4,208 search results for “arts of freedom security and justice” in the Public website
Imagining Justice for Syria: Water Always Finds Its Way
On 29 april 2020, Beth Van Schaack defended her thesis 'Imagining Justice for Syria: Water Always Finds Its Way'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. C. Stahn.
Student for a Day - MSc Crisis and Security Management, spec. Governance of Violence
Study information
Student for a Day - MSc Crisis and Security Management, spec. Governance of Violence
Study information
Private active cyber defense and (international) cyber security—pushing the line?
This article on private active cyber defense by Dennis Broeders is part of a special issue of the Journal of Cybersecurity, based on a selection of contributions taken from the 2019 Conference on Cyber Norms organized by The Hague Program for Cyber Norms.
- Teaching Art History and Cultural and Art Education (MA)
Raja Ampat Ritual Art
Spirit priests and ancestor cults in new guinea's far west
Intelligence and Security
The Intelligence and Security Research Group at Leiden University explores how intelligence and security services function within political, bureaucratic, and societal contexts, and how their methods can be enhanced.
Reasoning through Art
Inaugural lecture, delivered upon acceptance of the Chair in Theory of Research in the Arts, at the Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University, on 10 February 2017, by Professor H.A. (Henk) Borgdorff.
Arts, Literature and Media
Are you thinking about studying Arts, Literature and Media? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
State-building, Lawmaking, and Criminal Justice in Afghanistan
On 22 June, Najib Amin defended the thesis 'State-building, lawmaking, and criminal justice in Afghanistan: a case study of the prison system’s legal mandate, and the rehabilitation programmes in Pul-e-charkhi prison'. The doctoral research was supervised by Jan Michiel Otto and Pauline Schuyt.
ISGA launches Journal of Security and Global Affairs
The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) has launched its first own scientific journal. The Journal of Security and Global Affairs (SGA) will focus on a wide array of security topics and issues, providing a platform for the analysis of key issues within security and global affairs. The first…
ARC (art_research_convergence)
ARC (art_research_convergence) is an outreach initiative of Leiden University Academy of Creative and Performing Arts, and the University of the Arts The Hague, for the active communication of artistic research.
Simon Willmetts
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
s.d.willmetts@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Sanneke Kuipers
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
s.l.kuipers@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9392
Reeda Al Sabri Halawi
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
r.al.sabri.halawi@law.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5277260
Crisis and Security Management
You are about to start your Master's programme in Crisis and Security Management at Leiden University in The Hague, The Netherlands. Make sure you are well prepared and get your studies off to a good start.
GIG-ARTS Conference
On 3 and 4 June 2024, GTGC acted as the host for the Eighth GIG-ARTS Conference. This edition had the theme ‘Thirty Years of Multistakeholderism in Internet Governance: Assessments and Prospects'.
GIG-ARTS Conference
On 3 and 4 June 2024, GTGC acted as the host for the Eighth GIG-ARTS Conference. This edition had the theme ‘Thirty Years of Multistakeholderism in Internet Governance: Assessments and Prospects'.
Lena Riecke
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
l.riecke@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9506
- Media | Art | Politics (MAP)
Catherine Harwood: ‘The Hague, a global epicentre for international law and justice’
Catherine Harwood joined the Grotius Centre in The Hague a few years ago. She received her Advanced Master’s degree in Public International Law in 2012 and continued her PhD studies at Leiden University.
Intstitute of Security and Global Affairs participation at OSCE
On June 9-10 2016 Dr. E. Devroe of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) was invited as a key-note speaker on ‘Intelligence Led policing and community oriented policing’ at the annual meeting of the ‘Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe’ (OSCE), Transnational Threats Department,…
Olga Gadyatskaya
o.gadyatskaya@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7033
Freedom on the Offensive: Human Rights, Democracy Promotion, and US Interventionism in the Late Cold War
In Freedom on the Offensive, William Michael Schmidli illuminates how the Reagan administration's embrace of democracy promotion was a defining development in US foreign relations in the late twentieth century.
Pre-Trial Detention in the Dutch Juvenile Justice System
On 25 January 2018 Yannick van den Brink defended his doctoral thesis titled ‘Voorlopige hechtenis in het Nederlands jeugdstrafrecht’ (‘Pre-trial detention in the Dutch juvenile justice system’). The doctoral research is supervised by Professor Ton Liefaard and Professor Mariëlle Bruning.
Women in International Security - NL
Women in International Security -Netherlands (WIIS-NL) is an affiliate of WIIS Global. WIIS-NL Members include: professionals, civil servants, academics, NGOs, employees of international bodies and organizations, embassy staff, politicians, students, and interested members of the general public. The…
Get to know Art History
The MA programme in Art History is unique in upholding a critical approach to the visual arts, decorative arts and architecture, directly connected to diverse cultures of collecting and presenting art. Our teaching and research are enhanced by collaborative partnerships with museums, heritage institutions…
Get to know Art History
The MA programme in Art History is unique in upholding a critical approach to the visual arts, decorative arts and architecture, directly connected to diverse cultures of collecting and presenting art. Our teaching and research are enhanced by collaborative partnerships with museums, heritage institutions…
Arts, Media and Society (BA)
Visual art today is strongly interlinked with today’s society, a connection which is reinforced and deepened by social and other media. In Arts, Media and Society you will explore this relationship and analyse how it reflects and impacts the issues of our time, while also learning practical and academic…
Historicising Art and Literature
Historicising Art and Literature is one of the six research themes of the LUCAS Modern and Contemporary cluster.
Arts and culture
Visit an exhibition, a concert or learn to paint.
Criminology and Security Policy (MSc)
Criminology and Security Policy is a challenging Dutch-taught master's programme at the renowned Leiden Law School of Leiden University. This programme – with its multidisciplinary perspective - focuses on the security issues in society and the development of effective and legitimate policy in order…
Buddhism and Social Justice
From 23-25 April 2014, a conference will be held on the topic of Buddhism and Social Justice. This conference confronts the common perception of Buddhism as intrinsically a tradition of peace and justice, and explores the various ways in which historically Buddhist societies of Asia have shaped, transmitted,…
What is Liberal Arts and Sciences?
Perhaps you are completely new to the concept of Liberal Arts and Sciences, or perhaps you are familiar with the Liberal Arts colleges of the United States. So, what actually is Liberal Arts & Sciences, and why has it become so popular in the Netherlands in recent years?
Research group Cyber Security Governance
The research group Cyber Security Governance will provide cutting-edge academic research in the domain of cyber, where modern technology interacts with traditional concepts such as governance, sovereignty, law-enforcement, international relations and conflict.
Crisis and Security Management (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Crisis and Security Management? Learn more and watch the introduction video. Or watch the videos on the track-related pages.
Anneleen van der Meer
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
a.van.der.meer@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9506
De-escalation of value conflict: Justice and intervention
What are the mechanisms involved in the reconciliation of value conflicts and which interventions are capable of resolving such disputes?
GIG-ARTS Conference Recordings
Here you can find the recordings of the Eighth Global Internet Governance (GIG-ARTS) Conference. Hosted in 2024 by GTGC.
GIG-ARTS Conference Recordings
Here you can find the recordings of the Eighth Global Internet Governance (GIG-ARTS) Conference. Hosted in 2024 by GTGC.
Anne-Laura van Harmelen appointed to new chair Brain, Security and Resilience
Leiden University will appoint Dr Anne-Laura van Harmelen as Professor of Brain, Security and Resilience at the Institute of Education and Child Studies with effect from 1 September 2020. She will focus on the brain in relation to the development of transgressive behaviour and its prevention and tre…
Labour Law and Social Security
The Labour Law and Social Security department provides both bachelor’s level and master’s level teaching.
and Papers - 7th ENIUGH congress: ”Conflict and Inequity, Peace and Justice: Local, Regional and International Perspectives”
The Seventh European Congress on World and Global History, entitled
Rock art research at Qurta
Dirk Huyge (Director) & Wouter Claes (Vice-Director)
Quality-driven multi-objective optimization of software architecture design: method, tool, and application
Promotores: Prof.dr. T.H.W. Bäck, Prof.dr. M.R.V. Chaudron, Co-Promotor: M.T.M. Emmerich
Two cities: Leiden and The Hague
Since the late 1990s Leiden University has been located in two cities: Leiden and The Hague. Leiden is where the University was founded and still forms its heart, with six of the seven faculties being housed there. The faculty of Governance and Global Affairs is located in The Hague and most of the…
Trump Administration, the US Intelligence Community, and Transatlantic Security Relations
Panel discussion
Elevated minds: The Sublime in the public arts in 17th-century Paris and Amsterdam
The aim of this project is to study the influence of Longinus’s treatise ‘On the sublime’ on practice and theory of architecture and theatre in seventeenth-century Paris and Amsterdam.
- Liberal Arts & Sciences: Global Challenges
Art of Captivity Online exhibition by Benjamin Fogarty-Art Valenzuela
The online exhibition 'Art of Captivity' corresponds with the publication of anthropologists Kevin Lewis O'Neill and Benjamin Fogarty-Art Valenzuela's book the Art ofCaptivity (University of Toronto Press 2020).