teaching Fellow grant. Lauritano will use the grant of 50,000 euros to improve hybrid education in classes featuring particular objects.
Nalbantian receives Comenius grant: 'We must bridge the gap between education and society'
In academia, the mention of Wikipedia might be met with suspicion. However, for Tsolin Nalbantian, university lecturer Modern Middle Eastern Studies, the encyclopedia is an opportunity to broaden the skills of her students and to increase public knowledge. She received a Teaching Comenius Fellowship…
Markus Davidsen: 'We need to implement ideas that improve an entire programme'
Three Humanities lecturers received the Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO) this year. University lecturer Markus Davidsen is one of them. What does he think makes for good teaching?
26 Research and Education Grants in 2020 for the Institute of Security and Global Affairs
Whilst 2020 has been an unusual and taxing year for colleagues at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), the Institute nevertheless can look back on an impressive range of successful grant applications during the previous year. This impressive result was achieved on top of excellent results…
Teaching Fair: working with authentic teaching material
The Teaching Fair is coming up again. On Thursday afternoon, 20 June, you can let your colleagues inspire you about innovation in teaching Lecturer Eline Sikkema will be at the information fair with her project on authentic teaching materials.
Bridging science, society and self: what honours education can look like
How can I align science, society and myself to address today’s major challenges? That’s what students of the Honours College track ‘Science, Society and Self’ aim to find out. How do their classes at honours differ from their regular education?
Educating the youth of today to solve the challenges of tomorrow
In collaboration with the Honours Academy at Leiden University, Eduard Fosch-Villaronga and Hadassah Drukarch from eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies, coordinated a Pre-University Class on Robot Law.
This is what you want to know about the new directors of education Biology as a student
From 1 October onwards, Dennis Claessen and Marcel Schaaf will be the new directors of education of Biology. They will replace Han de Winde. Schaaf will be responsible for the bachelor, while Claessen will mainly focus on the master tracks of Biology. We gave students and the education office the change…
Results of the National Student Survey: Lecturers highly rated
The results of the National Student Survey (NSE) are now available. In 2024, students from the Faculty of Humanities were satisfied across the board. The expertise of lecturers was rated particularly positively.
Marjon Baas
m.a.a.baas@iclon.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727