5,164 search results for “data” in the Public website
Urbanism and municipal administration in Roman North Africa
This project uses archaeological, literary and epigraphic evidence to investigate urban development in Roman-period North Africa, compiling this in a GIS-linked database in order to analyse the development of urban settlement spatially over time.
Climate Change and Natural Isotopes
This project, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hans van der Plicht, comprises several studies aimed at the use of isotopes occurring naturally in organic material as tracers for both the climate change and its cultural impact at about 6200 BC. The research will be carried out by the co-applicant at…
Material Continuities, Renewals and Cultural Transformation
This subproject, carried out by post-doctoral researcher Dr. O. Nieuwenhuyse, investigates changes and continuities in the functional, social and symbolic uses of the material culture, c. 6800-5800 BC. A contextually oriented approach is adopted, which pays attention to the local socio-economic and…
At Leiden University, researchers from all disciplines work together to find answers and design innovations in the field of artificial intelligence.
Visiting scholars
We welcome visiting scholars whose research aligns with our diverse areas of expertise.
Educational research
The overarching aim of the research program at Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON) is to improve the quality of teaching-learning situations through a deep theoretical understanding of teaching and teacher learning.
Monitoring and detection of nanomaterials in biological media.
How do nanoparticles bioaccumulate and biodistribute in organisms?
Teeth Tell Tales
A multi-disciplinary approach to past lifestyles and cultural practices
PhD Training Programme
As a PhD candidate, you are expected to follow certain courses and training programmes in the context of your training as a researcher. The courses and training programmes will help you conduct your research, write your dissertation, develop your career, and gain self-insight.
Predictive Pharmacology
Prof. Elizabeth de Lange is concerned with the allocation of resources for the conduct of science towards the goal of best serving the public interest. Also, while she underscores that there is still the need for using animals in drug research, she is concerned about this use, and advocates the use…
Knowledge and Culture
Morality, mathematics, geometry, geography, music, navigation, and language are traditionally viewed as uniquely human cultural achievements and abilities. The study of their development and variation is classified as part of the humanities and social sciences. These fields have been mainly studied…
Why Leiden University?
By integrating world-class scientific research and education, you will become a professional physicist with an internationally recognized degree.
EUREX: European Registry of Exonerations to learn from miscarriages of justice
The European Registry of Exonerations database provides an overview of miscarriages of justice in Europe with a view to preventing future errors.
Current projects
Our research projects address cutting-edge and forward-looking societal challenges at the intersection of law and technology.
Application process and working conditions - Working at Leiden University
Are you interested in one of our vacancies? To get to know each other well, we follow a number of steps in the application process.
About this minor
Interdisciplinary research program exploring Indonesia's sustainable futures through innovative methods, focusing on energy, food, water, digital society, public health, and heritage.
- Why Leiden University?
Why Leiden University?
By effectively integrating word-class scientific research and excellent education, you will become a professional astronomer with an internationally recognized degree.
The overall aim of CAM-PaC is to contribute to solving the socioeconomic and health challenges of PDAC by an integrative and systematic functional analysis of pancreatic cancer candidate genes. CAM-PaC will develop novel cellular and animal models, as well as novel strategies to analyse and integrate…
The prudent entrepreneurs: women and public sector innovation
Kohei Suzuki, assistant professor at Leiden University, together with Victor Lapuente, examined how male and female public managers show attitudinal differences toward innovation in the public sector.
Solving multiplication and division problems
Latent variable modeling of students' solution strategies and performance
KIGS - Kommunikationsmuster in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
KIGS is a research project on communication patterns in the social sciences and humanities. Counting of publications and citations are common methods to measure international scientific impact. Based on citation analyses, various calculation methods and indicators have developed in recent years. However,…
Linking simple molecules to grain evolution across planet-forming disks
Planets are formed in disks of gas and dust around young stars.
Our Research
From basic science to real-world interventions
Surface Temperature and the Dynamics of H2 on Cu(111)
Heterogeneous catalysis is one of the fundamental processes of modern life, being common in industrial refinery and hydrogen vehicles, all the way to the living cell. The dissociation of H2 on Cu(111) is an important benchmark system for studying heterogeneous catalysis, with a large and varied amount…
A versatile tuple-based optimization framework
Promotor: Prof.dr. H.A.G. Wijshoff
The Power of Words: State Reactions to Protest Announcements
Organizations often announce their protest activities prior to their implementation to mobilize awareness, recruit supporters, and receive media attention. We are interested in the effectiveness of protest announcements—that is, under what conditions governments make concessions to avoid having an announced…
What Determines Perceptions of Bias toward the International Criminal Court? Evidence from Kenya
What Determines Perceptions of Bias toward the International Criminal Court? Evidence from Kenya. In this article, published on the website SAGE Journals in the Journal of Conflict Resolution, the authors Geoff Dancy, Yvonne Marie Dutton, Tessa Alleblas, Eamon Aloyo examine the attitude towards international…
Instrumentos musicais nas línguas bantu e a herança no português do Brasil
On the 25th of September, Alzenir Mendes Martins de Menezes successfully defended a doctoral thesis. Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Alzenir on this achievement!
Quantitative modelling of the response of earthworms to metals
Promotor: Prof.dr. W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, Co-promotor: Dr. ing. M.G. Vijver
La crémation à Alexandrie et dans l’Égypte grecque et romaine: étude d'une pratique à travers ses urnes cinéraires
This research aims to study the practice of cremation in Alexandria and Graeco-Roman Egypt, through the examination of its cinerary urns.
FAIRDOM – FAIR Sharing for Systems and Synthetic Biology
FAIRDOM consortium is an open initiative of various partners including funding programmes, large-consortia, institutes, small groups as well as individuals.
The LeiCNS-PK3.0 model development and applications: healthy-to-diseased CNS pharmacokinetic translation
Accurate prediction of the unbound drug concentration-time profile at the CNS target site is crucial for the assessment of the right drug concentration-effect relationship. PBPK models have supported the PK prediction of the CNS target sites and the translation of PK data between species and between…
Recherches dialectologiques et dialectométriques Nuni (une langue Gurunsi du Burkina Faso)
This book is a first comparative study of the Nuni dialects.
Descriptive linguistics at LUCL covers documentation and descriptive analysis of lesser-studied languages as well as typological and historical comparison.
South and Southeast Asia
Through language and culture, history, anthropology, and sociology, we delve into the countries, populations, and societies of South and Southeast Asia. From this perspective, we address global issues such as migration, heritage, and colonialism.
Unraveling the mechanism of multicopper oxidases: from ensemble to single molecule
Promotores: Prof.dr. G.W. Canters, Prof.dr. T.J. Aartsma
Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies 22
Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies 22, 2006
Governance of Innovation Project Management: Necessary and Neglected
Promotores: B.R. Katzy, J. de Vries, Co-Promotor: L.P. Groenewegen
Administrative burden in digital public service delivery
How does the social infrastructure affect administrative burdens associated with digital government services? The paper 'Administrative burden in digital public service delivery: The social infrastructure of library programs for e-inclusion' published in the Review of Policy Research by Sarah Giest…
The important role of stratum corneum lipids for the cutaneous barrier function
The skin protects the body from unwanted influences from the environment as well as excessive water loss. The barrier function of the skin is located in the stratum corneum (SC).
Bayes and Networks
Promotor: A.W. van der Vaart
Topological phases and phase transitions in magnets and ice
The main focus of this thesis is the behaviour of two-dimensional materials, namely (anti)-ferromagnetic materials in the first two chapters, which show topological phases, and energetic square ice in the third and fourth chapter.
Reconstruction and Computational Modelling for Inherited Metabolic Diseases
Accelerating the diagnosis and personalising the management of inherited metabolic diseases.
Interaccion Colonial en un Pueblo de Indios Encomendados
El Chorro de Maita, Cuba
Osteoarchaeology in historical context
Osteoarchaeology is a rich field for reconstructing past lives in that it can provide details on sex, age-at-death, stature, and pathology in conjunction with the cultural, social, and economic aspects of the person’s environment and burial conditions. While osteoarchaeological research is common in…
A Featural Typology of Bantu Agreement
This book explores the fascinating microvariation in Bantu languages and proposes a new syntactic analysis of subject and object agreement crosslinguistically. This book is open access!
Graduate School of Science
Are you graduating at the Faculty of Science? Or are you supervising a PhD student? At the Graduate School of Science you find support at every phase of your PhD.
Pluractionality in Hausa
This dissertation addresses the semantics of pluractional verbs in Hausa.
Dosing considerations for preterm neonates: from pharmacometrics to clinical practice
Prematurely born neonates require, amongst others, pharmaceutical therapy. Dosing guidelines for these therapies are often based on data from term born neonates or older infants, while these are not necessarily similar to prematurely born neonates.