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You may contact LUXs through any of its members or secretariats of its participating institutes. You may also reach the steering group through its chair or secretariat.
Tax Law
The study of tax law covers the tax system in its full width. It includes domestic, international and European tax law.
Student life
Leiden is a lively university city, brimming with history and boasting a student life that’s tangible just about everywhere.
CWTS Open Science Policy
In September 2021 the CWTS open science policy came into effect. This policy deals with open access publishing, open research data, and open source software. All research projects carried out at CWTS are subject to the CWTS open science policy.
- Admission and application
Artificial Intelligence, Business & Innovation
The minor Artificial Intelligence, Business & Innovation will provide you with knowledge and skills on the intersection of the fields of artificial intelligence, management, and entrepreneurship, with a focus on programming, technology management, entrepreneurial innovation, and ethical considerations…
Algorithms for quantum software
Top scientists of three Dutch universities are working on software and systems for quantum computers. Researchers of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) and the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION) are developing new algorithms to make those super computers work. The coming years,…
Gerard van Westen: 'Our model predicts what candidate drugs do in your body'
He’s a fast and animated speaker, which is only logical because Gerard van Westen is driving an express train. His destination? A virtual human, consisting of algorithms that predict what an administered substance will do in the body. The train is already a long way down the line and the pharmaceutical…
Following in nature's footsteps
A neural network mimics how our brain works. Evolutionary algorithms use the principle of natural selection to solve complex problems. This kind of 'natural computing' is being used to improve the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease or the production of steel.
The Resistance of the World
This project will construct an inventory of possible conceptions of the resistance of the world to scientists’ claims and theories.
Robots and burial mounds
Neural networks have a wide range of applications. In Leiden, psychologists use them to build robot brains, whereas archaeologists use them to hunt for prehistoric graves.
Admission requirements
To be eligible forAstronomy and Data Science at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
About the programme
The specialisation involves general courses, specialisation-specific courses, electives, research internship and your thesis
Previous SAILS Workshops
SAILS likes to occasionally organise workshops about topics that relate to our programme. On this page you can find more information about previous workshops.
When you walk into the Gorlaeus Building, you will notice it immediately; the artwork 'The Cloud' hangs prominently in the hall and cannot be missed. Artist Jos Agasi designed it especially for this location. ‘Intuition, imagination and creativity. Scientists and artists have more in common than they…
Come and visit us!
As a university, we offer you the best education you can get. Professors, tutors and lecturers are ready to teach and guide you. But we do more than that. Of course, studying is your own responsibility, but we are happy to help if you need support. You decide what and when; online or on campus. These…
WARN-D: developing an early warning system for depression in students
My ERC Starting Grant, funded with €1.5 million for 5 years as part of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, is focused on building the early warning system WARN-D to reliably forecast depression in young adults before it occurs. Why depression, and why prediction?
The European Union's Policies on Counter-Terrorism
This research paper was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. It was published by the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) in The Hague. Leiden University is one of the participating institutes in this publication and our researcher…
About the programme
The specialisation involves general courses, specialisation-specific courses, electives, research internship and your thesis
Bestrijdingsmiddelenatlas (BMA) - Pesticide Atlas of Dutch surface waters
Improving environmental risk assessment of pesticides in surface waters
Systems and security
Researchers at LIACS are working to devise the computers of tomorrow that will be the backbone of the Cloud and Edge computing paradigms as well as the Internet of Things. In this respect, we are involved in research and development of high performance computing systems, embedded & real-time computing…
Tutorials (recorded)
Speech Prosody 2024 includes three exciting tutorials. Below you will find the description as well as the recording of all three of them.
The Three Pillars of Bon: Doctrine, ‘Location’ & Founder
The aim of the project is to understand the process of formation of Bon religious identity in Tibet at the turn of the first millennium AD.
HAPPY - Qualitative research in Higher education teaching APProaches for sustainabilitY and well-being in Bhutan
This 3-year EU Erasmus+ co-funded project focuses on the strengthening and improvement of teaching qualitative research methods across a range of disciplines in the Social Sciences and Humanities in Bhutan.
The research project MAXCAP: Maximizing the integration capacity of the European Union: Lessons and prospects for enlargement and beyond starts with a critical analysis of the effects of the 2004-2007 enlargement on stability, democracy and prosperity of candidate countries, on the one hand, and the…
20th century changes in the Dutch flora
Description of 20th century changes in the Dutch flora: Description and interpretation (1999 - 2005)
Marjolein Fokkema: ‘My algorithms produce increasingly flexible decision trees for mental-health professionals’
Making predictions about emotional problems or the effects of air pollution: Marjolein Fokkema’s algorithms are getting better at this all the time. She is making her algorithms increasingly flexible, so they can predict not just characteristics at one particular moment, but also how skills, for example,…
Descriptive and Comparative Linguistics
The research programme Descriptive and Comparative Linguistics brings together LUCL researchers who focus mainly on descriptive and comparative linguistics.
FAQ about Population Health Management
Is your question not on this FAQ? Please contact us for a personalised answer via: master.PHM@lumc.nl.
About the programme
The specialisation involves general courses, specialisation-specific courses, electives, research internship and your thesis
PhD Candidate on Multi-Objective Optimization and Machine Learning for Hydrogen Technologies
Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
Numismatics in Leiden: more than two sides to the same coin
Numismatic research of Roman coin hoards in the Netherlands. The use of numismatic sources is incorporated in Claes’s research project “Dialogues of Power”. This project aims to analyse the legitimising dialogue between Roman emperors and their Germanic legions during the so-called “crisis of the third…
Effects of glufosinate-ammonium on off crop vegetation
Description of Effects of glufosinate-ammonium on off crop vegetation.
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Computers are capable of making incredibly accurate predictions on the basis of machine learning. In other words, these computers can learn without intervention once they have been pre-programmed by humans. At LIACS, we explore and push the borders of what a revolutionary new generation of algorithms…
Small Grants 2024 Research Projects
The LUCDH foster the development of new digital research by awarding a number of Small Grants each year. As in previous years the LUCDH received a large number of excellent grant applications for Research and Personal Development funds. Congratulations to the recipients of this year's research award…
Prison research
The Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology conducts extensive research on imprisonment. Sending a person to prison is the most severe form of punishment that can be applied in the criminal justice systems of European countries. In most countries, the number of prisoners has risen in recent decades.…
Public Purpose
Implementing all kinds of change and introducing new structures, far-reaching rules and administrative systems may sometimes seem to distract an organisation from its purpose. Furthermore, there is growing recognition of the need of staff of public organisations to find more meaning in their work: the…
Archaeology of the Lower Maroni River
The application of compliance archaeology techniques such as mechanical large scale excavations where large quantities of data are gathered in relatively little time (and relatively inexpensively) and a firm post-excavation research phase yielded a whole new body of archaeological evidence.
Hans Franken Lecture
The Hans Franken Lecture honors the legacy of Prof. Dr. Mr. Hans Franken, a founding figure of eLaw in 1985.
The Metabolic syndrome affects over 5 million people in the Netherlands. The HealthBox is an initiative from LUMC and NeLL to provide an innovative solution to help prevent and manage this chronic condition.
The Százhalombatta Archaeological Expedition (SAX)
Százhalombatta-Földvar is a Bronze Age fortified tell settlement on the right bank of the river Danube, 30 km south of Budapest in Hungary. It is one of the best preserved temperate climate tells in Europe and well-known for the extraordinarily rich data it produces. Since 2014 Leiden students are welcomed…
Methodology and Statistics
Methodology and Statistics focuses on the development, evaluation and application of statistical models for the analysis of psychological research data.
Scientific integrity
All LIAS members and visitors are kindly requested to familiarize themselves with the information provided below, to the level of detail they feel is appropriate to their situation. This information overlaps in part with the University’s web pages on scientific integrity.
European Citizen Science (ECS)
The overall objective of ECS is to widen and strengthen the European Citizen Science community through capacity building and awareness raising activities such as the creation of a European Citizen Science Academy and the establishment of a network of 28 ECS Ambassadors.
Centre for Legal Entrepreneurship and Innovation
The Centre for Legal Entrepreneurship and Innovation focuses on stimulating entrepreneurship and innovation in the legal sector. It builds a bridge between study and practice.
Career preparation
Leiden University offers you several services related to career orientation and job application skills
Research in Physics, Cosmology (MSc)
The master’s specialisation Cosmology at Leiden University is positioned at the interface between Theoretical Physics and Observational Astronomy. The main elements are theory, data analysis and numerical simulations, with research on the origin of dark matter as one of the highlights.
Why Leiden University?
Our programmes are known for our scientifically based education and for our open atmosphere.
Why Leiden University?
Our programmes are known for our scientifically based education and for our open atmosphere.