2,830 search results for “japan studies” in the Public website
Judeans in Babylonia: A Study of Deportees in the Sixth and Fifth Centuries BCE
Tero Alstola defended his thesis on 21 December 2017
Islam at 250: Studies in Memory of G.H.A. Juynboll
Islam at 250: Studies in Memory of G.H.A. Juynboll is a collection of original articles on the state of Islamic sciences and Arabic culture in the early phases of their crystallization.
Low-temperature spectroscopic studies of single molecules in 3-D and on 2-D hosts
Spectroscopic studies on fluorescent single molecules in organic condensed matter does not only provide information about the molecule itself, but also its near environment. By suppression of phonon-induced broadening of spectral lines through cooling to low temperatures, small changes in the spectral…
In vitro model systems for studying the impact of organic chemicals on the skin barrier lipids
This paper describes two synthetic lipid models designed to replace human stratum corneum (SC) in studies of the impact of volatile organic chemicals on the molecular organization of the skin barrier lipids.
efficient membrane biophysical tool and its application in drug delivery studies
Promotor: A. Kros
Affinity and kinetics study of anthranilic acids as HCA2 receptor agonists
Structure-affinity relationship (SAR) and structure-kinetics relationship (SKR) studies were combined to investigate a series of biphenyl anthranilic acid agonists for the HCA2 receptor.
The role of zebrafish larvae for studying anxiety-like behaviour
The main aim of my Ph.D. thesis is to further explore the value of using early developing zebrafish larvae (up to 5 dpf) as a model to study anxiety-like behaviour and their pharmacological modulation with drugs.
Destination Syria: An Exploratory Study into the Daily Lives of Dutch 'Syria Travellers'
What does the daily life of those who travelled to Syria to join jihadist groups look like? Destination Syria, a new ISGA report, provides answers to this question
synthesis and application of paramagnetic probes for protein structure studies
The main subject of this thesis is the design and synthesis of paramagnetic molecules for protein studies with NMR and EPR spectroscopy.
A study on PsbS and its role as a pH sensor
Solar energy harnessed by plants and algae has great potential to be converted into biofuels for future generations.
Anneloes van Iwaarden: 'I think writing is one of the most fun things to do.'
Anneloes van Iwaarden works part-time as a communications manager at the Centre for Linguistics (LUCL). She grew up in England, Switzerland and the Netherlands, where she eventually studied international relations. But her passion was always writing.
Segments and rules: a comparative study on linguistic rule learning mechanisms
A central and much debated topic in the study of language acquisition concerns the nature of the learning mechanisms that are required. Are the computational and learning mechanisms that guide learning about language structure special and specific to language or humans?
- Career prospects
A Transmission and Its Transformation: The Liqujing Shibahui Mantuluo in Daigoji
Harriet Hunter defended her thesis on 26 September 2018.
These honors and distinctions were given to work that was done within the Media Technology program by both students and staff.
Kloosterman professors
List of Kloosterman professors
Asia Research Cluster
The CADS Asia Research Cluster extends the legacy of the Institute’s Asia focus into the future, as an important hub in international networks on the study of Asia and through active engagement with colleagues in Asia. Within the Institute the Asia Research Cluster offers a platform for anthropologists…
About the programme
Master International Relations specialisation Culture and Politics.
Public International Law (Advanced LL.M.)
Our Master Public International Law (L.L.M.) you will gain understanding of the legislation that governs international relations in a complex global society
Peter Liebregts
Faculty of Humanities
p.liebregts@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2160
Lennart Bes
Faculty of Humanities
l.p.j.bes@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2768
Paul Wouters
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
p.f.wouters@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Müge Kinacioglu
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.kinacioglu@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Leila Demarest
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
l.demarest@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Mark Rutgers
Faculty of Humanities
m.r.rutgers@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1628
Noa Schonmann
Faculty of Humanities
n.schonmann@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1432
Radhika Gupta
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
r.gupta@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Felix Ameka
Faculty of Humanities
f.k.ameka@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Keiko Yoshioka
Faculty of Humanities
k.yoshioka@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2553
Return to sender: a multi-method study of guardianship against transnational sexual exploitation of children
On 22 June, Anneke Koning defended the thesis 'Return to sender: a multi-method study of guardianship against transnational sexual exploitation of children'. The doctoral research was supervised by Joanne van der Leun, Masja van Meeteren and Johan van Wilsem.
Multidisciplinary studies or the Middle Paleolithic record from Neumark-Nord (Germany)
Band 69 | 2014
X Anniversary Convention of the Centre of Austrian Studies in November 2016 in Jerusalem
Impressions by Martin Küster, Master of Arts.
Labour law, judicialisation, and the future of socio-legal studies in Indonesia
Labour is back as a significant social and political force in Indonesia, as was shown in the recent 1 May trade union demonstrations in Jakarta. Over the past years major changes have taken place in Indonesian labour law, leading to new forms of judicial and political resolution of labour disputes.
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies Spring School 2025: History of Emotions (5 ECTS)
Hulpgoederen brengen naar Oekraïne: ‘Ook iemand anders had nu wat aan mijn studie’
Samen met andere studenten bracht Fien Lurvink hulpgoederen naar Oekraïne en nam vluchtelingen mee terug.
NMR studies of protein-small molecule and protein-peptide interactions
Promotor: M. Ubbink, Co-promotor: G. Siegal
Mazepus, Veenendaal, McCarthy-Jones & Vásquez, A comparative study of legitimation strategies in hybrid regimes
A comparative analysis of legitimation strategies in tree hybrid regimes: Russia, Venezuela, and Seychelles.
Unending Variety: Papyrological Texts and Studies in Honour of Peter van Minnen
The subjects of the texts vary from Demosthenes to the delivery of camels in early Islamic Egypt, and their provenances stretch from the Eastern to the Western Desert, and from the Egyptian Nile valley to Qasr Ibrim in northern Nubia.
Globalization of Waldorf education; an ethnographic case study from the Philippines
How do educational philosophies, discourses and practices spread around the globe, and how are they transformed and adapted locally?
Benelux Association for the Study of Art, Culture, and the Environment
The Benelux Association for the Study of Art, Culture, and the Environment (BASCE) is a platform for all those who are actively engaged in ecocriticism to discuss their various endeavours with peers from different disciplines and an array of intellectual, creative, or activist pursuits.
Multi-omics studies of the control of growth and antibiotic production of Streptomyces
Actinobacteria are Gram-positive bacteria that have a complex multicellular life cycle and are well known for their ability to produce a wide range of bioactive natural products (NPs).
Studies in Armenian Etymology with Special Emphasis on Dialects and Culture
This dissertation provides an up to date description of the Indo European lexical stock of Armenian (ca. 500 entries) with systematic inclusion of unused data that are found in Armenian dialects.
State Monopoly, Chinese Style: A Case Study of the Tobacco Industry
Yi-Wen Cheng defended her thesis on 28 May 2015
Pre-Columbian social organisation and interaction interpreted through the study of settlement patterns
An archaeological case-study of the Pointe des Châteaux, La Désirade and Les Îles de la Petite Terre micro-region, Guadeloupe, F.W.I.
Photothermal studies of single molecules and gold nanoparticles: vapor nanobubbles and conjugated polymers
Promotor: M.A.G.J. Orrit
Simple rule learning is not simple: Studies on infant and adult pattern perception and production
On December 11th, Andreea Geambasu succesfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Andreea on this great result.
A micro-trial study to investigate the effectiveness of public speaking treatments in children
Which intervention technique is more effective in reducing public speaking anxiety in children aged 9 – 12 years, exposure or restructuring cognitions?
Stranded: students and PhD candidates affected by the corona crisis
The travel ban and closed borders have had a big impact on our students and staff. Some are stranded abroad, while others are stranded here in the Netherlands. Others again have returned early to their home country. Three personal stories from Wuhan, Leiden and The Hague.
ICC President visits Leiden University: ‘Collaboration is essential in order to fight crime’
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is under intense scrutiny when it comes to prosecuting international crimes. This due to increasing conflicts worldwide. During her visit to Leiden, the President of the Court, Judge Tomoko Akane, said that the Criminal Court will not yield to threats.
One history, different memories. Does this always lead to conflict?
Different groups can have different memories of the same historical event. This can lead to conflict but does not have to. How is this, and how can countries and people reconcile with the past?