5,170 search results for “data” in the Public website
On this page, you will find the recordings of the online This Week's Discoveries from May 12, 2020, as well as a list of speakers since October 2015.
Questions in context: The case of French wh-in-situ
On the 4th of November, Aliza successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Aliza on this achievement!
Investigating the possibilities and limitations of Process-oriented Dynamic Testing.
Can process-oriented dynamic testing be applied to everyday educational practice?
Knowledge Extraction from Archives of Natural History Collections
Natural history collections provide invaluable sources for researchers with different disciplinary backgrounds, aspiring to study the geographical distribution of flora and fauna across the globe as well as other evolutionary processes.
The anthropological signification of the ‘Man with No Breath’ in Visayas and Mindanao epics
This paper explores the long-term endurance of “breath” as a schema of personhood in the Austronesian-speaking world, from a comparative-ethnographic approach to the “Man with No Breath” figure featured in Philippine epics. This is one of two contributions from Myfel D. Paluga and Andrea Malaya M.…
Historic Chinese Materia Medica revisited
What are the differences between the trade in Chinese herbal drugs in Europe between 1800 and now? Can we see the major metabolic changes after 200 yours?
Explaining the gender gap in COVID-19 vaccination attitudes
In this article, Dimiter Toshkov aims to explains the gender gap in COVID-19 vaccination attitudes.
Effects of heavy fields on inflationary cosmology
Promotor: Prof.dr. A. Achucarro, Co-Promotor: J.W. van Holten
Laminar Technology and the Onset of the Upper Paleolithic in the Altai, Siberia
The Altai region has yielded a cluster of Middle and Upper Paleolithic stratified sites that have been recently excavated using a multidisciplinary approach.
Enhancing the societal impact of academic publications (Creatieve Industrie – NWO KIEM)
The central goal of academic publishers is the dissemination of the results of research and scholarship. Their audiences can generally be divided into two categories. Academic publications are firstly made accessible to the scholarly community, so that these texts can form the input for new academic…
The Agro Pontino archaeological survey
Genetic and environmental factors determining heterogeneity in preservation stress resistance of Aspergillus niger conidia
Fungal food spoilage often starts with a contamination with spores. Experimental data strongly indicate the existence of subpopulations of spores with different levels of resistance to preservation methods.
The use of computational toxicology in hazard assessment of engineered nanomaterials
Assessing the risks of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) solely on the basis of experimental assays is time-consuming, resource intensive, and constrained by ethical considerations (such as the principles of the 3Rs of animal testing). The adoption of computational toxicology in this field is a high p…
The Pharmacy research group focusses on the development of predictive models to improve clinical drug efficacy and safety. We work on clinical problems that require further mechanistic understanding and strive for ultimate benefit to patients.
About us
The Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) is a centre of excellence for multidisciplinary research and education in computer science and artificial intelligence (AI).
‘Being a slave’ Indian ocean slavery in local context
What did it mean to be enslaved in in the Indian Ocean world in the 18th and 19th centuries? Over the last decades, historians have mined French, British, Portuguese and Dutch records for quantitative data on the European slave trade. This project focuses on the experience of being a slave and seeks…
Exploring Images With Deep Learning for Classification, Retrieval and Synthesis
In 2018, the number of mobile phone users will reach about 4.9 billion. Assuming an average of 5 photos taken per day using the built-in cameras would result in about 9 trillion photos annually.
Unravelling the Homicide Drop: Disaggregating a 25-Year Homicide Trend in the Netherlands
This study assesses nationwide, disaggregated trends in homicide rates over a 25-year period. Using a unique, detailed dataset, spanning a quarter of a century of homicide data allowed Aarten & Liems to assess type-specific homicide trends and the relationship between gender and age within these tre…
Make it and Break it: the cycle of pottery
A study of the technology, form, function, and use of pottery from the settlements Uitgeest-Groot Dorregeest and Schagen-Muggenburg 1, Roman Period, North-Holland, the Netherlands
Investigating dynamicity of fluency for valid oral language assessment
To what extent do aspects of fluency fluctuate throughout time? And how do raters take the dynamicity of fluency into account when rating performances?
Faint Quasars at Very Low Frequencies
In this thesis, we use low-frequency and high-frequency radio observations to address the following questions regarding quasars: is the radio loud/quiet quasar dichotomy real?
Predicting early Alzheimer's disease stage in human
A new research line is the development of liquid biopsy fingerprints to predict early Alzheimer’s disease (AD) stage in human in readily accessible body fluids in human (in collaboration with: Dr. Geert-Jan Groeneveld, CHDR; Prof. Elga de Vries, Free University Medical Center; and others).
Bankside Plants
What plants grow along ditches in the Leiden region? What does this say about vegetation quality? Could it be better? Naturalis and Leiden University's Center for Environmental Sciences are looking for your help to answer these questions.
How Jihadist Networks Operate
The recent terrorist attacks in Europe are presumably not just acts committed by individuals, but acts facilitated by larger jihadist networks. But how do such networks operate? Understanding their modus operandi can be useful knowledge to counter terrorist threats.
Wild West Frisia
The role of domestic and wild resource exploitation in Bronze Age subsistence
Developing a clinical decision support tool that will make it easier for clinicians to personalise the treatment for patients with high blood pressure. The team is using AI, deep learning methods and patient cohort data from 11 European countries.
Master & PhD Thesis Supervision
CWTS staff members regularly supervise PhD theses and act as external Ma-thesis advisors. We offer a range of topics for students from several disciplines interested in science studies, research evaluation, bibliometrics, altmetrics, higher education studies, innovation studies, organizational sociology,…
Actions you can take
Individuals, teams and faculty leaders can all help to set Academia in Motion.
Computer Science (MSc)
The two-year master’s programme in Computer Science at Leiden University offers seven specialisations ranging from AI to Bioinformatics and Data Science. The programme combines excellent theoretical teaching with possibilities for applied work with industrial relevance.
About Us
The Centre for Computational Life Sciences
- Technology
The LLRC has collaborated on developing the communicative tasks for the Leiden Learner Corpus (LLC).
Projects in the department of Industrial Ecology
The Department of Economics concentrates its research and teaching on Social Policies, Public Finance and Law and Economics
Publicatie oratie professor Klievink
On Friday 17th September 2021 an inaugural lecture was held by prof.dr.ing. Bram Klievink entitled: 'Hollen én stilstaan: hoe data en digitalisering de overheid veranderen'.
Computational Network Science Lab
The Leiden Computational Network Science Lab (CNS Lab) researches methods for knowledge discovery from real-world network data.
Prior information and variational Bayes in high dimensional statistical network inference
This thesis develops statistical methods for the analysis of high dimensional data: high dimensional networks reconstruction (Chapters 1-4), incorporation of prior information in networks reconstruction (Chapters 2-4), incorporation of prior knowledge in genetic association studies (Chapter 3).
Our facilities cover:
Reinforcement learning
The Reinforcement Learning lab conducts research into Reinforcement Learning and Intelligent Combinatorial Algorithms.
- Programme 2025
Dimitra Stefoudi
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
d.stefoudi@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6098
Huub Rottgering
rottgering@strw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5851
Marc van der Ham
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
m.j.m.van.der.ham@law.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5278838
Saskia le Cessie
Faculteit Geneeskunde
s.le_cessie@lumc.nl | +31 71 527 2124
Serge Rombouts
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
romboutssarb@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 526 9111
Nikki Vosters
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
n.d.vosters@law.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Kai Li
k.li@cml.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Sebastian Fajardo Bernal
s.d.fajardo.bernal@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Small Grants Past Research Projects
The LUCDH foster the development of new digital research by awarding a number of Small Grants each year. These are our past awardees.
Visualizing Science Using VOSviewer