726 search results for “action and chronic stress” in the Staff website
Zsuzsika Sjoerds
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
z.sjoerds@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5437
Online courses Life hacks
Career development, Personal development, Working effectively
Work Stress Week 2024: free activities to help reduce work-related stress
Work pressure
If you’re experiencing too much work pressure, talk about it to your colleagues and your manager. This is the only way we can jointly work towards a solution. How do you raise the issue of work pressure? And what can you do to prevent work pressure from getting out of hand?
Accessible Education
Studying with a disability often costs additional time and energy. Leiden University wants to do all it can to offer equal chances to students with a disability. What can you do to support a student with a disability?
Digital accessibility
The digital accessibility expert group focuses on improving the accessibility of the university website, digital learning tools and digital examinations. As a result of the corona crisis many educational activities are now online. The group is therefore working closely with the Centre for Innovation…
- Healthy University Week: Spring into action!
A healthy start for all
Many children have an unhealthy diet and do not get enough exercise. Sanne de Vries wants to help everyone get a healthy start in life.
Kaya Peerdeman
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
k.j.peerdeman@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3622
Serkan Aslan
s.aslan@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5275919
Pingtao Ding
p.ding@biology.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5275306
Bob van de Water
water_b@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6223
Mental health
The most common problem areas PhD students face are listed below, as well as how one can begin to fix these problems.
Mental fitness
Fitness is more than physical health alone. An equally important aspect is mental fitness. Mental fitness refers to fitness of the mind. Situations may arise at work that may lead to you feeling less strong. What you can do about them?
Psychology Connected on work pressure: 'Ask people around you to help you say 'no'''
Work might not always be enjoyable, but what if just a glance at the to-do list brings on a sense of dread? To initiate the conversation about this, the sixth Psychology Connected focused on work pressure and workplace enjoyment, offering tips rooted in positive psychology.
Seven projects receive funding from Humanities' JEDI Fund
The Faculty of Humanities' Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Fund provides small grants to initiatives in support of diversity and inclusion, with specific emphasis on creating an inclusive learning environment.
PhD Candidates: Get more success with less stress
Personal development, Working effectively
Veni grants for 16 Leiden researchers
Sixteen researchers at Leiden University are to receive a Veni grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). These awards offer promising young researchers the opportunity to further develop their own ideas over a period of three years.
Perspective for people with borderline personality disorder
‘Raising awareness of the disorder is crucial since borderline personality disorder (BPD) still faces considerable stigma ’, says Anne Krause-Utz (Clinical Psychology) . Together with an international team of excellent scientists, Krause-Utz provides an update of current knowledge about this disorder,…
Paul Nieuwbeerta in The Lancet on detainees’ health
For the first time, research has been conducted on how the health of detained persons prior to their detention differs from that of non-detainees and to what extent health problems change over the period: from before and after their detention.
Sander van Kasteren: from molecule builder to Professor of Chemical Immunology
Sander van Kasteren only noticed some small, subtle changes since he was appointed professor on 1 May. Still, he has to get used to the idea, even though he had been working towards the professorship for a few years. ‘I don't quite see myself as a professor yet.'
Making the invisible visible with ‘click chemistry’
Sander van Kasteren (Professor of Molecular Immunology) makes the invisible visible. He will explain more in his inaugural lecture.
Leiden University researchers tackle global challenges with Una Europa-Africa grants
Three international research projects involving Leiden University researchers will receive funding from the Una Europa university alliance.
Reporting sick and guidance during sick leave
If you are unable to come to work due to sickness, find out below how to report sick and how the University guides its employees on sick leave.
Unfolding the regulation of stress response pathways upon liver injury
PhD defence
Increasing student participation in schools
Young people have the right to be involved in decision-making on matters that affect them, including their education. Ben Smit, researcher at ICLON, studied how to increase student participation, among other things through participation in research. Defence on 6 September.
Project ME | Taking control of your academic career by taking control of yourself
Personal development
Not everyone has health goals top of mind
Preventing or delaying disease often requires lifestyle changes, which turns out to be difficult. Valentijn Visch and Sandra van Dijk are researching how to help people change their behaviour.
Why you as a parent also need a time-out sometimes (and more useful parenting advice)
Your toddler refuses to eat vegetables, your child is being bullied at school, or you’re simply overwhelmed by everything on your plate. How can parents manage these situations effectively? During this Week of Parenting, our researchers and lecturers share practical advice for parents.
‘Build resilience in traumatised children and young people’
Many children experience trauma and if they are unable to deal with it properly, it can have a huge personal and societal effect. Building resilience in vulnerable children and young people should therefore have the highest priority. This is the message of Anne-Laura van Harmelen, Professor of Brain,…
PhD candidates
Are you a PhD candidate, and is there something you’d prefer to discuss with someone other than your thesis director or supervisor? The confidential counsellor for PhD candidates is here to help. You can speak to him/her in confidence and receive advice. If you experience symptoms of physical or mental…
Call for Participation online workshop Interrogating Speculative Futures
Call for Participation for the online workshop Interrogating Speculative Futures: A workshop on the politics of imagining a future with(out) chronic illness on 19 and 20 July 2021.
Innovative research on impact of violent conflicts on food security in Chad
Violent conflicts and civil wars in Chad impede most rural households' access to food security, agricultural activities and access to essential services such as health care. In her dissertation, Nakar Djindil Syntyche denounces this issue. She obtained her PhD on 24 November.
Fitmonth Body & Mind - FSW
Fitmonth Body & Mind - FSW
Participatory Action Research: possibilities and challenges in the humanities
Course, Terra Incognita Masterclass
Advice from a confidential counsellor
The confidential counsellors are there for you to discuss confidential matters with, such as bullying, intimidation, sexual harassment, aggression or discrimination. You might also want to talk to them about problems with your manager or breaches of academic integrity.
Personnel monitor Light 2021
The University believes it is important to provide you with a satisfying work environment. How do you feel about your career opportunities, the interaction with your colleagues and supervisors, and the work facilities at your disposal? We ask for your opinion via the personnel monitor. This survey guarantees…
The art of balance: Addressing occupational stress and well-being in emergency department nurses
PhD defence
Dynamics and regulation of the oxidative stress response upon chemical exposure
PhD defence
Monitoring Drought and Salinity Stress in Agriculture by Remote Sensing for a Sustainable Future
PhD defence
and environmental factors determining heterogeneity in preservation stress resistance of Aspergillus niger conidia
PhD defence
University doctor and psychologist
The University does its best to create a pleasant work environment. It may nevertheless happen that you are unable to work due to a short-term or long-term illness or disability. The University doctors will help you reduce health risks and advise you through your recovery and return to work.
'Students can come to me if they feel they need help’
Guiding people and helping them flourish. That's what Alexandra Blank's work is about. She has two jobs at W&N and she likes them both. ‘It is precisely because I combine these two jobs that I can do both well'.
It may happen that you are unable to work due to a short-term or long-term illness or disability.
Online courses Management and leadership
Career development, Leadership
GROW development menu
Would you like to develop your discussion skills? We provide a variety of training resources for staff members and managers. The topics covered include making a connection, listening, giving feedback and reflection.
Online self-help for students
Leiden University offers students access to the platform MoodLift. The MoodLift programmes are an easy way for students to work on their mental health. There is also the platform Gezonde Boel which offers e-modules.
Toegang maandblad Ars Aequi
- Blue Monday? Join the online Body & Mind Vital programme for free