5,908 search results for “history of the contemporary middle echt” in the Public website
Colonial recipes: Food, modernity and Japanese rule in Korea
The major objective of the study is to ascertain how Japanese colonialism affected the manner in which food was produced, processed, prepared and consumed in the colony, and how new attitudes towards these practices were constructed.
ForSeaDiscovery - Forest resources for Iberian empires: ecology and globalization in the age of discovery
An interdisciplinary and innovative research group combining History, underwater archaeology, GIS and wood provenancing methods.
Affiliated members
LUCIS affiliated members are researchers outside Leiden University who are actively involved in the study of Islam and/or Muslim societies and who regularly participate in LUCIS activities. LUCIS affiliate membership offers possibilities to cooperate with LUCIS as well as network opportunities. Contact…
JEDI Fund 2023
On this page you will find more information about the selected projects of the Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Fund for 2023.
‘Liberal American foreign policy was always entangled with illiberal interests’
American foreign policy in the period after the Second World War is often characterised as liberal. This is, however, not the full picture, argues university lecturer Andrew Gawthorpe. He has been awarded a Vidi grant to research and rewrite this popular narrative.
Cosmos Malabaricus
This programme aims to make the digitized archival sources of the Kerala and Tamil Nadu Archives more accessible to Indian and international scholars and to the widest possible audience, in particular to the people of Kerala.
NIAS grant for research into 19th century bohemians and their love for anarchistic assassins
It was a remarkable trend in 19th-century London: middle-class bourgeois bohemians falling in love with anarchism and its assassins. University lecturer Michael Newton has been awarded a NIAS subsidy to reconstruct the lives of three of these families.
Gerrit Dusseldorp
Faculteit Archeologie
g.l.dusseldorp@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2428
Noa Schonmann
Faculty of Humanities
n.schonmann@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1432
Femke Lippok
Faculteit Archeologie
f.e.lippok@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
- BA Fall Middle East Studies Programme
Obtaining a PhD at Teylers Museum at age of 68
Most people would not even consider it, starting a PhD at the age of 62. However, for the former Teylers Museum curator Bert Sliggers it was like a dream that came true: ‘The opportunity I was given felt like a gift, it brought me and Teylers Museum a lot.’
Gert Oostindie: Leiden University should also reflect on its colonial history
It is crucial that Leiden University reflects on its colonial history. These were the words of Cleveringa Professor Gert Oostindie in his inaugural lecture on 24 November. ‘As a university community, we must dare to hold up a mirror to ourselves and, where possible and necessary, also take concrete…
- Meet our staff
- Symposia 2023-2024
- Meet our staff
Rachel Beckles Willson appointed professor by special appointment: ‘Music is interwoven with the big questions of our time’
Rachel Beckles Willson started her career as a concert pianist but was later captivated by the Middle Eastern stringed instrument called the oud. On 1 December, she was appointed professor by special appointment of 'Intercultural Performing Arts'.
LUCL Colloquium: The relevance of Cushitic for the linguistic history of East Africa
Lecture, LUCL Colloquium series
Criminals. The Spanish Commanders and their Actions during the First Decade of the Dutch Revolt in Narrative Sources from Spain and the Low Countries
How were Spanish commanders fighting in the Low Countries between 1567 and 1577 portrayed in Spanish and Dutch narrative sources during the Eighty Years War?
Morphine, cocaine and the slippery history of pain relief/pleasure seeking in colonial Vietnam
Hunters of the Golden Age
The Mid Upper Palaeolithic of Eurasia 30,000 - 20,000 BP
Exhibition photographic oeuvre of world traveller Alexine Tinne
In collaboration with the The Hague Historical Museum and photographer Dagmar van Weeghel, Leiden University Libraries (UBL) is the first to present a retrospective exhibition of the photographic oeuvre of Alexine Tinne (1835 – 1869). New research into her life and work is the reason for a reappraisal…
Schulhofer-Wohl, Quagmire in Civil War
Why do some civil wars experience quagmire, a situation in which belligerents are trapped in fighting? To explain this puzzle, Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl (Leiden University Institute of Political Science) analyses the overlapping strategic interactions between foreign powers and the warring parties. Studying…
Laminar Technology and the Onset of the Upper Paleolithic in the Altai, Siberia
The Altai region has yielded a cluster of Middle and Upper Paleolithic stratified sites that have been recently excavated using a multidisciplinary approach.
Call for Papers: Imperial Artefacts. History, Law, and the Looting of Cultural Property
Call for Papers: Imperial Artefacts. History, Law, and the Looting of Cultural Property
Our perspective on history is changing and our museums are changing too
Museums have long focused on power, wealth and a few famous figures. But that is changing, says Valika Smeulders, head of the history department at the Rijksmuseum. What this change comprises and how it has come about is the subject of her keynote speech at the D&I Symposium on 11 January.
Mosaic-Craftsmen and Workshop-organization in the Provinces of Arabia and Palestina during Late-Antiquity
This research focuses on figurative Byzantine mosaic-floors that have been excavated in the geographical area of the ancient provinces of Palestina and Arabia (current Israel, PA and Jordan) dating to the Late 5th, 6th and early 7th centuries C.E.
Manufactured drought? An environmental history of water scarcity in Colonial Kenya, 1895-1952
Lecture, PCNI Research Seminar
LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series: Studying the History of Technocratic Reasoning in Digitized Parliamentary Debates
- BA Spring Middle East Studies programme
LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series: Designing a Digital History of the Lives and Afterlives of Chinese Material Infrastructures
Wim van den Doel wins 2024 Boerhaave Biography Prize
Professor of Contemporary History Wim van den Doel has won the 2024 Boerhaave Biography Prize. Van den Doel receives the prize for his book 'Snouck: Het volkomen geleerdenleven van Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje'.
Liselore Tissen
Faculty of Humanities
l.n.m.tissen@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Call for papers: The Trajectories of International Legal Histories
Thirty years ago, the Leiden Journal of International Law (LJIL) was born, at a time when the writing of histories was hardly a popular endeavor for international legal scholars. In his 1987 article ‘Probleme der Völkerrechtsgeschichte’ (‘The Problems of International Legal History’), Heinhard Steiger…
Laurie Cosmo
Faculty of Humanities
l.k.cosmo@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2249
Curator of the National Museum Marion Anker: ‘History can cause friction'
Marion Anker is a junior curator at the Rijksmuseum, the National Museum of the Netherlands. She studied History in Leiden and Amsterdam. Together with her team, she organised the controversial exhibition ‘Revolusi! Indonesië onafhankelijk!’ What did studying History teach her?
Njord writes book about its wartime history
The new book, ‘Njord in de Oorlog’ (Njord during the War), describes how the Leiden student rowing club was affected by the Second World War in a detailed series of personal stories. On Monday 16 November, Njord president Rosalie ten Wolde presented the first copy to Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker.
Meet the History students in the Departmental Teaching Committee
As always, 5 students take part in the Departmental Teaching Committee History. The five of us want to represent the history students to the best of our abilities and enhance the visibility of the Committee. We are looking forward to an interesting year!
Josephus Scaliger: famous scholar and grouch
Josephus Justus Scaliger was one of the most famous scholars of his time and yet today his name is likely to be met with blank looks. His correspondence shows that this Leiden professor was also irritable to say the least. Kasper van Ommen will defend his PhD thesis on Scaliger’s legacy on 2 July. Find…
The formation of Islam: The view from below
By examining the impact of Islam on the daily life of those living under its rule, the goal of this project is to understand the striking newness of Islamic society and its debt to the diverse cultures it superseded. Questions will be the extent, character, and ambition of Muslim state competency at…
Henk te Velde appointed as President of the Association for Political History
Prof.dr. Henk te Velde is appointed as the new President of the Association for Political History.
A New Network for Queer History at Leiden
Ann Marie Wilson and Andrew DJ Shield have been recently awarded a Leiden Global Interactions SEED grant to support the launch of a new platform for sexuality studies at Leiden University: the Leiden Queer History Network (LQHN).
The analytical- reconstructive process of the reduced orchestral works in France from the post-Lully generation (1687-1744)
How to reconstruct the middle parts (videlicet haute-contres, tailles and quintes) from French orchestral pieces, which survived only in their reduced forms (featuring primarely dessus and continuo), according to historical examples?
Shaping a Muslim State
The World of a Mid-Eighth-Century Egyptian Official
Regionalism and Modern Europe : Identity Construction and Movements from 1890 to the Present Day
Providing a valuable overview of regionalism throughout the entire continent, Regionalism in Modern Europe combines both geographical and thematic approaches to examine the origins and development of regional movements and identities in Europe from 1890 to the present.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Precarious State of a Double Agent during the Cold War
In this article, Ben de Jong, research fellow at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, examines the relationship between double agents and their handlers.
Judith Pollmann
Faculty of Humanities
j.pollmann@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2740
The Perfect Spectator: The Experience of the Artwork and the Topicality of Reception Aesthetics
The key questions posed in this dissertation centre on the interaction between spectator and artwork. What happens between a spectator and an artwork? How do we experience ‘meaning’ in an artwork? How may the process of interpretation be understood and articulated?
Workshop Early Photography of the Middle East - In Contact with Collections
A Textual Study of the *Lakṣaṇaṭīkā
Yoshiyasu Yonezawa defended his thesis on 24 October 2019