448 search results for “online gaan” in the Public website
Data use, online consumer needs, business strategies and regulatory response
This project aims to explore and examine the factors that impact upon the efficacy of information disclosure duties pertaining to customer data use in online business.
ERC-subsidie om uit te zoeken hoe kinderen luchtweginfecties te lijf gaan
De crèche en het klaslokaal zijn misschien wel de meest gunstige plekken voor ziekteverwekkers. Toch is er relatief weinig bekend over hoe kinderen reageren op virussen en bacteriën en hoe het komt dat sommige kinderen veel beter beschermd zijn dan anderen. Simon Jochems, onderzoeker aan het Leids Universitair…
Hoe gaan we om met oplopende spanningen? ‘De keuze is: vechten of praten’
‘A Muslim and a Jew in the house of God.’ This is how historian Nadia Bouras introduced her recent conversation with colleague Sara Polak in Leiden’s Hooglandse Kerk. They discussed the rising tensions since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war. ‘Dare to ask each other questions.’
Immigrants on Grindr: Race, Sexuality and Belonging Online
This book investigates how gay-identified immigrants and refugees experience feelings of inclusion or exclusion within a sexually-charged online subculture. Explores the response of ethnic minorities to demonstrations of racism and xenophobia within an intolerant European climate. Challenges political…
Online Q&A International Relations and Diplomacy (Advanced)
Study information, Online Experience
Online Course Clinical Research Regulation in the Netherlands
Are you planning to conduct clinical research in the Netherlands? In this online course, you are introduced to legislation and procedures on clinical research in the Netherlands. It will help you prepare and submit your research file efficiently. The first three themes ‘The Dutch Review System’ , ‘The…
Master Online Open Day on 9 and 10 October 2025
Study information
Online Course Safety & Security Challenges in a Globalized World
Security and safety challenges rank among the most pressing issues of modern times. Challenges such as cyber-crime, terrorism, and environmental disasters impact the lives of millions across the globe. The course will introduce you to this broad theme in an increasingly complex world.
Online Course The Miracles of Human Language: Introduction into Linguistics
There is no human society that does not employ a rich and diverse language. This course introduces you to linguistics, featuring interviews with well-known linguists and with speakers of many different languages. Join us to explore the miracles of human language!
Online Course Clinical Kidney, Pancreas and Islet Transplantation
Kidney transplantation is a major advance of modern medicine. This course will give you state of the art updates about what used to be an experimental, risky, and very limited treatment option more than 50 years ago and is now routinely performed in many countries worldwide.
Online Course EU Policy & Implementation: Making Europe Work!
In this top-rated course, you will learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various authorities. It discusses the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure and the main causes of policy failure or…
Online Course Introduction to Comparative Indo-European Linguistics
Indo-European is the name of the language family to which English belongs, along with many sub-families such as Germanic languages and Romance languages. In this course, you will delve into the structure and origins of these branches, the oldest languages belonging to the language family, linguistic…
Nadira Saab
n.saab@iclon.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5726
Carlotta Rigotti
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
c.rigotti@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8838
Online project-based higher education: student collaboration and outcomes
The current dissertation presents a review study and three empirical studies, focusing on the understanding of the state of the art of research about PjBL in higher education and the investigation of the relation between PjBL and student outcomes in the context of Chinese higher education.
How young adults explain their intention to participate in online direct citizen participation
Facilitating direct citizen participation through online channels is considered as an opportunity for including harder to reach groups in participation.
Power and dignity: the ends of online behavioral advertising in the European Union
On 7 May, Aleksandre Zardiashvili defended the thesis 'Power and dignity: the ends of online behavioral advertising in the European Union'. The doctoral research was supervised by Bart Custers and Simone van der Hof.
Neeltje Blankenstein
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
n.e.blankenstein@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
dashboards: Using learning analytics to explore higher educations students’ online and offline feedback processes
Learning analytics tracks students’ online learning activities in order to support their learning. But what if most of their learning takes place offline, out of sight of digital eyes?
het leuk dat je helemaal vrij bent in het onderwerp waarover je wilt gaan schrijven'
Tijdens de Dies Natalis worden elk jaar de Leidse Universitaire Scriptieprijzen uitgereikt. Elke faculteit selecteert hiervoor haar beste scriptie. De beste scriptie van FGGA is geschreven door Leah Beekhuizen met de titel: ‘De lusten of lasten van radicale collega-belangenbehartigers’
Ik kijk er naar uit om de komende jaren kruisverbanden te gaan leggen tussen de verschillende organisaties.
In november 2023 is Anne Fleur van Veenstra, wetenschappelijk directeur van TNO Vector, benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar ‘Governance van data en algoritmen voor stedelijk beleid’.
Art of Captivity Online exhibition by Benjamin Fogarty-Art Valenzuela
The online exhibition 'Art of Captivity' corresponds with the publication of anthropologists Kevin Lewis O'Neill and Benjamin Fogarty-Art Valenzuela's book the Art ofCaptivity (University of Toronto Press 2020).
An online self-help programme for people with HIV and depressive symptoms
To investigate the effectiveness of an online self-help programme for people with HIV and depressive symptoms.
Online e-health intervention to improve sleep and the biological clock in university students
Learning about circadian rhythms can help students to improve their sleep and overall well-being
Information Diffusion Analysis in Online Social Networks based on Deep Representation Learning
With the emergence of online social networks (OSNs), the way people create and share information has changed, which becomes faster and broader than traditional social media.
Adolescents' responses to online peer conflict: How self‐evaluation and ethnicity matter
In online games conflicts between players may arise. Novin, Bos, Stevenson and Rieffe investigated factors that may explain why some adolescents react more angrily than others in this type of situation. In their realistically designed gaming environment, the (pre-programmed) fellow player suddenly started…
Zane Kripe
z.kripe@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
MOOC: The Importance and Power of Music in our Society
Online cursus The Importance and Power of Music in our Society
Lecture Series: Technology and the Violence Nexus: AI, Social Media, and Online Hate Speech
Online Course Anatomy of the Abdomen and the Pelvis: A Journey from Basic to Clinic
In this course, you will explore the organs involved in our food digestion and discover the common causes of abdominal and pelvic pain. The latest graphics and animations will give you new insights and understandings of this part of the body.
Online Course International Law in Action: Investigating and Prosecuting International Crime
This course provides an insider perspective into the work of international criminal courts and tribunals. You will learn about the investigation and prosecution of international crimes in The Hague.
Online Course International Law in Action: The Arbitration of International Disputes
This course explores international arbitration as one of the most common methods of international dispute settlement. You will gain an in-depth understanding of international arbitration through the analysis of its role as a mechanism of dispute settlement, its institutions, the fields of law it is…
Digital nationalism in China: Sino-Japanese history in online networks
This project will explore how Chinese digital networks are grounded in real-world institutions, and how interest groups and individuals use digital infrastructures to shape public discourse on national history.
Supporting interaction and reducing bias in a diverse online class using a technological intervention: Investigating the effect grouping mechanism
In a virtual game environment, one of the positive effects of anonymity is the absence of one's prejudice toward others, which can give a person the freedom to change and experiment (Bartle, 2003). This project will adopt anonymity to be added to online cross-cultural collaborative learning in higher…
Cybercrime en witwassen; Bitcoins, online dienstverleners en andere witwasmethoden bij banking malware en ransomware
With the growth of cybercrime in recent years, there is an urgency to gain insight into the money laundering process and the actors involved. This study focusses on the money laundering process and maps the actors involved in banking malware and ransomware.
celebrity diplomacy in China: activism, symbolism and national ambition online
In this article in International Affairs, Saskia Postema and Jan Melissen examine Chinese celebrities' UN-affiliated Weibo activism in the context of China's increasing engagement in the United Nations, which coincides with a shrinking domestic public sphere under Xi Jinping's leadership.
- Effatha-gebaren - Het ontstaan van een dialect in Nederlandse Gebarentaal
An Online Corpus of UML design models: Construction and empirical studies
Promotores: J. Kok, M. Chaudron (Chalmers University)
Online Course International Law in Action: A Guide to the International Courts and Tribunals in The Hague
This course explains the functions of each international court and tribunal in The Hague. On the basis of cases and interviews with judges and lawyers, this course explores the role of these courts and tribunals and their potential to contribute to global justice.
Deep Hanging Out in the Age of the Digital; Contemporary Ways of Doing Online and Offline Ethnography
A brief review essay on some of the work that has been recently published in the emergent field of digital ethnography.
Meet the graduates of Governance of Sustainability - Online Event
Study information
Mohammed Raiz Shaffique
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
m.r.shaffique@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Survey on open and online learning: Please join!
Currently, more and more universities are experimenting with various forms of digitization: MOOCs, SPOCs, but also the adoption of YouTube video’s, online quizzes and other online learning methods in university education. Many of these educational methods are not just digital, but also freely accessible…
Social Science Matters: Online privacy
In our digital society, the internet seems to offer endless possibilities for expressing yourself, gathering information, and making contact with others. The anonymity of the internet seems to give us the freedom to come and go as we please. But what about our online privacy? Should it be dealt with…
The Mathematical Institute has a rather liberal management structure. Tasks and responsibilities are distributed among the staff. Important decisions are taken by consensus. Various organisational divisions are featured below.
#plandemic: Core framings on Twitter and what this tells us about countering online far right COVID-19 conspiracies
This paper examines the need and possibility for developing online resilience-based approaches in response to COVID-19 vaccine conspiracies, often linked to the far right.
Onze vroegste voorouders
De menselijke geschiedenis strekt zich ver uit vóór de tijd waarin de mensen opschreven wat er zoal gebeurde.
Geometric approach to evolution problems in metric spaces
Promotor: S.M. Verduyn Lunel, Co-promotor: O.W. van Gaans
A recipe for desert: analysis of an extended Klausmeier model
Promotores: Arjen Doelman, Jens Rademacher, Max Rietkerk
Extension of Operators on Pre-Riesz Spaces
This thesis mainly extends the theory of positive operators on Riesz spaces to a setting of pre-Riesz spaces.