1,069 search results for “chinese buitenlandbeleid” in the Public website
- Sports Diplomacy
Law and Governance in China
How are law and governance in China responding to rapidly changing circumstances, and what does that mean for the relationship between the state and its citizens?
The City of Blue and White
Chinese Porcelain and the Early Modern World
- Meet our staff
Development of personalized health monitoring using ultra-weak photon emission based on systems medicine concepts
Promotor: Jan van der Greef; Co-promotors: Mei Wang; Eduard van Wijk
Graphing formulas by hand to promote symbol sense: Becoming friends with algebraic formulas
In this research we have studied how teaching graphing formulas by hand (i.e. sketching a graph of a formula) could promote grade 11- and 12-students’ symbol sense.
Syntacticians study how words combine into larger units (phrases and sentences) in human languages and how the combinatorial possibilities determine word order and grammatical relations between parts of a sentence.
Tracking the Tocharians from Europe to China: a linguistic reconstruction
This project intends to provide an integrated linguistic assessment of the hypothesised migration route of the Tocharians.
Leiden University-European Center for Chinese Medicine
Children's acquisition of Mandarin Chinese verb-copying sentences
Lecture, CHiLL series
LIAS is comprised of three research schools with expertise in different areas:
The MultiGreen project is a collaboration with NWO and CAS. The partners from the Dutch NWO side are the University of Leiden and University Wageningen. The partner from the Chinese CAS is the Institute of Urban Environment and the Institute of Geographic Sciences.
Asian Studies (120 EC)
Are you thinking about studying Asian Studies (120 EC)? Learn more and watch the programme presentation.
Chat with a student
Do you have a question about studying at Leiden University or student life in Leiden? Do you want more information about the Asian Studies master's programme? Chat with a current student for answers to your questions!
- Diplomacy & Foreign Policy
Global History network
LIAS Global History Workshop brings together faculty and graduate students in LIAS and other Institutes who are interested in writing critical histories grounded in empirical research and theory, irrespective of historiographical approach, geographical focus, or time period.
Reenchanting Buddhism via Modernizing Magic: Guru Wuguang of Taiwan’s Philosophy and Science of ‘Superstition’
Cody Bahir defended his thesis on 1 June 2017.
The People in Between: Education, Desire, and South Koreans in Contemporary China
Xiao Ma defended her thesis on 26 September 2018
- Breda (NL)
Graduate School of Humanities
Welcome to the Graduate School of the Faculty of Humanities.
Professional learning of vocational teachers in the context of work placement
Work placement as a professional development programme for vocational teachers has been widely implemented. This dissertation provides insight into vocational teachers’ learning process in this programme within Chinese vocational education.
Towards a Sustainable and Circular Metals Economy
In-use stocks of products can be considered as intermediaries between human needs and the physical world.
About the programme
The specialisation in Modern Languages explores the structure, acquisition, history and use of five languages.
The historical development of Japanese pitch accent
This thesis investigates the historical development of Japanese pitch accent.
- Publications
- Volume 5 (2010)
To promote a sustainable partnership with Asia, it is important to gain a better understanding of each other in economic, socio-cultural, historical, and legal terms. For decades, scholars from Leiden have made a significant contribution to the acquisition of knowledge about both the present and the…
Teacher motivation and teaching
University-school partnerships are important constellations for teachers’ professional learning. The present study investigates how both teacher characteristics and contextual factors are related to teachers’ motivation to participate in the university-school partnership, and the relationship between…
If you have a question, there are various ways to get in touch with us.
- Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research
How ‘Mao’s little generals’ wreaked havoc in China
No matter how hard Chinese communists tried to control the economy, they could not stop the free market from flourishing. This was the message given by historian Frank Dikötter on 7 February during a lecture on the Cultural Revolution. He will be awarded an Honorary Doctorate on 8 February.
Religion and Orientalism in Asian Studies
Religion and Orientalism in Asian Studies analyses the role of religion in past and present understandings of Asia.
The Cambridge History of Confucianism
Confucianism has been a major force in the cultural history of China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam for thousands of years, affecting the art, literature, science and politics of all these countries.
Complementary or Alternative? Examining the Emerging Role of Chinese NGOs in China's Global Development Footprint
Lecture, Lunch Research Seminar
Yenching Academy of Peking University
Bachelor, Master
Teacher identity and teacher’s professional development in an intercultural context
The present project aims to provide valuable insights for the professional development of international teachers, and also for improving the quality of foreign language education.
Maps That Made History: 1000 Years of World History in 100 Old Maps
1000 Years of World History in 100 Old Maps.
The Long Arab Conquest of Central Asia: Urban Change in Merv, Paikent, Balkh and Samarkand (651-821)
This PhD research aims to trace the impact of the Arab conquest, both immediate and long-term, on the material and social organization of Central Asia from 651 to 821 through an “urban change” perspective in four cities: Merv, Paikent, Balkh and Samarkand.
LUCDH Affiliated Researchers
LUCDH is creating a community of LU scholars researching in Digital Humanities. A selection of their DH Projects are listed on this page. If you are an Affiliated member and would like your project listed here or would like to be an Affiliated member, please email us at lucdh@hum.leidenuniv.nl
Get the most out of your studies at Leiden University by taking part in our extracurricular activities.
Modern Languages (MA)
In the specialisation in Modern Languages you will explore the structure, acquisition, history and use of one or more of these five languages in depth: Chinese, English, French, German and/or Italian.
The Global Politics of Confucianism
The Global Politics of Confucianism, a monograph contracted with Columbia University Press, analyzes the interaction between Confucianism and globalism in past and present, using history to critically engage Confucianism’s place in contemporary international relations and policy debates.
Playing China’s University Entrance Exam: The Videogame 'Chinese Parents' and Its Political Potentials
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
Matthijs Verzijden
Faculty of Humanities
m.t.verzijden@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Yue Liu
Faculty of Humanities
y.liu.86@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272229
Mei Chang-
Faculty of Humanities
c.m.x.chang@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Lingjia Liu
Faculty of Humanities
l.liu@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Hongwei Bao
Faculty of Humanities
h.bao@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Leanne Lai
Faculty of Humanities
y.lai@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Hualin Cao
Faculty of Humanities
h.cao@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727