1,438 search results for “stress hormonen” in the Public website
A Grammar of Tagdal
On the 21st of September, Carlos Benítez-Torres successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Carlos on this achievement!
Here we share findings into the effectiveness of the Designing Your Life education at Leiden University. Our study indicates that DYL education has a positive effect on students’ confidence and competencies.
Unfolding the regulation of stress response pathways upon liver injury
PhD defence
Oxidative Stress in Chronic Diseases: Causal Inference from Observational Studies
Prof. S. le Cessie
and characterizing regulators of histone acylation and replication stress
Prof. H. van Attikum
Dynamics in Groups and Decision Making
Health inequities, obesity among children, loneliness, performance stress among youngsters. What are the drivers behind such ‘wicked problems’ and how might they be related? This interdisciplinary minor offers you the possibility to work with societal partners to gain a deeper understanding of real-life…
Our research examines mental health risk and resilience in young people. We do so by integrating cultural, social, cognitive and neurobiological factors and their interactions.
Topic: Psychopharmacology in Health and Medical Psychology
In this research line, the role pharmacological agents and neurochemcial processes play in behavior and cognition is examined with a particular focus on pain, placebo and nocebo effects and intensive care treatments.
The researchers
Professor of Ecotoxicology Martina Vijver and lecturer Maarten Schrama are the founders and managers of the Living Lab. As well as these two researchers, a number of other ecologists and biologists are involved in the research at the Lab.
The research carried out within the unit Health, Medical and Neuropsychology investigates the psychological factors of health and disease, and the development of innovative treatment.
Topic: Aging and neuropsychological rehabilitation
Cognitive decline (amongst other problems with attention, concentration, memory) is a common symptom in patients with a variety of brain disorders and has been related to healthy ageing as well. People suffering from cognitive deficits are often significantly hampered in their day-to-day functioning…
Joachim Kopka
PhD at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Golm – Germany
Topic: Placebo effects
The effects of many treatments are determined, to a significant degree, by factors other than the medicine or treatment itself. For example, placebo effects can be equal to the effect size of for example antidepressants or painkillers. Contributing factors are the trust placed in the doctor, the expectation…
The Institute of Psychology is responsible for innovative and interdisciplinary research and education within psychology and related disciplines. It focuses primarily on four broad areas: Health and Wellbeing; Development and Learning; Socio-Cognitive-Affective Decision-making and Advanced Behavioural…
Poetry, rhythm, and meter
Knowledge and culture subproject 4:
Small amounts of sub-visible aggregates enhance the immunogenic potential of monoclonal antibody therapeutics
PURPOSE: Determine the effect of minute quantities of sub-visible aggregates on the in vitro immunogenicity of clinically relevant protein therapeutics.
Development & Disease in Plant Sciences
Plant Sciences' contribution to the Development & Disease research theme is to unravel the processes that allow plants to adapt to changing abiotic and biotic environmental conditions or stresses, with the aim to contribute to the sustainable production of food, flowers and bio-based products using…
Topic: Psychological factors in Itch and pain
Since itch and pain can be very burdensome, especially when individuals suffer from (either of) these symptoms chronically, it is important to know the factors by which these sensations are influenced. It becomes more and more clear that psychological factors play an important role in the experience…
Respiratory health and disease in the Netherlands
Studying the impact of urbanisation on the respiratory health of past Dutch populations (1200-1850 CE).
The Italian 'Mobile Diphthongs': A Test Case for Experimental Phonetics and Phonological Theory
This thesis investigates durational aspects of the Italian mobile diphthongs with respect to other rising diphthongs and monophthongs and it shows to what extent the monophthong/diphthong alternation still occurs in contemporary Italian.
Development of an Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) for metallic nanoparticles
What is the mechanism of action preceding a physiological effects induced by metallic nanoparticles?
Topic: Music and health
Music can affect how we feel, think, and behave. But how do we learn about the specifics of people's responses to music so that we can apply this to health and well-being? By looking at characteristics of the music, as well as the differences between listeners, we hope to better understand as well as…
Topic: Movement and mental functions
Our ability to learn and control movements is essential for engaging in goal-directed behaviour. From buttoning your shirt and driving a car, to cooking dinner and brushing your teeth -- our actions in daily life rely on this ability.
In vivo tracking and biodistribution of protein aggregates
Therapeutic proteins have revolutionized the treatment of many severe diseases like multiple sclerosis, haemophilia, diabetes and many more. Unfortunately, even recombinant proteins with structures (almost) identical to those of their endogenous counterparts often induce the formation of anti drug antibodies…
PhD psychologist
A substantial part of PhD candidates have an increased risk for mental health problems, stress complaints or burnout. Leiden University has appointed a psychologist, especially for PhD candidates: Agnes van Rossum.
Drug safety Sciences
Our research in the area of safety sciences aims to increase the mechanistic understanding of cellular toxicity of drugs and, in a broader sense, chemicals.
Cell Systems and Drug Safety
The research within the Division of Cell Systems and Drug Safety, headed by Prof. Bob van de Water, is focused on novel therapeutic modalities and novel concepts in early drug discovery, in order to develop more effective and safer therapeutic strategies. We generate advanced cell and computational…
Plant-microbe interactions
Which microorganisms live near and inside plant roots? How do they contribute to plant health? Can microorganisms be employed in plant protection?
Development of Comprehensive and High-throughput metabolomics techniques
A major goal of ABS research is to overcome one of the major bottle-necks in metabolomic research: the lack of a high-throughput infrastructure in which thousands of samples can be processed in a standardized and cost-effective way (max. a few tens of Euro’s per sample for a full metabolome profile).…
Career prospects
A master's degree in Psychology at Leiden University combines theoretical knowledge with academic and professional skills, making you an attractive candidate for many employers.
Why you as a parent also need a time-out sometimes (and more useful parenting advice)
Your toddler refuses to eat vegetables, your child is being bullied at school, or you’re simply overwhelmed by everything on your plate. How can parents manage these situations effectively? During this Week of Parenting, our researchers and lecturers share practical advice for parents.
Characterization of Cell-based medicinal products (CBMPs)
Cell-based medicinal products (CBMPs) show great promise when it comes to the treatment of genetic disorders. However, there is limited knowledge about CBMP stability during their production, storage, and administration to patients. The main focus of my research is the characterization of CBMPs using…
- Prof Dr Matthias Erb
The role of autophagy during carbon starvation in Aspergillus niger
Autopaghy is an intracellular degradation system which targets cytosolic components to lytic compartments for degradation and recycling of the building blocks of the cell.
Public Probity and Corruption in Chile
This book provides a long-term historical analysis, exploring the roots of the low levels of corruption existing in Chile, going back to the 16th century and examining Chile’s institutional evolution until today.
Interactive visual retrieval of academic literature
The available tools for academic literature search return a list of ranked documents, which might not be ideal for some tasks. To facilitate these tasks, I am creating a visual representation of the academic search space where the user can browse academic topics.
Combating Bullying in Schools by Means of Self-Affirmation Training
Study adviser / coordinator
The study adviser (or coordinator) is an expert on all aspects of the Media Technology MSc program. If you have any questions or concerns about your studies, whether they be of a practical or academic nature, you can contact your study adviser.
Daphne Tona maps the brain
Psychologist Daphne Tona is one of the first to investigate a small nucleus in the brain stem 'in vivo' in living volunteers. That nucleus is involved in cognitive function and neurological and psychiatric disorders. With this research Tona is further mapping the brain. PhD defence on September 10.
Michiel Westenberg brings together teaching and youth care for the National Science Agenda
‘Equal opportunities for diverse young people’ receives a Starting Incentive of the Natonal Science Agenda of 2,5 million euros. In this project research is conducted on the processes and mechanisms in the changing environments in which young people grow up that contribute to equal - or unequal - opportunities.…
Career Prospects
A master's degree in Psychology at Leiden University combines theoretical knowledge with academic and professional skills, making you an attractive candidate for many employers.
Disclaimer: Manuscripts related to the Resilience Center are for academic purposes only and are not intended for mass distribution or copying. Please refer to applicable laws for fair use, including copyright holders' restrictions on publications.
Social anxiety in adolescents
Serious forms of anxiety concerning other people’s opinions can hinder teenagers at school in social interactions or carrying out tasks. Psychologist Anne Miers is looking for ways to reduce this so-called ‘social anxiety’.
Topic: Self-management in chronic diseases
Having a chronic somatic condition can result in a variety of impairments in patients’ daily lives, including not only physical complaints such as pain, itch, and fatigue, but also problems of negative mood and impairments in social relationships. Next to disease characteristics, individual difference…
Unravelling the genes responsible for life history traits in the giant woody cabbage (Brassica oleracea)
Which genes are involved in woodiness and associated traits such as drought tolerance, flowering time, stem elongation, life span, and plant herbivory, and how do these gene regulatory pathways overlap?
Ethics: how selfless should a self-driving car be
Intelligent machines are going to make ethical decisions too. Should a self-driving car be allowed to slam into pedestrians to save its passengers from a head-on collision? Should a negotiation app be able to detect stress in your opponent’s voice? And who makes these decisions: the user, the system’s…
Topic: Psychosocial consequenses of ICU treatment
In case of serious illness, treatment in the Intensive Care Unit (IC) may be necessary. Intensive care treatments has improved over the years and more and more seriously ill patients are surviving admission to the ICU. This favorable development however has a downside since long-term consequences of…
Topic: Healthy lifestyle: Nudging and self-regulation
We are all aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. However, at the same time we also experience many difficulties when we are trying to change our behavior to become more healthy. For example, more often than not our good intentions to exercise more or to eat fewer unhealthy snacks fail miserably…
and environmental factors determining heterogeneity in preservation stress resistance of Aspergillus niger conidia
Dr. A.F.J. Ram Prof.dr. P.J. Punt
The art of balance: Addressing occupational stress and well-being in emergency department nurses
Prof. J.F. Brosschot Dr. M.P. van der Doef