2,760 search results for “health university workshops” in the Public website
ethnographic study of complaints, morality and bureaucracy at a Dutch health insurer
Part of ‘Moralising Misfortune: A Comparative Anthropology of Commercial Insurance’, an ERC Consolidator project of Erik Bähre.
nature: using plant-soil feedback principles to improve growth and health of a horticultural crop
Plants and soils from natural ecosystems harbor great diversity of soil microorganisms, which could potentially contribute to the sustainability of horticulture. The knowledge about using wild plant species and soil from natural ecosystem to improve the crop health will advance the application of ecological…
COMMUNICATE HEAL-TH. A Virtual Reality training tool for optimizing expectancy effects in patient-provider interaction.
We aim to create an innovative e-learning and virtual reality training that helps healthcare providers to optimize placebo effects and minimizes nocebo effects via their communication.
LDE-Majority World Workshop – Contemporary Migrations in the Americas: Cross-Atlantic Dialogue for Socio-Spatial Justice
Prediction of human (CNS) target site concentrations in health and disease
Prediction of human (CNS) target site concentrations in health and disease In the vision of Prof. de Lange we will only be able to predict human (central nervous system, CNS) target site concentrations and effects if we perform systematic, condition-dependent, integrative, and strictly quantitative…
Bird behaviour and environmental health in the context of anthropogenic threats to wildlife and nature in China
We study the link between the acoustic, behavioral and physiological health of birds and prominent pollution factors. We aim to explore causation through experimental studies on detrimental factors like traffic noise, particulate matter and chemical toxins. Our primary target is scientific progress…
Can a health insurer refuse you if you have poor health?
It appears from a study conducted by Independer and Q&A Research that at least one in five Dutch people think you can be refused basic health insurance if you have health problems.
Positive Health: what is it and how do you measure it?
Health policy in the Netherlands is increasingly based on Positive Health. This approach sees health as much more than simply not being ill. There are more and more initiatives to promote Positive Health. But how do you know if these initiatives and policy are actually effective? LUMC researchers are…
‘Sickness and health have become a continuum’
Professor of Health Psychology Andrea Evers is one of the coordinators of the national Health and Wellbeing programme and of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus (LDE) programme that goes by the same name. The aim is to use technology to promote our health. LDE has already been working on this topic for some ti…
Data Science in Digital Health in Uganda
On 27 February, 2019, Kampala International University (KIU) was the venue of the conference ‘Digital Health and Development in Data Science in Uganda’. Professor Mirjam van Reisen from the Leiden Centre of Data Science was one of the main speakers.
New free online course on Health Behaviour
As of 14 May, people from all over the world can follow a little part of our university’s education through a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Health & Health Behaviour. This MOOC provides an introduction to the field of Health Psychology.
KNIR Workshop
Lodi Nauta (RUG) organizes a workshop, titled "Humanist and Scholastic Roots of Early Modern Philosophy (1400-1700)" at the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome. It will take place from 19 until 24 April 2022 and it is open to maximum 15 students in philosophy or intellectual history at (R)MA or PhD-level.…
ECPR Workshop
From the 25th to 28th of May, Joost de Moor organized an European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Joint Sessions workshop (online), alongside Katrin Uba (Uppsala University), on the 'new' climate activism.
Michel de Ridder
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
m.j.j.de.ridder@law.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Min Cho
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
m.j.cho@luc.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9503
Veronica Janssen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
v.r.janssen@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Global health interventions
On Friday the 6th of September 2024, members of the Leiden University Medical Anthropology Network convened in the African Studies Center to discuss Global Health Interventions.
Health Campus The Hague: working together for better health and care
Better health for all the residents of The Hague region. This is the mission of Health Campus The Hague – formerly LUMC Campus The Hague. Eight partners – the LUMC, Leiden University, the municipality of The Hague and five healthcare institutions (see box) – are collaborating intensively in healthcare…
Jet Bussemaker: ‘Health care is a social matter, not just a medical one’
Why are we unable to address health-care inequality? This was the topic of the inaugural speech of Professor Jet Bussemaker on Friday 15 February 2019. She analysed why current policy does not suffice when it comes to protecting vulnerable groups and fighting inequality. She proposed an agenda that…
Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm asked again to advise Minister of Health
The Minister has requested urgent advice from Sombroek-van Doorm in relation to the vaccination of children aged between 5 and 12 years against COVID-19.
Exposure and health Assessment of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) at e-waste recycling site among workers in the informal sector in Nigeria
Do e-waste workers display enhanced effects of adverse health effects due to informal e-waste processing in Nigeria? Is there a difference between the health outcomes of the exposed and the control groups? Are there difference in health effects within and between job groups (collectors, dismantlers,…
NWA grant for health law as part of NWA Cure4life
Mirjam Sombroek, Aart Hendriks and Martine de Vries (LUMC) will work on mapping the ethical and legal aspects of gene therapy. The aim is to establish a best practice of how society can best deal with these therapies. For example with guidelines on how to regulate, reimburse and make these therapies…
Workshop: Managing Difficult Moments
This academic year, workshops will be organised for teachers per institute on how to deal with difficult situations in the classroom.
Emotions Workshop (Groningen)
Prof. Louise D’Arcens (Macquarie University, Sydney) will lead a workshop on 'Transhistorical Emotions and Medievalism’ on 11 January 2023 at the University of Groningen. D’Arcens, affiliated with the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, studies which emotions…
CfP - International workshop (Utrecht)
Utrecht University and Université catholique de Louvain organize a workshop (1 February 2023, Utrecht) on good governance in the late-medieval city (1200-1600). This workshop invites researchers from different disciplines (history, literary studies, history of art and architecture, political philosophy,…
International Workshop (Nijmegen)
From 27 until 29 October 2021, the ERC project PASSIM organizes an international workshop on the future of digital manuscript studies.
Good Governance Workshop (Utrecht)
On February 1, Utrecht University organizes an international workshop on good governance in the late medieval city (1200-1600).
CFP International workshop (PASSIM)
On 27-29 October 2021, the ERC Project PASSIM (Patristic Sermons in the Middle Ages, Radboud University Nijmegen) will organize the International Workshop On the Way to the Future of Digital Manuscript Studies. Deadline for submission: 10 May 2021.
Mirjam Sombroek–van Doorm appointed Associate Professor Health Law
In addition to being Director of Operational Management at Leiden Law School, Mirjam Sombroek–van Doorm will help develop Health Law at the faculty in the coming years.
LUCDH Workshop March 2019
Studium Digitale: An Introduction to Network Data, Analysis, and Visualization
Qijia Cong
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
q.cong@fsw.leidenuniv.nl |
Henriët van Middendorp
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
h.van.middendorp@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6333
Camille Souama
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
c.p.souama@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Tian Yang
Faculty of Humanities
t.yang@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Jimena Pacheco Miranda
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
j.pacheco.miranda@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9512
Josien de Klerk
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
j.de.klerk@luc.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9557
CfP - Materiality Workshop (Dublin)
The Early Irish Hands project is inviting applications for a one-day Work-in-Progress workshop on materiality. Deadline: 31 January 2023.
LUCDH Workshop - November 2019
Studium Digitale: An Introduction to Network Data, Analysis, and Visualization
International Business Diplomacy Workshop
On 14 October 2019 the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) convened a one-day International Business Diplomacy workshop, which was held under the auspices of The Hague Journal of Diplomacy.
GTGC Seed Grant Workshop
On 14 November 2022, the GTGC team met with seed grant holders to discuss how the seed grant projects are progressing. The seed grant holders presented an introduction about their projects along with an overview of their execution. The seed grant holders received questions from the workshop attendees…
CfP - IGTM Workshop
The IGTM workshop "Rules, Regulations, and Regimes in Medieval Religion" (21 June 2023) for graduate students and junior scholars, in which early career scholars have the opportunity to discuss their research with peers and senior referents in an informal setting, takes the 800th anniversary of the…
to make Personalized Predictions for Migraine and Stroke from E-Health Sensor Data
The research of this PhD project can be subdivided into two main disease areas: migraine and stroke. For both we will be investigating how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques can be used to study these afflictions, their (early) detection, and their potential treatment.
Lobbying the Courts workshop
On 14 and 15 September, the 'Lobbying the Courts' workshop took place in Paris. This was an interdisciplinary workshop in which researchers from different disciplines came together to brainstorm on whether, how, and when interest groups focus on the judicial process and the courts in their lobbying…
Not everyone has health goals top of mind
Preventing or delaying disease often requires lifestyle changes, which turns out to be difficult. Valentijn Visch and Sandra van Dijk are researching how to help people change their behaviour.
Using the placebo effect for your health
Even if you have a healthy lifestyle, there's a lot to experience and learn during the Healthy University Week, from 26 to 30 October. Health psychologist Andrea Evers is enthusiastic about the week ahead. She tells us about the programme and gives us a taste of her own talk on what the placebo effect…
Leiden - ACPF AMR Workshop
Leiden University and African Child Policy Forum hold ‘ground-breaking’ workshop on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and human rights in Africa
E-workshops - Call for proposals
The NWO-funded research project ‘The Multilingual Dynamics of the Literary Culture of Medieval Flanders, c. 1200- c. 1500’ invites proposals for informal papers for a series of six e-workshops on the topic of ‘Multilingual Literary Cultures in the Middle Ages’. The e-workshops will take place in April…
The Workshop and Cultural Production
Anja Groten contributes the essay 'The Workshop and Cultural Production' to Amsterdam-based publication platform 'Open!'
Workshop The Natural World (Antwerpen)
ENVIRHUS (Environmental and Rural History of Urbanized Societies) organiseert op 17 februari 2023 (14u-17u) de workshop ‘The Natural World‘.
2nd Workshop: Egyptian Riverine Harbours
On the 17th and 18th of September 2018, the workshop Egyptian Riverine Harbours took place for the second time. The workshop is organized by the French, Austrian and Netherlands-Flemish institutes in Cairo and the Leuven Egyptologists. Harco Willems held his lecture on the relation between the antique…