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About the programme
The Regular LL.M. (Public International Law specialization) is taught by lecturers who possess expertise in a wide range of aspects of public international law, including international criminal law, international humanitarian law, international human rights law, the law on peace and security, international…
- I'm interested in English taught programmes with an international focus in The Hague
Career preparation
During the CSM programme, you will have interactive guest lectures with professionals active in the security domain. The guest lecturers will speak about their career (development) and how they reached their goals.
Still have questions about the Master’s programme Crisis and Security Management? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Still have questions about the Master’s programme Crisis and Security Management? Please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Conspiracy, legitimacy and violence
Can conspiracy constructions explain for hatred of the system? And if so, should conspiracy constructions be considered to be a risk in terms of national security?
Verified Reowolf
Using formal methods, we rigorously validate and verify functionality and security properties of essential Internet protocols. In this project, we unambiguously specify Internet protocols (i.e. IP, TCP, UDP, BGP, DNS) using Reowolf's Protocol Description Language (PDL).
- Diplomacy and Global Affairs Research Seminar Series
Consular diplomacy's first challenge: Communicating assistance to nationals abroad
Jan Melissen, Senior Fellow International Relations and Diplomacy at ISGA, researched the topic of consular diplomacy in a digital age. Specifically: the communicative challenge.
EU Foreign Policy in practice: selected cases from Latin America
Both Europe and Latin America face challenges globally and at home. Conflicts over land and resources have been resurgent in recent years.
De-escalation of value conflict: Justice and intervention
What are the mechanisms involved in the reconciliation of value conflicts and which interventions are capable of resolving such disputes?
Strategic Interaction of Governments and Terrorist Groups in Times of Economic Hardship
In this article, Tokdemir & Klein examine the strategic actions of governments against domestic terrorist groups and domestic terrorist groups’ reactions to such actions.
Programme structure
You will develop an understanding of the interconnectedness between the world economy, international law, justice, war and how peace might become more prevalent.
Still have questions about the Master’s programme Crisis and Security Management? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Still have questions about the Master’s programme Crisis and Security Management? Please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Still have questions about the Master’s programme Crisis and Security Management? Please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Still have questions about the Master’s programme Crisis and Security Management? Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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The WIIS network is about the advancement of women's leadership. To best accomplish our mission, we need subscribers like you. As a dues-paying subscribers of Women In International Security (WIIS), you will have the ability to contribute to the WIIS Blog, receive WIIS this Week, access and post to…
- Diplomacy and Global Affairs Research Seminar Series
Terror and the Legitimation of Violence: A Cross-National Analysis on the Relationship between Terrorism and Homicide Rates
This article written by Marieke Liem & Alexander Kamprad investigates the relationship between terrorism and interpersonal violence. They conducted cross-national analyses on the effects of terrorism mortality rates on homicide rates. Results showed that terrorism appears to be robustly and positively…
State Secrecy and Democracy A Philosophical Inquiry
In the wake of controversial disclosures of classified government information by WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden, questions about the democratic status of secret uses of political power are rarely far from the headlines. Despite an increase in initiatives aimed at enhancing government transparency – such…
Partnerships between police and science in Belgium : fragile alliances?
After 20 years of police reform, Jasper De Paepe and Marleen Easton look back and discover what we can learn about partnerships between police and science in Belgium.
Members of LUCIR contribute to various education programmes in the sphere of international relations, exchanging expertise with both bachelor’s and master’s students.
Voluntary, Non-Binding Norms for Responsible State Behaviour in the Use of Information and Communications Technology: A Commentary
The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) has published the 2017 issue in their Civil Society and Disarmament series, titled Voluntary, Non-Binding Norms for Responsible State Behaviour in the Use of Information and Communications Technology: A Commentary. The series aims to provide…
How does the faculty work?
Underneath you find more information on how our faculty works.
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The Hague Diplomacy Podcast aims at bringing the themes of the journal's research off the page, and onto the discussion table. Each episode will feature a guest who will share their insights and personal experience within their practice of or research on diplomacy.
From Murder to Imprisonment: Mapping the Flow of Homicide Cases
Marieke Liem, Professor Social Resilience and Security at Leiden University, and Katharina Krüsselmann, PhD candidate at Leiden University and Manuel Eisner mapped the flow of homicide cases with the help of a systematic review.
- Diplomacy and Global Affairs Research Seminar Series
- Master events
Seeking justice for Syria
Islamic State may be losing ground rapidly, but Syrian President Assad's position is gaining strength. His torture chambers and the battlefield are scenes of countless criminal acts. Will these crimes ever come to trial, at the International Criminal Court, for example?
Een onzekere wereld - van complottheorieën naar alarmsignalen in ons brein
Onzekerheid omarmen - een tijdreis van de Oudheid naar de digitale toekomst
Onzekerheid opzoeken - risicogedrag in pubers en zebravissen
More effective blocking of CCR2 receptor
The discovery of new medicines is a tedious and lengthy process. On average, over 10,000 molecules need to be studied for one to become a drug and reach the patient. Part of that process are the very costly clinical trials in humans, and candidate drugs often fail due to side effects or lack of efficacy.…
More details: the GTGC Conference 2022
How can we deal with today’s global challenges in sustainable, peaceful, fair, democratic, and effective ways? How can global events such as geopolitical shifts, ecological changes, technological innovations, and pandemics be better governed? Addressing these complex questions requires innovative, multidisciplinary…
More details: the GTGC Conference 2022
How can we deal with today’s global challenges in sustainable, peaceful, fair, democratic, and effective ways? How can global events such as geopolitical shifts, ecological changes, technological innovations, and pandemics be better governed? Addressing these complex questions requires innovative, multidisciplinary…
Parenting choices important in transmission of extremism
Do children growing up in a jihadist or right-wing extremist household develop the same extremist views as their parents?
Sanctions, Remittances, and (in)Security: Legal Conundrums, Financial Paradoxes, and Humanitarian Puzzles
Resilience meets Criminology
Call for papers: The Hague Program for Cyber Norms Conference 2019
The Hague Program for Cyber Norms organises the second conference of an annual series to encourage academic diversity in the study of cyber security. The theme is 'Dealing with Uncertainty'. The conference will take place in The Hague on 5 and 6 November 2019. Deadline submission of extended abstracts…
Osteoarchaeology: The Truth in Our Bones
We are pleased to announce that on the 30th of September Dr. Andrea Waters-Rist from the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University (The Netherlands) will be launching a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) all about human osteoarchaeology!
Annual report for 2018 published
Leiden University has published its Annual Report for 2018. Although it too has faced complex themes in the last year such as staff workload, internationalisation, social security and funding, it has made significant progress in achieving its ambitions.
Jan Willem Erisman reinforces Leiden’s environmental research as new professor of Environmental sustainability
How can we best deal with the current problems caused by the human impact on the nitrogen cycle? How do we make the transition to a sustainable society? As of 1 September, nitrogen expert Jan Willem Erisman will be working on these questions at Leiden University: he will exchange the Louis Bolk Institute…
Announcement Fellow Program 2022 'The Iranian Highlands'
For 2022, The Iranian-German project 'The Iranian Highlands: Resilience and Integration of Premodern Societies' announces the second round of fellowship grants. The fellowship is open for both iranian and non-iranian researchers, especially in archaeology but also in other interdisciplinary fields focussing…
New step in development of Humanities Campus: Urban development plan available for viewing
Leiden University has designed a new Urban Development Plan for the Humanities Campus. This plan incorporates participation from the immediate environment (neighbours and nearby residents). The plan will be available for viewing at the Leiden city council offices from 22 December for six weeks.
Research into colonial encounters wins Distinguished Lorentz Fellowship
Archaeologist Corinne Hofman wins the Distinguished Lorentz Fellowship 2018/19 for research into the changing world of indigenous peoples as a result of colonialism. “The perspective of indigenous communities is still lacking in most history books.
Dr. Simon Willmetts awarded fellowship at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study
Dr. Simon Willmetts from the University of Leiden’s Institute for Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) has been selected for a stay at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS-KNAW) in Amsterdam.
Jelle van Buuren and Dennis Broeders on 5G: Technological Dangers and European Chances
The 4G network will soon be replaced by 5G. 5G will enable users to set up faster and more reliable data links as well as better privacy protections. For intelligence agencies, however, the upgrade in data protections will create huge problems.
Linda van der Horst
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
l.p.j.van.der.horst@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009506